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Report on Alfa

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RP Name: TR Jedi G K II Tyrone

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:151052400

Staff member you are reporting: CT AENG Alfa

Staff Members Steam ID (If applicable): STEAM_0:0:54497169

Staff Members Wrong-Doing: Not doing his job

Explain the situation: I've was looking for a staff member for about 30+ minutes to spawn in some NPCs for a player (name: TR 91st RECON SS MSG Stripes) and he has been waiting for almost 40 minutes for someone to spawn in NPCs, so i took the ticket because no one else was and it was sitting there, and im asking people in the admin chat to come help him out and im just getting ignored by everyone, not even a no or im busy. So i do it the hard way and start looking around for staff and then i come across Alfa and he is literally just sitting at the railing at the seconds floor like always (he is not AFK) and so i ask him "could you help out the guy in the CIT he needs NPCs spawned and i cant do it, then he says "I dont do that" and then i say "do what help players?" he then says "If im going to spawn things its going to be for an event." I reply by saying "so you are too good to help players?" and then i get a little aggitated by this so i walk back to the CIT to tell Stripes that IM sorry i couldnt help and that its not acceptable that capable staff dont want to do their job.

Evidence (If applicable): This is out convo: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1462124324

And this is him just standing there doing nothing after the interaction: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1462124324

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- Report under review -

Topic will remain unlocked for now

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Alfa does a lot of work that you might not be seeing. I'm going to sum this up as he probably just did something, and wants a small 'break' before he helps. I also suggest finding an Administrator, just because that is their primary role, when not being a Gamehelper. With this being said, it could've been handled in a slightly better way, but I didn't see anything bad or 'evading' his duties.

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-1, alfa is one of the better gamemasters around, and he does work hard. 

but he shouldn't act like this

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Alfa is a Vet Admin, staff that should be spawning NPC's are mainly Admins and sometimes maybe Senior Admins.
The point is you should've looked for
Admins or Senior Admins first since as Alfa has done that work already.


Its the Admins and Senior admins at fault for not answering the tickets, not Alfa.


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I get that he does so much for the server and so on so forth. But in this case as a VA especially when he was doing nothing. He should have at least assisted in finding a lower rank to assist the person in need. Instead of just saying I have done my fair share and doing absolutely nothing. I'd say -1 on the report. But someone needs to talk to alfa about being lazy and just saying "I have done my fair share" instead of stopping to assist a lower staff. Which in this case since he is a new admin and he couldn't find a admin or senior admin then it falls onto your lap to assist him

That and the last time he did a event or helped with a event was monday. So it is not like he spent ALL DAY spawning stuff for a event.

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

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I'm really not sure what to say, I mean I kinda stand by what I said in chat. If I'm going to take the time to spawn some NPC's id rather just make an event for everyone at that point since it would involve the whole server and hosting events is something only select admins can do.  I've done my fair share of spawning in Citadel, at this point I would rather host an event for the entire server then do that. I clearly was not in the mood to do either or at the time, and I have the right to say no to that. 

I understand I probably should have helped you find someone, but I don't go for the point that I'm lazy or don't care to help other players. I've been an admin for a while and I have accumulated over 650 tickets, I think I've helped people and I will continue to do so.

Last and most importantly, I am here to help the server whether that's hosting events or helping players out and I enjoy doing that. That being said, I have the right to say no. I won't be forced to do anything that I do not want to do, because the moment that I am I will resign. At the end of the day, this is a video game, and I enjoy playing it and helping the community out. I have the right to dictate where my time goes, and what I want to do with it even if it's doing nothing. I am not your slave

This is a game, not a job. I help cause i want to, not because i have to.

Take the time to read staff resignations on the forums, the game turns into a job and it drains them. The mentality that staff are people who work for you instead of with you needs to change. Staff are the ones who help the server, but remember they are real people just like you. You are a New Admin, and hopefully one day when you get high up in the staff ranks you can look back at this and get something different out of it. Much love.


Edited by Alfa
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-1 alfa has done much work in the gamemaster branch with creative events, also this isn't a job, he can deny it, and plus as a vet admin, his job isn't NPC spawning anymore, as a vet admin you help out the younger admins and focus on managing things from the inside (gamemaster, trainers, etc) rather than doing the outside work that is for the new admins and admins


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Neutral to this, BUT I think he shouldn't have been as rude, Vet Admins are the role models for the lower staff they look up to them so just keep that in mind Mr.Alfa. And also saying that you have done enough in your time of staffing is just wrong, you are there to help, and if you feel you have done enough to help, then resign.  BUT this also isn't abuse? It's just him not doing his job. Maybe next time talk to a high staff instead of taking it to the forums.

Edited by TayTay
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3 hours ago, miguz said:

Alfa is a Vet Admin, staff that should be spawning NPC's are mainly Admins and sometimes maybe Senior Admins.
The point is you should've looked for
Admins or Senior Admins first since as Alfa has done that work already.


Its the Admins and Senior admins at fault for not answering the tickets, not Alfa.


And if there are none available then VAs should be doing it


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I'm sorry but +1
I know for a lot of players how hard it can be to get an admin to spawn NPC's.
Sometimes higher staff ranks have to do the work of the lower staff ranks.
This goes for all ranks, as I have seen HA or even Directors spawn in dupes

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5 hours ago, miguz said:

Alfa is a Vet Admin, staff that should be spawning NPC's are mainly Admins and sometimes maybe Senior Admins.
The point is you should've looked for
Admins or Senior Admins first since as Alfa has done that work already.


Its the Admins and Senior admins at fault for not answering the tickets, not Alfa.


The point is that he asked for Admins/Senior admins but there weren't any active, normally this goes to the higher ranks when there aren't any on.

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+1 - I'm sorry but if you have the power to spawn NPC's in for someone you should do it unless you have something else to do. Saying you have already spawned enough is a really bad excuse and just shows laziness and selfishness.

5 hours ago, miguz said:

Alfa is a Vet Admin, staff that should be spawning NPC's are mainly Admins and sometimes maybe Senior Admins.
The point is you should've looked for
Admins or Senior Admins first since as Alfa has done that work already.


Its the Admins and Senior admins at fault for not answering the tickets, not Alfa.


And like Taur has already said, if they're is nobody else able to spawn NPC's the next highest rank should have the decency to help them.

You can't excuse yourself from helping someone just because you've done other stuff. That is extremely selfish and I feel that isn't the attitude needed for staff.

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Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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-1 Alfa is a great respectable guy. Just because he didn't feel like doing an NPC sim doesn't mean he should be demoted. It would be a loss if he was to burn out and resign, or for him to be demoted.


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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Nuetral, he signed up for it, though he does do great work he should still do this, if no one else is on then he should do it, like Ive had directors take tickets to spawn dupes because no one else was on and they never said Ive done my fair share, 

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6 hours ago, Alfa said:

I'm really not sure what to say, I mean I kinda stand by what I said in chat. If I'm going to take the time to spawn some NPC's id rather just make an event for everyone at that point since it would involve the whole server and hosting events is something only select admins can do.  I've done my fair share of spawning in Citadel, at this point I would rather host an event for the entire server then do that. I clearly was not in the mood to do either or at the time, and I have the right to say no to that. 

I understand I probably should have helped you find someone, but I don't go for the point that I'm lazy or don't care to help other players. I've been an admin for a while and I have accumulated over 650 tickets, I think I've helped people and I will continue to do so.

Last and most importantly, I am here to help the server whether that's hosting events or helping players out and I enjoy doing that. That being said, I have the right to say no. I won't be forced to do anything that I do not want to do, because the moment that I am I will resign. At the end of the day, this is a video game, and I enjoy playing it and helping the community out. I have the right to dictate where my time goes, and what I want to do with it even if it's doing nothing. I am not your slave

This is a game, not a job. I help cause i want to, not because i have to.

Take the time to read staff resignations on the forums, the game turns into a job and it drains them. The mentality that staff are people who work for you instead of with you needs to change. Staff are the ones who help the server, but remember they are real people just like you. You are a New Admin, and hopefully one day when you get high up in the staff ranks you can look back at this and get something different out of it. Much love.


i feel you bro its just when you said "i dont do that stuff" it just annoyed the goofy out of me bro, and to all the people saying i shouldve got someone lower rank than a VA, i already tried contacting every other rank possible and i was ignored as stated in the report, and then i saw alfa standing there chillin, im sure Alfa is a great fucking staff member, its just in this instance he wasnt.

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33 minutes ago, BigZach said:

-1 Alfa is a great respectable guy. Just because he didn't feel like doing an NPC sim doesn't mean he should be demoted. It would be a loss if he was to burn out and resign, or for him to be demoted.

no one said anything about a demotion

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9 hours ago, miguz said:

Alfa is a Vet Admin, staff that should be spawning NPC's are mainly Admins and sometimes maybe Senior Admins.
The point is you should've looked for
Admins or Senior Admins first since as Alfa has done that work already.


Its the Admins and Senior admins at fault for not answering the tickets, not Alfa.


This is super dumb  what you just said if there’s a vet admin on and no admins or senior on do you ingnor every ticket that retains to a SA or admin also for the part he has done that work already yea he has so what staff isn’t about that’s not my job so I won’t do it it’s about doing everything inyour power to assist or help anyone that needs you 



+1 I feel like you could get a refresher on what it means to be staff based on a few comments you put up also being rude and well not doing your job you said in a earlier comment you would just do a event for the whole server but you didn’t that’s the thing you didn’t you could have but you refused to help someone and did nothing also you were rude sry but just doesn’t stick right with me if your gonna do that I’m pretty sure you continue to do whatever you wanted when he continued to ask in admin chat or so I asume

Edited by meowthemeower
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8 hours ago, Alfa said:

This is a game, not a job. I help cause i want to, not because i have to.

Umm well you see you help people because if you don’t do anything and just be rude and lazy you get removed also as staff helping people is your job 

Edited by meowthemeower
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6 hours ago, meowthemeower said:

Umm well you see you help people because if you don’t do anything and just be rude and lazy you get removed also as staff helping people is your job 

If someone is sick or not feeling well, but are on the server to play, do you think they'd like it if they were forced to more and more staffing? Not saying Alfa was sick, but when someone is staff, they'll help when they feel, although the more you help, the better chances of getting promoted and staying on the team you'll get


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11 hours ago, Chop said:

+1 - I'm sorry but if you have the power to spawn NPC's in for someone you should do it unless you have something else to do. Saying you have already spawned enough is a really bad excuse and just shows laziness and selfishness.

And like Taur has already said, if they're is nobody else able to spawn NPC's the next highest rank should have the decency to help them.

You can't excuse yourself from helping someone just because you've done other stuff. That is extremely selfish and I feel that isn't the attitude needed for staff.

+1 Chop said it all. You signed up for the responsibility.

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15 hours ago, Alfa said:

This is a game, not a job. I help cause i want to, not because i have to.

-1 ^ and to add on, we have Admins and Senior Admins for a reason. Vet Admins are there to kinda be the bridge between High Staff and the rest of us. They're the ones looking out for us, giving us advice etc to improve ourselves. As a previous Overseer and VA myself, I cannot go into detail about the other duties of a VA but, it's more than you think. 

Edited by Andrews53
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9 hours ago, Tyrone said:

no one said anything about a demotion

You have put a Staff Report on him for the reason of what then? Just for it to be known? Staff Reports are for the people who break the rules of staff and will then be demoted/removed.

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 Thank you to @Alfaand @Tyrone for keeping a cool and level head throughout this. This post is being locked both parties will be talked to. 

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