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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2024 in all areas

  1. Name: Gurk Game Master Rank: GMM Are you VIP?: Ye Date: 02 05 2024 Reason for leaving: Resigning from the server as whole. No time to play. Started building the new house + work + kid and wife= No time at all. No motivation or energy to get on, so Id rather let someone active take the GMM. I tried to be as active as I can, but it ended up with my forcing myself to be on/ Getting too inactive in general. Tried seeing if resigning as VA would help with the activity, but it did not. Farewells: Too many people to say goodbye to, but gonna give some mentions @Joyboy @KaiserNeiner @Misfit1 @Banagite @Zeros @Badger98 @gohn @Rohan @Clutch @Bacta @blazin @Boof And alot more W friends made from playing SWRP, those who knows, knows. It was a fun and W year. You will probably see me back one day, when I have more time to play
    1 point
  2. +1 he is cool and I am Arligan, so I am also cool. Some may say I am a "cool expert". Perhaps I am. Perhaps I am not.
    1 point
  3. +1, you shown your capable of holding the position with good experience
    1 point
  4. D1 Glazing +1 Clutch would be good for the Job, considering his past experience being Wolffe and RCMD. From what I heard alot of people in SOBDE want him in the position, and that all you really need to be considered for it. Keep it up Clutch!
    1 point
  5. +1 Clutch would be the perfect BCMD for us right now. His past experience and how he fits in with the other squad leads, literally perfect. He's a natural leader and has the ability to keep SOBDE standards high. Really excited for the chance to work under him here.
    1 point
  6. This looks awfully familiar. I think that its possible for you to be a good BCMD. But you need to compromise with people. Just because something is a rule shouldn't make it unbendable or absolute. Take things on a case by case basis and youll do alright. Yes SOBDE is special but its a battalion now. Remember that. You did good as Wolffe you can do well as BCMD. +1,
    1 point
  7. +1 He's been extremely helpful to the whole of the jedi order and a great GMO
    1 point
  8. +1 he puts in the hours and does a great job as a GMO so why not.
    1 point
  9. All good, I had to type it there because I dont have perms to make a topic in the regular section. I made a forum bug report for that too.
    1 point
  10. What makes me think I am ready? I am not sure what to tell you other than I feel ready to come back.
    1 point
  11. What makes you think that since you left the server a month ago now returning that you wont get burnt out again? It has been only enough and as a person who experienced this and has done it before I personally don't think 1 month is enough time to say that you are ready to jump right back into things. Again multiple people on this server have left and came back multiple times due to them not giving themselves enough time and jumping into Leadership positions, Staff positions ETC... What makes you think you are ready to jump back into the staff team after only being gone for 1 month?
    1 point
  12. kind of a based app ngl
    1 point
  13. 1st Clip: 1. This is on his BH not his BCMD job, I get your concerns about him but this is more of a staff thing not a commander report. 2. This by rule isn't fear RP because he has an Ally and never in here does he have 3 guns trained against one. 3. He literally wins the fight. Idk how someone can argue Fear Rp when they win the engagement. The motive behind FearRP is if someone is fully outmatched and its completely unrealistic that they would think they have a chance of winning the fight, but he quite literally wins here. Weird clip, makes no sense to include it. 2nd Clip: This is literally funny. Who cares? There aren't any inherent rules against this. He isn't responsible for the actions of the CT, and more than likely the CT was gonna do this anyways. This whole report is summed up in this clip. CG *nerd emoji* getting mad at everyone else having fun. 3rd Clip: 1. CT wasn't even on intercom. 2. Kaiser didn't tell him to do anything. 3. You are right there as a CG, arrest him. Its not Kaiser's job to go into staff mode and arrest him while you are standing right there. 4. It's funny. Its funny when a CT goes on intercom. Its funny when they struggle to figure it out as well. Who cares? 4th Clip: Maybe not the right time or way to call out the rules, but this is not grounds for a demotion from BCMD in the slightest. The mastiff rules are dumb. How can you expect to treat any RP with those things seriously at all. They look so stupid and 99% of the time go around and bark at people. People are going to act mingey when presented with a fucking dog in star wars. 5th Clip: 1. on BH. 2. running around bind where more than likely on Kaiser's screen you were no where near him. 3. FailRp from fusion cutters. 4. Your bind sucks, he still has his weapon. Commando Droid situation: If there even was a rule break (there wasn't) its Zeros fault, and not Kaiser. LAAT clip: Funny and he was already punished for that I'm pretty sure. I get some of the things Kaiser does are slimy and he isn't always the most upstanding guy in the community, but you really could've done better collecting evidence. The things here just don't warrant a removal from BCMD in the slightest, and his worst offenses were on his BH. These issues are more of a staff thing, so a staff report would have been a bigger issue. There has been tension boiling from the 212th and CG and its very noticeable from everyone else, but this is not at all the way it should've been handled. I do think Kaiser need to be more consistent in who he applies the rules to and who he doesn't, but this isn't grounds for a commander report at all IMO.
    1 point
  14. A staff member on suspension is still a member of staff they weren't removed they WERE SUSPENED KEY WORD
    0 points
  15. it was a commando event and they ended up shooting at my members casuing mass confusion on who to target they also weren't commando droids and I still never gave you permission to do be on the model or the WL. Of course there is no clip of this only the picture posted.
    -1 points
  16. Even tho he was on a suspession from staff he was still a member of staff and he has to follow the rules. The fact that people are defending this action and saying it was a joke have no regard for server rules.
    -1 points
  17. +1 Great as Niner and Squad Lead Would love to see him as the BCMD
    -2 points
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