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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2019 in all areas

  1. Joah once said "I am not making autism flyable" Denied //locked //moved to denied
    4 points
  2. I'd say remove 187th
    3 points
  3. -1 We need to work on our current battalions before adding new ones.
    3 points
  4. Before all the "not approved comments," I am posting this for Mango/Yeti. He has spoken to Joah who directed him to add this for a suggestion. Name: Apache4K RP Rank: Knight/PVT Suggestion: Bring back 38th Engineer Corps Experience relevant to suggestion: Former BCMD of 38th. I joined 38th when it was first created and at the time it was filled with alot of prominent staff and members with big named characters so they had incredibly limited time to spend on building it up. I was worked very hard to recruit and find a good structure with the battalion. The biggest setback at the time was a limit on spawns for props, vehicles, weapons and other items to help make sims/events more involved. Even with this setback 38th had some of the best RP int he Engine room during all events. Regiment: Specialized Lore: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/38th_Armored_Division Named Characters: Gaffa (Sergeant - Previously made WO) Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1226589987 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=835781138 Or just paying for a Dev to create 38th Structure: All members would be Engineers. It previously had medics, pilots, ARF and Combat Engineer. I think it would work better with Medic(limit 2), Heavy Trooper(combat focused Engineer), ARF/Support(Limit 2-4), Pilot/Artillery (Handles turrets, tanks, etc), Officer, and Jet(if reasonable to fit RP scenarios for eng repairs.) This battalion is based as a branch of the Armored Division. It would focus mostly on engineer roleplay. That would encompass repairs, maintenance, system updates, vehicle repairs and other equipment roleplay. Advanced troops could possibly be trained for tech, eod and other specialized skillsets. I believe this battalion could add so much for RP scenarios. I have seen it in action prior and the level of Rp was top tier. With some better assistance(sorry Zombie), this could be a incredible asset to the server.
    2 points
  5. You might know me and you might not. either way, this will be my last post in a while. (I might come back sooner or later) ↓Some people who have helped me through my journey, or I know↓ @Poe - You've probably helped me a lot. I know when I joined back a few months ago I hadn't had the greatest listening skills. But I cannot be mad at you for things I did. I hope you can forgive me for what I did. @Cyclops - Even though you don't play on the server anymore, I still think you're one of the reasons I stayed in the 327th a lot longer than I was going to. @justuscloud5 - I hope to see you stay in the 327th for a while. @Nano - I will never forget what you said to me, thank you for all of the help. @Jenko - Ur a meme... @Regional - You're doing great in the 327th, buddy, I want you to keep it up. @Clank - You might of have been kicked out of the 327th, but I still liked you for all of the hard work you did back then. And when you came back, you came back stronger than ever. @Bananaberry - I don't really know you that much, because when I joined the 327th I was shy and scared to speak. But now I realise you're doing great than ever, I hope to see you again. @Brady - I hadn't known you for long, but you seem like a cool guy. Keep up the great work in the 501st and you'll make it somewhere. @Cannon - Like you told me when you joined the server you wanted to be a minge and get banned, but that didn't happen :). I let the past be the past and forgot about that little incident though. I hope you one day do better than you are right now in the 327th. @Usefulgamer - You name used to be Useless, you should've kept it that way lol. All jokes aside, you've been in the 327th for a long time and you became something greater than me. Good job! @Kangaroo - I had never heard you a lot, but when I did :O... @Elijah - I don't really know you as much as I would like to. I know that I been with you on the Venator a couple of times. But other than that it's not that much. Anyone in the 501st - I don't know everyone in the 501st, but some of you I do and sorry for not making a message to you. ~~ I know this was short, but I don't know that many people. If I have forgotten to add you on the list, I am sorry. ~~ To anyone that knows me, and knows me for good things I had done on the server. Please forgive me if I hadn't put your name on here. I know that when I joined back, I was acting immature, but I'm just a kid and I have time to learn. When I come back (if I come back) hopefully I can get all of my loose ends tied up. Hopefully, you're not the people who only know bad things about me. Because I don't want you to just remember the bad things that I had done when I came back. Sincerely, Rickle...
    2 points
  6. Fat -1 We have too many Battalions as it is. I'd rather see fewer batts with 10+ people on each than the current amount we have now with 0-6 members on at a time. We shouldn't even be considering adding anymore battalions, we should be considering having less. *insert any Thanos meme here*
    2 points
  7. +1 38th jedi master poof, tbh 38th was very fun and had fun rp
    2 points
  8. Honestly in Gmod PvP is really shitty just keep practicing.
    2 points
  9. When I joined 327th instead of my original plan of assassinating palpatine and calling Windu a [CLASSIFIED], then shooting up DB.
    2 points
  10. Big +1 to Bro. Bro is probably one of the most friendly, approachable, wise, intelligent, and caring people I have met on the server. He is very accepting to criticism, and works great with everyone in the 212th and in Base Ops. As a leader, he is impeccable. His orders are clear, understandable, logical, and always seek to involve everyone in the situation to the greatest extent possible. As a support overseer, Bro has transformed the 212th support regiments into groups that are not only worth joining, but groups that can thrive and build upon themselves without external help. His RP is also amazing (I still tear up laughing thinking about the amazing old man Bro RP, lol). I cannot stress enough how charismatic and wonderful this guy is; he's a great choice for commander Cody. TL;DR - +1 to Bro, good luck!
    1 point
  11. I just want to +1 this application real quick here. Like others have said, Striker is a good guy. He is blunt, from what I have seen, but that can be a good thing. I think he works well as a leader for the 212th. Some people here have raised that Striker's activity has been an issue in the past; I would agree, to an extent. I think he is as active as one can expect from someone who has a life going on outside of GMOD. An increase of activity would be welcome, but is by no means necessary in my opinon. TL;DR - +1, good luck!
    1 point
  12. 7/10 way to fast for a event it was more like a encounter speed and time wise
    1 point
  13. @Beast he was a meme child of my creation. When he first joined he was too terrified to speak. Soooo after consistent weeks with me, I uhh, taught him my methods of fun. Straight from hell I moulded a racist memey child in my image. Beautiful he was. And I hope this goober comes back. Maybe his 3rd blacklist appeal from the 327th will get accepted. *wink*
    1 point
  14. 9/10. It was genuinely fun for the jedi/sith, however the clones of course probably think different. However as a game master you should NOT go into peoples channels to yell at them for their choices. Do not do that in any circumstance. It doesn't make you look good. Remember to adapt and work around sticks that may be thrown in your way.
    1 point
  15. 8/10 It was fun but clones kept rolling up and made it a bit annoying. All in all it was really fun
    1 point
  16. So it is work that requires high staff and leadership to handle? Because this concept would be able to function on it's own without taking server resources to run besides the initial startup. The point of a hierarchy and regiments and staff organization is to have chain of command and chain of resources. A battalion having an issue should means the BCMD should create an action plan of issues and solutions and take it to their superior to either implement or take the next step up to be implemented. One batt issue shouldn't require an entire server to fix. And if it cant be fixed after enough time, either replace leadership or find a new batt. These are simple business concepts I work with on a day to day level. Its basic economics.
    1 point
  17. +1 get rid of base ops and add this
    1 point
  18. +1 remove sith and add this instead
    1 point
  19. Do you know how much just having 128 people on the server taxes it in general and the amount of crashes that happen because the server can only really handle that with minor stress in terms of droids props dupes ect. Besides I don't even think Garry's mod can handle a server pop over 128 due to the version of the source engine it uses
    1 point
  20. Alrighty I've got my blue titty bitch. I need my wookie bitch ;-;
    1 point
  21. shit Hit me up lmao Neutral. tbh theres bigger things for this server that needs to be implemented before we even consider adding a battalion but if, (that's a big if) this does get accepted. I hereby accept the commission (Im always down to grind some baggers out)
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. -1 stop asking for more battalions when the server already has enough. 187th is still fairly new and a whole new RM like battalion won’t help the server. This will just lead to more division in numbers and more dead battalions.
    1 point
  24. I agree if it stopped at solely doing Eng rp. But being as it is the armored division. It would be a good battalion to work in turrets or other artillery.
    1 point
  25. +1 as a former 38th memberI 100% support the 38th coming back. Honestly it was the most fun I had in the server.
    1 point
  26. Please for the love of god stop adding more battalions
    1 point
  27. If new models are needed. I would be the one donating to have them made. Donate is the key word here as well. And Joah knows I'm good for it. And now I'm hearing mixed points. You say there are already plenty of engineers. Meanwhile 3 others have stated eng rp is dying/dead. We have to agree it is either doing fine or it is dying. Also how would it hurt having a collective of engineers all trained in a uniform and functioning fashion.
    1 point
  28. Fuck yes bring back the 38th, welcome back Apache. +1
    1 point
  29. I feel the opposite. If base ops doesn't want to encourage the task of ENG then maybe just give it to someone else. Some one probably more dedicated. 38th showed they cared in the past and I'm sure, under the right leadership, they can do it again. Granted numbers were...lacking...they still served their purpose. Not even arguably, the same could be said about 187th and how they were lacking on numbers at that same time. So they both got removed. I feel 38th had more of a purpose to stay on the server though. No clue. Just sayin' that this battalion would be extra useful in the lack of the presence of a naval or whatever at the time. Overall neutral. Leaning to +1 but not yet.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. +1 Saying he is too inactive is pretty stupid.. tbh. He is EU and has been on LOA. He revived 501st & got it a active officer corp. Pretty much rebuild 501st from the minge fest he was left to the state it is in now. Probably best option for ATK Reg currently.
    1 point
  32. Nade does have a good point. I like you Bro you put the Support branches in a good place and I just can't stretch this enough but 212th has been doing good. And i think you are ready for Cody next term. I wish you best of luck but i dont think yet buddy. Hope we still stay friends -1
    1 point
  33. +1 He is a good leader he knows how to say No. Good luck
    1 point
  34. Striker and I stepped into the BCMD position at the same time. I've had the pleasure to work with him and his 212th as they are quite close to the 501st. A BCMD can make or break the battalion and Striker has really lifted the 212th up. From the sheer amount of 212th on to the quality of his men, he has done a fine job for the 212th. Striker has led the 212th for 6 months now and I have always looked up to him and his work with his battalion. Striker is a wonderful dude to work with and I've had no problems with him during our time as fellow BCMDs. When any problem has risen we've discussed it and solved it. I've trusted his judgment and he's trusted mine. Striker has proven himself a great leader of the 212th and I see no reason why he cannot remain as Cody. Good luck Massive +1
    1 point
  35. I'll hit you up in discord or TS asap
    1 point
  36. Nice app! Seen you in game a few times and you look like you know what you’re doing. +1
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Me and mike meme and joke and we don't like some people because they are too let's say uh weird
    1 point
  39. People raging in roblox phantom forces, hearing someone getting yelled at for yelling so loud
    1 point
  40. +1 both of you are good candidates
    1 point
  41. Neutral for now I haven't seen much of either of you on the server even in my time as DU or BO but best of luck to both.
    1 point
  42. +1, as a trooper, you exceed all expectations and should be the commander for the 212th
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. +1 I think you can lead well
    1 point
  45. +1 Bro is literally the reason I stayed on Synergy due to his amazing kind personality yet also serious tone when he needs to be. Also I disagree with what Nade said, as in my opinion, 212th has become worse due to some decisions from our current commander. All of those decisions, of course, have had their reasons and justifications but I along with many others in the battalion disagree with the way things are going and think that it is time for a new Cody.
    1 point
  46. -1 I was overseeing your Base Ops tryouts to which you were mingy and obviously did not understand basic things about the server
    1 point
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