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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/29/2024 in all areas

  1. Name: Clutch Staff Rank: VA Are you VIP?: Yes and Sub Date: 3/29/2024 Reason for leaving: In my 435 days as staff and 278 days as VA I've never experienced burn out like I have in the past 3 weeks. I get on the server and instantly want to get off to avoid doing staff work. I figured taking an LOA for a week would help but it just made me want to resign the more time I took off. My main push during my VA time was pushing to HA and with Kaiser taking the last spot and seeing the current HA team they aren't going anywhere and I don't have another 9 months in me to give it my all. It isn't fair to my battalion to continue with staff because staff is only killing my drive to continue playing. Any time I get in teamspeak and get a message like "hey can you help with an event" or "can you do my staff interview?" it kills my entire mood and like I said it's not fair to my battalion. I'm sure I'll be back to staff eventually just not right now. Farewells: I'm not leaving the server so I have no need for goodbyes, but thank you to everyone that helped me get to this point and to my peers for working along side me.
    14 points
  2. o7. Big loss for the staff team. Shafted.
    3 points
  3. 5/5/5 This was a blast, really fun event tons of rp and a bit of shooting. I loved it, nothing that was overcomplicated no lag nothing, great pick with the event jobs aswell so thank you @blazinI truly enjoyed this masterpiece of a event!
    2 points
  4. Name: Hunter SteamID: STEAM_0:1:147787002 Who helped (If applicable): STEAM_0:88765992 (Jake),STEAM_0:1:196597845 (Soulless), STEAM_0:13970381 (Reborn), Super, Crimson Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Gohn end of term super epic and awesome fun Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: N/A Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
    1 point
  5. o7 Appreciate all the hard work and time you've put into the staff team and into the server. Your presence in High Staff will be missed for sure. Enjoy your freedom while it lasts!
    1 point
  6. You are awesome dude, one of the best VAs, thank you for all your help man
    1 point
  7. VA for almost a year that is dedication
    1 point
  8. +1 This MF been grinding, has been a great Jesse and Has been a great addition to the 501st. I look forward to working more with this man in the 501st.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Sad to see you leave man you were a great staff member and a even better VA
    1 point
  11. o7 Great, staff member! Hope to see you back in the team one day!
    1 point
  12. Oh man, after our little chat I was hoping not to see this <3 At the end of the day its about happiness and I hope you find it <3
    1 point
  13. +1, both candidates are great but I believe Karl is more ambitious with what he plans on doing and that's something 501st needs right now.
    1 point
  14. +1 I believe you have what it takes
    1 point
  15. 2/3/5 Was Really Confusing on what was happening no struture on what was going on.
    1 point
  16. Name: Alying SteamID: STEAM_0:0:488984789 Who helped (If applicable): STEAM_0:0:144976775 (Vortexuss) Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The Senator had been intercepted by a Deathwatch CMD with help of CIS forces. Troopers had to defuse bombs, interrogate the CMD, heal the Senator with skilled medics from injuries and did great work all around! Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Fireball Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
    1 point
  17. How? How? By doing what? How? Why?
    1 point
  18. Will you stop Naval from making new docs (MED/Pilot) every single time they get a new lead?
    1 point
  19. Thanks for the question, I hope to clear the confusion. I had no intention of attending nor was planning too attend the tryout. My major and I were talking to each other until he said it was time to wait for Echo tryouts, following that I joined the channel with him and stood near him in-game. I then lined up with him (jokingly), close to a minute later those hosting the tryout joined and said "are you really leaving Rex for Echo?" I sarcastically answered "yes I totally want Echo more than Rex." After that Rohan had joined and said "hope your ready for the interview", Following that I believe I said something jokingly back to Rohan as all altercations I have had with him has been friendly and jokingly. After this it was nearing the time for the actual tryout to start, and since I didn't plan on attending I didn't want to make the tryout go on longer than it needed as it would only cause the attendees more pain. And I believe the following night Rohan had joined the channel that I was in and had asked me if I really left the Echo tryout because he said there was an interview, so I then explained to him I was joking and didn't plan on attending. I do plan to run again, even if I do not get it this time around as I do plan to stay and keep bettering the 501st.
    1 point
  20. -1 application is in a stupid ass color makes it hard to read can’t trust he won’t be incompetent
    -1 points
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