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DangerRanger's BCMD Fox App

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Steam Name: DangerRanger


RP Name: CG Executive Officer Stone


Steam ID (SteamID Finder):  STEAM_0:1:35198301


Battalion or squad you are applying for: Coruscant Guard


Experience: I have been a member of the Coruscant Guard on Synergy Roleplay since about mid-November of 2017. Personally, the Coruscant Guard is my favorite battalion in Star Wars and has been the only battalion I have been apart of in Star Wars RP.

Most of my experience has been from the Coruscant Guard battalion here on Synergy. I progressed through the ranks starting with Private to my most recent rank, Executive Officer.

Through my time in the Coruscant Guard, I have also achieved highly regarded lore characters such as Hound, Thire and Stone.

I also have additional experience as a Shock Trooper on Icefuse Networks where I was rose up from the rank of Private all the way to 1st Lieutenant.

Since I was promoted to Captain in early February, I was appointed to be the Battalion's Intel Director and have ran until today where I passed it down to Captain Panzer. As Intel Director, I have since upheld a team to update and preserve our current battalion roster and forms including promotion forms, recruitment forms and most importantly the arrest form. I also created our Saturday Training Document from scratch to prepare our new recruits for their future security duties.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: Since my recruitment date in mid-November of 2017, I have seen and been through the ups and downs of precisely three Battalion Commander changes during my time within the Coruscant Guard. I have experienced the bad and the good in the way that each BCMD ran the battalion. In my opinion, CG was in its prime time around mid-February of this year. This is my main drive to become the Battalion Commander of the Coruscant Guard. I have hopes of restoring the good old days of the CG and reverting to what we valued with a faithful backbone of NCOs, dedicated trainings, and synergy relationship between our Junior Command/Senior Command. As being a member in CG for approximately six months give or take, I feel that as a BCMD, I will be able to effectively connect a bridge between our NCOs and Officers that isn't strictly just work and results. Officers should be supervising and guiding NCOs during our dedicated training sessions to see their true potential, provide criticism, and further develop them as a future leader inside the CG. These are just a few examples of what I would want to reinstate inside of the Coruscant Guard.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes I do. For example:

CG were cloned on Coruscant rather than Kamino with the only exception being Commander Fox.

CG took over a majority of security functions after the Senate Commandos were growing corrupt, leading Chancellor Palpatine to favor the Coruscant Guard.

CG were assigned as bodyguards to representatives and senators on diplomatic missions, such as Padme Amidala and Commander Thorn on Scipio.


Availability: Monday-Sunday for about 7 hours a day (In total) give or take.


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since around mid-November of 2017.


Do you have a microphone?: Yes, a Turtle Beach PX22 to be exact.


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: Connecting that gap in the bridge between our NCOs and Officers will be a main priority for me. The Junior Command of CG should be helping create and mentor our future leaders inside of CG. I also recently stressed the importance of recruiting QUALITY vs QUANTITY in our emergency Officer/NCO meeting today. CG should be regaining is identity as an elite battalion inside the Grand Army of the Republic. Thus, My troopers will be able to expect some dedicated varieties of training and PT to better learn the importance of professionalism and discipline. I feel that by recreating the concept of promotion requirements for our NCOs, they will be able to show their true colors, dedication, and weaknesses that our Lieutenants and Captains will work on improving and modeling for the better future of CG.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Edited by DangerRanger
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I can't even explain every reason why this guy should be the next BCMD. I'm going to list a few though and do my best. First of all, he is the most qualified and prepared person for this position. Seconfly, he has really worked very hard up to this point and he's an example of true dedication. Essentially the point I'm trying to convey is, he deserves this.


Edited by Panzergrenadier765
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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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