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Everything posted by Craigary

  1. What else can an average person do in this situation? Just curious
  2. Please don’t joke about this. It’s a serious topic.
  3. Don’t worry you can cover your losses come tax season! They’ll give you atleast two (2) whole United States dollars back! Wrong. @Bacta join the military. Tricare will solve all those problems. Not to mention free college smh
  4. /HT Let’s dive deep here. Back in 2017/2018 was the peak for the server and it’s gone hill since and it’s simply because of said culture. People we’re getting on and there was always something happening. Not just events. It was easier to get on the server and find something to do. Now I just connected to the server today as a matter of fact and noticed all people do is events and afk. Or do shit they have to in order to rank up. There used to be just random PVP sims in the claimable areas and stuff of that nature that was fun. Now the only thing being hosted are shit trainings/ poorly planned Sims so people can get points and rank up. Besides that the people in general. New leadership = a lot of changes. Between now and 2017 a lot of how the server functions has changed. Staff is literally turned into a high command popularity contest? Why not just make HA and application at this point. Let’s take people not involved in the staff team and give them a vote. Cmon. No H8 just my opinion. Theres a lot of stuff that’s changed. The atmosphere is huge and the reason why I stuck and got as far as I did, and it’s just not the same, it also doesn’t help that life is changing in general and there’s no real places to just be yourself anymore, that ideal has been brought to this gmod server. Can’t be dumb with friends without people getting angry. In terms of a loss like you stated, that has always been a thing. TLDR It feels like no one really has the same drive in general as they used to. It’s just autonomous oh “somethings broken” and fixing/changing it immediately instead of working for a better solution. And in general people don’t really have a whole lot of fun, just boring promotions and repetitiveness.
  5. Homeboy, if you plan on replacing it, wait till you have a fully thought out plan. Make a new suggestion to solely replace heavy with whatever you want it replaced with. that way if this gets accepted and the other suggestion gets denied you’re not left with nothing. You should void this and put up a new suggestion to add whatever it is you want, and remove heavy. Smartest biggest brain move. -1 for the culture
  6. Don’t forget, if you missed last years stimulus check, and qualified for it (as well as the 2020 stimulus checks) you can claim the missed payments through the ARPA ( American Rescue Plan Act ) credit. There were 3 rounds of stimulus checks, and pretty much everybody who isn’t a dependent qualified for 2021’s stimulus. ($1400) Also if you handled crypto last year good luck. Took me hours just to get all of my transactions together not to mention actually filling out the form with everything. Don’t catch a felony! If you used a US based trading platform IE coinbase for example last year, all transactions are taxable now, not just profits or purchasing with crypto. Crypto exchanges, crypto purchasing and withdrawal every individual transaction is now taxable.
  7. +1. I can really find a genuine use for this job. I understand the intention, and, it seems to have many useful additions besides an oddly specific situation in which you are pursuing a bounty placed against a SINGLE Jedi, in which you get this one Jedi alone in order to kill them. Jetpack BH I believe will Not level out the playing field just fine.
  8. Outback is trash compared to Texas Roadhouse. Expensive L. definitely chick fil a cuz I be gettin that discount.
  9. Ah, I see you suffer my same fate
  10. If she doesn’t appreciate your synergy achievements then she isn’t “hot”
  11. hot take I stg in like the years that I was able to play, I can count on my fingers how many times people interacted with placed props as part of their “RP” on a daily basis (exception of medbay). Be honest props are just to look cool, and get rid of the emptyness lmao. /s But fr fr, the number of props can drastically be cut down in all categories IMO. Debrief, courtyard and medbay / (maybe engine room, maybe) are places ideally I see uses for.
  12. 🙄 if you wanted to race me to HA again you should’ve just said so smh.
  13. Him stating he was banned without a sit should be good enough to unban black cmon. Let’s be honest a lot of times situations are resolved with a simple sit or talking to/ verbal warning. That boy hungry. Fail Rp & RDM = Arrest * NITRP= max 1 day ban. * Mass rdm (technically) could be up to a 5 day ban, but “accidental mass rdm” as in this case, is handled on a case by case basis * meaning it could be handled with a simple talking to and arrest especially since he didn’t actually kill a single person. * (According to the punishment guidelines correct me if I’m wrong havent been staff in a while L). Proper channels and standards weren’t followed. +1 Black the British are coming.
  14. Endor has a terrible sky box, and it’s terribly optimized.
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