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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2018 in Posts

  1. Battalion: Base Ops RP Name: Base Ops Command Yularen Date: 12/10/2018 Reason: Due to the feedback given on the 2nd report made on me, I was asked to step down by the directors and tyzen. I am thankful that they allowed me to do this. Goodbyes: @Skeeti Hey I lasted longer than 2 weeks @UneJamMut Help out with keeping base ops in line. Also thanks for checking up on me. @Tharin Just do your best and those who look up to you will follow you to the end of the earth @Andrews53 I had too just cause of the meme @Alfa I tried my hardest to make you proud @Freck I'm sorry I wasn't the leader you wanted me to be @Orlando Never forget Yularen's Fist @Crimson Welp, what can I say except Mission failed: but we will get em next time @Scribbles You are fun to hang out with don't let people tell you otherwise @Bro I can't even imagine how hard this is going to be for you to read this, but you were like my older brother always trying to work with me so I could succeed. I did, and I went above and beyond my expectations. Just don't let engineers die. @Punybob Thanks for coming back and trying to stay around. @[SR] Axar [A]Axar I don't think I will ever forgive myself for the way things went down in that meeting @[SR BigBen VA] Don't let me down I know you will do great things @Ratio Raggy? @Esitt I was the last yularen, well depending on when new models come out we will see. Also, I am sorry I let you down. @COC4INE Don't be mad it was way better to be allowed to say all this than get removed and say nothing @BigBoss Never stopped cleaning our windows on that venator @Perri So umm tell me more about email @[SR] Naffen [A] Been watching you since we first crossed paths and man have you grown and matured @Jacien I miss you @Qal Hey, I am sorry I left you alone so fast, but things happen and I know you will be the best attack reg you can @[SR]Logic[SA] Bud, honestly relax a bit and maybe enjoy some of life. You were always a good kid to me don't forget why you wanted to go so far @Xaze Well, well, well... I think you got some explaining to do. Seal pictures and puppy photos? What is this 3 months ago? @Shakes. You beat me to this post by like 1 day @Pythin you were always chill and edgy like a brain freeze. @Square Thank you for allowing me to make a post like this. Although you might wanna protect your image some people might think you are getting soft around the edges @Dill Baby, gib mir mehr von dem, was du Liebe nennst Auch wenn es keine Liebe ist, ich liebe es @Medic You left your wallet at the house. How you gonna buy the cigaretts now @Joah I still am one of the best medics you have had in a long time also you have a new chair @BadDog Cya on the flipside @PunishedDrayyenDrayyen make 327th great again @Hiki Stay out of trouble @Juiccy you always super chill @Chill Finish those med documents @IKE Hey man, you helped a lot for the time you were in naval @Sock Monkey Hi there @Oxen come back soon @Prince Welcome back @Lighig Lighig in a pokeball sorry if you weren't @ messaged I have a headache and i nearly threw up while typing this it's been an honor to be your admiral.
    4 points
  2. do the 1v1, if he wins he is unbanned and if he losses he is perma banned again
    4 points
  3. Its so weird to go through the teamspeak and see all these names foreign to me now, Hardly anyone from back in the day is actually still playing here. Just saw a post back from when I was playing last year about a Tower Made event, And Zaheriels stories he used to post on the forums, more like a diary entry. Even those are not as old as some of the mates that chilled on here with me in the 212th back when Billiam was around, Its sad to see little to no old faces that where once close with me and others. Miss the old 212th lads and co. @Zahariel @Waterman @212th Happy @Rafrica @Jagger @BlackMamba @Cabrera @Fours @BadDog @Freck @Todd @Esitt @Nap the oof @Skeeter @candy @Ocelot @Shovel To many names to list, these are just some of the old golden gems. Wish I was still in contact with you all.
    2 points
  4. @Pheo Alright, so as of now, DENIED. I went out of my way to reach out to you via Discord and you didn't respond, even when I was certain you were online and active. I also left you a message with a reduced sum owed which once again you couldn't respond to. As of now, if you want a unban, you owe me the chargeback amount and now I am adding on all the fees I paid for a chargeback claim. That means, 65$ + 20$ for each case opened. 145$. or hope to god another Founder grants mercy on you.
    2 points
  5. You seemed like a pretty decent guy when we briefly spoke. Although I don't know much about CW I appreciate your efforts and it's sad to see the current dumpster fire that is "Base Ops". I really don't think you're to blame here, I think the battalion needs a massive wipe and overhaul to be fair as Freck suggested on the report thread. It's also really disheartening to see so many Troops trying to snake and throw their higher ranks under the bus over promotions or personal feelings. Your battalion(s) are never going to be successful and healthy when everyone just wants to demote everyone else and take their job, or even worse, just get them removed and laugh about it while never actually fixing the problem Best of luck
    2 points
  6. No one can steal my legacy I got Permabanned 2 times, made fanfics, I am the biggest meme, and I helped the Jedi order
    2 points
  7. You better take that shit back nibba
    2 points
  8. RP Name/Steam Name: FurryPandaFury Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:98736140 Date of Ban: Unknown, Roughly a year ago I would assume. Length of Ban: Permanent Offense: L2AP Banned By: Unknown Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: Alright gear up, this will be a nice paragraph. Back in the early days of playing GMOD, I was what one might call, a total piece of shit, I mean a minge. Me and my friend joined servers exclusively to fuck around. We weren't the RDM type, just the kids who refused to role play and would be a general nuisance. If you have any knowledge of Urbane Servers, it was close to the start of that server that we were doing this. Anyways, Synergy was an obvious first choice for us, large player base meant a lot of potential to make us have a laugh. I'm hoping a few people are aware of Dreams, he used to be a member of this community. Anyways, back on Urbane he had gotten us to at least try the whole role play thing before being banned. We ended up enjoying that, especially since it meant we could join the server for longer than a day. (cause well you know, staff tends to get rid of minges.) I became staff on Urbane even, and several smaller servers such as Hyterra, Neptune Networks, and Refined Roleplay. trying to actually help them grow instead of being cancer. (RIP Refined she died today ) Anyways, long story short, I've changed and would appreciate the chance to come back and be an addition to this community. It is clearly one of the largest SWRP servers out there, so I'm sure the role play is fun and is what I have been trying to instill in the past servers I've had the joy to be a part of. As fun as it is to try and bolster a smaller community, I'd like to join a steady community which isn't fighting nearly as hard to stay afloat. Dreams said he loved his time at Synergy, so I decided I'd try it out since Refined had gone down. Unfortunately I was met with a relic from the past, reading "L2AP, Dont think you can L2AP me and think you have a brain." Funny enough, it sounds exactly like what Dreams would say, which would be rather ironic if it had been him. Evidence to support your claims: T-Admin on Urbane, Admin on Hyterra Networks and neptune Networks, Senior Admin on Refined Roleplay. Not that any of that means anythign to the people reading this, but I would like people to know I have held these positions since, and am capable of not being a dunce. While L2AP wasn't really my style back in the day, it wasn't fun to leave servers as you got no reaction, I'm sure it was a fair ban. I don't wish to refute the point that I was awful, only to say I am no longer the way I was. Side note, I'm aware it's hard to tell a person has changed and what not. Please take into account the work I was willing to put into this appeal as evidence for such. Also, the only way one can really tell is by letting me have a chance to role play again. If staff needs to be on high alert around me, fair enough. Without showing myself a less terrible person in-game I'm not sure how else I would be able to.
    1 point
  9. Sock please don't kill yourself I'm here if you need help please contact 1-800-273-8255
    1 point
  10. Hey man, I physically made 1 tag icon, all the others was Jeks idiotic attempt or tags the battalions/people wanted. Also freeloader? The exact post you put here didn't state a payment, so you're also one. -Cheers
    1 point
  11. Unless it's paid, gotta wait 😛
    1 point
  12. +1 Is a hell of a leader and is honestly the only person i can see holding the position of spec reg. I have seen him do an excellent job in DU and has a great plan on bringing the spec reg together. He is active and legitimately cares about the server and the people who play on it.
    1 point
  13. Why should you become a Regimental Commander?: Feels like this question is severely lacking content. But Trixx providing good words, +1
    1 point
  14. +1 You have done nothing but shown that you are active, dedicated, and determined to help not only Dooms Unit but now the entire regiment. I truly believe that you have what it takes to support the BCMD's of each battalion and I would love to see you in this position because you can handle it. Having the complete honor of getting to know you a lot recently and hearing nothing but great things about you from people outside of Dooms Unit, I can see that you have a rich history here and a lot of people know you and like you. You're a very nice guy who when he wants something you go after it and I completely admire you for that. I know I applied for regimental but like others said I just wasn't ready yet and I think you are. Its hard to say here are my plans and then follow through with them, many regimentals have come and gone with the same statement and sadly haven't been able to do everything they wanted however I think you could. With the support of the three battalions you could achieve something great for the Specialized Regiment. Good luck! - Trixxy
    1 point
  15. RP Name/Steam Name: Pvt.Debrief Steam ID:76561198177107529 Date of Ban:like idk Length of Ban:perms Offense:4x bans Banned By:don’t know Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: cause fam it’s your boi debrief it’s been like 3 months and I wanna come back on that ship and I’m pretty sure palpatine wants to 1v1 again cause he’s a fat noob anyway I’m not sure but on of the band got counted false cause the guy that did it got banned the next day and revoked but not sure the other sext three were fair play but I mean the whole reason that elevator became an American school was cause I needed to kill count dooku everytime ive said Palestine I’ve meant to say dooku qnd I don’t know what happens in there but it ended with me going yeet and now I’m living on a asteroid
    1 point
  16. This. Also stop humouring the idiots. They feed on it. Denied.
    1 point
  17. Perfect, I'll push this to the appropriated individuals who can deal with this situation. //Locking //Moving to Acknowledged Reports
    1 point
  18. First time I actually agree with this jumbo dumbo Arroyo, plus what IKE also stated. -1 lmao
    1 point
  19. That's uh, on my quote board dumbass
    1 point
  20. +1 i firmly believe he can take over and control some of the rugrats in base ops.
    1 point
  21. @Lucifer fcking goob come back i need gamble with some one and laugh of his crying not to pay what he lost gooooooob jokes aside goob i ll miss ya you were some top kek to play with and have fun time no come buy my usseless crystals and hilts
    1 point
  22. how da fuck did this get on the topic of top 100 forum accounts lmfao hiya my mate @Reed glad to see you're back my boy. Lil Xan gang.
    1 point
  23. You didn't deserve to go out the way you did, man. Hope you find a new home on the server.
    1 point
  24. This report is being closed. The individual that was affected will be stepping down from his position.
    1 point
  25. You will be sorely missed in the 501st lulu. I hope life treats you well. Farwell.
    1 point
  26. Keep working against him? How are they working against him if he is never there for them to work against?
    1 point
  27. 07 will miss you brother.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. I love you brother. Some of the best times I have had since returning have been with you. ❤️ Good luck in the military and stay safe.
    1 point
  30. Good luck in the army! ❤️
    1 point
  31. RIP lucifer, you will live long in base ops....
    1 point
  32. Even though you didn’t have a mic Lucifer you were one of the best people to talk to
    1 point
  33. No ways man we still need you. You were an awesome guy and I will miss working with you in base ops.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Vro, Stormfox is STUPIDLY painful on slightly lower quality computers. It has some cool ish features, but it can really lag bad at times. A better option for weather would be the Simple Weather addon that got taken down from the Gmod Store. I do have it though if anyone needs it
    1 point
  36. Good luck good sir. Thank you for your service.
    1 point
  37. o7. I think you hold the record for most tickets claimed in a week.
    1 point
  38. Seems like some decent evidence but still wanna see a response from bootineer
    1 point
  39. I hate to say this, and I have like nothing against you at all. I'm sure you're a good kid and this isn't your fault. But if they remove your permaban without you paying the money back, then think of how many other people there might be that will chargeback and then say 'It wasn't me, it was my parents'. Do you think Joah would be able to accept all of them? BeCaUsE hE wOuLdN't. It would start controversy and arguments within the community which is something that should be avoided. Drama is never good. Sorry. -1
    1 point
  40. +1 Pheo did not do anything wrong
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Voided as per request of the author By the way this report had nothing to back it up, Spooky hasn't done anything wrong. //Locked //Moved to Player Reports - Completed Reports
    1 point
  43. There's no need to convince anyone if it's true. There's just little specks of it here and there, nothing on a scale of Billiam but the bullshit sure stacks up high. - To add to the Grum situation, how is he even still BCMD if he behaves as such? This is supposed to be a community, right?
    1 point
  44. Ok big moron, the reason why at rt trainings haven't happened is because I got removed while I was trying to get them set up and running so that's just moronic. You are also one to talk about starting drama and other things. You've disrespected myself and members of my battalion to my face and seemed to get away scott free. Also 41st not doing a training would actually make LESS work for you to do eks dee. Spooky is a hard working member of the server and of the 41st. I know I've been removed and taking a bit of a hiatus but I will defend spooky on this. Also from things that Grum have said something along the lines of how 41st is nothing but degenerates seems to be leaking down to his officers and enlisted. Instead of making a player report that seems to be some sort of an attempt to kick up some drama and force something out, talk it out like you should and actually try and get things solved like mature people. FAT -1 on this thing
    1 point
  45. To put this into perspective for everyone, chambers is not a bad guy, he has done many great things and many of you have had good interactions with him before. We have figured out that chambers has been under a LOT of stress recently with both Finals for his university and running this server. Because of all of this (And running the community for as long as he has) Chambers has been lashing out at people for small things. Its not that he hates the community but more that everything is starting to get to him. So instead of removing him like some of you think we should do, we will be giving chambers a second chance like we gave to many other community members, like the community member who made this post. So in short, Chambers is human like the rest of us, once Chambers has destressed from everything, is finished with his finals and is ready to come back he will work as Director once again.
    1 point
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