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Black's SPEC Regimental Appilcation

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Steam Name:Black


RP Name:104th Colonel Black


Steam ID (SteamID Finder):STEAM_0:0:185089019


Regiment you are applying for: Specialized Regiment 


104th Mechanized Assault Battalion 

My Experience has all been the 104th Mechanized assault battalion I have been in the battalion for about 1 Year and 1 month now, I have been through all of its ups and downs. The 104th had many Transitions especially going to ATK Regiment, DEF Regiment, and now Spec Regiment. We have been through it all and we have also adapted to new changes. An Experience I had was always being in charge of a division that either specialized in Negotiating, Hostage Rescue (Which Is in Wolfpack due to me being Comet for a short while.)  to Frontline and offense divisions like MEU (Which is Marine Expeditionary Unit where I was the Executive and Leader of before removed) I feel I can transition these roles and experiences so I can become good for a leader role. Further down the Line I became BCMD of the 104th Battalion and helped it continue to grow and get new members. 

With this of being BCMD of the 104th Battalion, I also had many issues with it especially my senior officers. At the first month of me being BCMD I didn't really notice how much work my XO has been doing which led him nearly leaving. But thankfully he called me out on it which I worked to further improve which kept him in the battalion. From this, I have learned to always keep everything in check and make sure I don't let others get overwhelmed with work and not get others burnt out.

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

Why I should become regimental Commander is because I always know how to adapt to new situations and issues within battalions. These situations either being Corrupted officers who get promoted to being friends with higher officers. Also, I know how to solve issues within battalions and make it all resolved by either fixing the issues directly by confronting it and trying to find a way to sort out the issue without any hostile arguments. With this also I can seek out any problems either with me not doing my job correctly or other officers. Dealing with these issues will prevent other problems rising in the battalion so it does not end up dead because of officers and NCOs Leaving. 

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

Yes, I do understand the lore of the SPEC Regiment, 

- DU or known as Dooms Unit is a heavily Defensive battalion on Synergy STAR WARS RP server they are equipped with Blaster Proof Shields and heavy Z6 Rotary Blasters. They are the Support unit and heavy hitters on the Ship Synergy. Their Battalion Commander is Doom (Which is currently Chambers) he is an elite Soldier and who always adapts, uses strategies and formations on the battlefield to withstand CIS Forces or a hostile presence. 


- 104th Mechanized Assault Battalion is a Hostage Rescue, Negotiations and tank drivers on the ship of Synergy. They are equipped with standard Republic Equipment that being DC 15a and 15s with some support Roles. Their main tasks are usually to provide Support with ATTEs or TX 130s and rescue/Negotiate for hostages and VIPs of the republic. Their Battalion Commander is CC-3636 or known as Wolffe (Vacant Currently) Who also leads and assists the Wolfpack an elite division within the battalion.


- 307TH (Republic Medics) is a battalion equipped with the Republics Best Medics in the clone army. They can save a man from nearly anything, they have standard Republic Weaponry and carry Medkits and Medical Backpacks on board the ship Synergy. They are usually assigned to battalions to provide support with the there elite skill of healing wounded men. Their Battalion Commander is Meds (Currently No One) Meds is one or the best Republic Medics in the Clone Army. He runs a professional battalion and does not mind getting his hands dirty. 


-Coruscant Guard these men are the best Security Force the republic has to offer. They are tasked with protecting Naval Personnel, Senators, and the Chancellor. They are also sent for hostage rescue and extraction missions of VIPs. They stop crime on the ship and provide order to keep the Clones in place. They are equipped with Standard issue Republic Weaponry and have batons/Shields their Battalion Commander is Fox (Danger Ranger) He is loyal to the Republic and follows all orders given to him.



I am on 6+hours a day longer on weekends and never took an LOA since the being back last year when I joined in MARCH


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

My brief Overview of Achievements is getting Battalion Commander of the 104th Mechanized Assault battalion, and becoming many high leads within it. Also assisting Naval as a Commodore on the ship with Admiral Yularen. Banter Rping a lot and in general helping other battalions like SO and doing joint training with 501st. 


Do you have a microphone?:

Yes, I currently Do.


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

I want it to be thriving without any issues, having excellent officers and people in right positions making their battalion grow and with that the server.  If I complete this than I know I have done well for the Regiment and the battalions under it. Since I seek to make sure everyone gets treated equally with respect. If this happens like it currently is thanks to SPEC Regimental Square server population will continue to increase due to players entertainment. 


How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

By speaking to all the Battalions officers and having a discussion on how the battalion is going and growing with it. Also informing them on if I make any mistakes to be sure to call me out on it since I do want to improve as a leader and continue to make others improve as well. I will also help out with their issues that either being Recruitment, Organization, and discipline. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes, I do since inactive higher-ups will lead to others in high positions to feel like there will be no punishment if they do something wrong which will lead them to be corrupted.


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:

Yes I do and refreshes new Commanders who are more worthy to become a Regimental.

Edited by BlackiSblack
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+1 Black is a furry

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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8 minutes ago, BlackiSblack said:


if you think about when u kiss a girl u kissing all the dudes she been with

that's pretty fucking gay

however kiss a dude n u kissing all the girls he been with

that's pretty fucking straight


+1 dude likes men


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