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Miller's BCMD Blitz Application


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Steam Name: None_Stop


RP Name: RANCOR Commander Colt


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:91644707


Battalion or squad you are applying for: RANCOR Battalion BCMD Blitz 



I have done nothing but put work into rancor i have never left the battalion and don't plan to . I was a NCO when the tough times for rancor were going on and the battalion was not in good shape but i worked up the chain of command by following orders, leading and managing the battalion. By the time i became a captain i was the top recruiter and had already been used to managing the battalion. With hard work and dedication to the battalion my BCMD gave me the chance to become Commander Colt of the rancor battalion. We have kept our numbers high, kept our ARC training schedule, also plan to keep rancor alive and a respected battalion that all troopers speak well of.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I have been with the rancor battalion though the hardships and  thriving times, also learned what works for a battalion and what does not. I worked hard to climb up the rigorous ranks to get to where i am at the moment. And i will keep the battalion respected and thorough as much as i can and i hope i can please my troopers and my officers with my work as BCMD if i do get the position


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

As much as there is to know


4 hours+ on week days and all day on weekends


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

Since the beginning of January this year  


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

I want to have helped build a era of rancor where future rancor commanders can take pride of. Also our troopers will have been well trained, considerate and disciplined. I will also look forward to resigning and passing the torch to future BCMD with pride knowing he will keep rancor a respectful and fun battalion. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: I will resign if i do







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Edited by Kase

Current: Parjai-1 Bear
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood | First Rav Bralor

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-1 From what i understand, you want to remove the BCMD position and make all 3 roles of equal importance, but this ins't what the battalion needs. When our IT team went on LOA, you did nothing and our documents were in shambles. You constantly mute while in team speak and go play other games while the battalion needs someone in charge. If you prove that you have reformed, then i would support you.

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3 minutes ago, Rocketpackgolem said:

+1 tbh as soon as I read the -1 I was excited. You are obviously receptive to new ideas and willing to make the chain of command more fluid. If you do manage to make it so the top 3 all have the same power and have it work.  I’ll be happy as it will encourage more change like that. 

Change is important, but not having 1 leader with the final say in things was the root and still is the root of many of our internal problems in the battallion

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2 minutes ago, Scoutly said:

Change is important, but not having 1 leader with the final say in things was the root and still is the root of many of our internal problems in the battallion

Have it more democracy based y’know just hold major stuff to a vote. And also splitting the work among three people might be more effective. With good planning and what falls under whose jurisdiction we might see something revolutionary. 

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Just now, Rocketpackgolem said:

Have it more democracy based y’know just hold major stuff to a vote. And also splitting the work among three people might be more effective. With good planning and what falls under whose jurisdiction we might see something revolutionary. 

Defiantly agree with  you. but that is not how a BCMD position should work. Miller has shown in the past he has rather poor activity and shows an unwillingness to go above and  beyond whats required of him

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13 minutes ago, J.Jefferson said:

+1 Miller is the only one who seems to care about RANCOR.

Going to play devils Advocate, coming from the only two Rancor members who have -1'ed for legit reasons. Miller has sat idle while valid issues within the battalion tore itself apart from the inside, and is extremely resistant to well needed change.

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18 minutes ago, Scoutly said:

Defiantly agree with  you. but that is not how a BCMD position should work. Miller has shown in the past he has rather poor activity and shows an unwillingness to go above and  beyond whats required of him

The XO is the ultimate authority besides BCMD... Do ya guys not have that?

In Dooms Unit the top three go like this.

1. Battalion Commander Doom

2. Executive Officer

3. Regimental Lead Commamder


XO can override REGL CMD and BCMD can override XO

Edited by Carter
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8 minutes ago, Carter said:

The XO is the ultimate authority besides BCMD... Do ya guys not have that?

In Dooms Unit the top three go like this.

1. Battalion Commander Doom

2. Executive Officer

3. Regimental Lead Commamder

In my personal opinion, There is a reason all battalions have one person to make the shots, and people the people directly below to guide and advise the person. If the proposed changed is enacted people will butt heads and we will be right back where we started. We need one top dog to have the final say in things. Before it was brought up to the higher powers at be such as Washington and Jackson, most of the command ranks were never used which cause quite a congestion of the CO ranks, combined with an unwillingness to get rid of inactive members.

In response too the XO question, im assuming we dont, or the person is so inactive that i haven't seen them in my entire month in the battalion, or again we are poorly informed by command.

Edited by Scoutly
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49 minutes ago, Scoutly said:

-1 From what i understand, you want to remove the BCMD position and make all 3 roles of equal importance, but this ins't what the battalion needs. When our IT team went on LOA, you did nothing and our documents were in shambles. You constantly mute while in team speak and go play other games while the battalion needs someone in charge. If you prove that you have reformed, then i would support you.

A battalion should never be a dictatorship. As well all of the previous GOOD Battalion Commanders had Havoc, Blitz, and Colt of equal importance. The battalion was immensely respected and in best shape during those times. You obviously don't know your history.

Edited by Dargon
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34 minutes ago, Scoutly said:

Going to play devils Advocate, coming from the only two Rancor members who have -1'ed for legit reasons. Miller has sat idle while valid issues within the battalion tore itself apart from the inside, and is extremely resistant to well needed change.

I don't see you helping out the battalion

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Dear all yall,

Alright to start I am just going to say I will be giving my opinion on this matter, not hearsay or what others have said just MY opinion. 

With that out of the way with having read all the applicants posts Miller/Colt is my pick for the new BCMD of RANCOR and who I would like to be my new commanding officer. Miller is a genuinely nice guy and that may lead people to think he is not one to take chance, that is false it is because he is a Nice person and does not want to step on people toes and over step boundaries that making an awesome guy, but given the power to make change and improve RANCOR he is ready and willing to do just that. Along this the willingness to make change Miller is a good enough person to let others help make the decisions and is not a dictator in anyway. After the loss of our BCMD, Miller was quick to help and keep the battalion on its feet with new rules and with enforcing old ones that had been lost. The Idea to split power in an amazing idea and is how RANCOR should be run the Commanders are equals and all have an important say in day to day life in the battalion. Miller you are an old friend and a fellow Commander you are the best and in MY opinion the only pick for the future Blitz and BCMD of RANCOR.  



Thank you for reading...... if you did.

From Only Potato that is spud enough to be a Commander.       Commander Havoc | Shakes



Potato Havoc.jpg

Edited by The_only_Shakes
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I have seen you time and time again leading RANCOR well in events and also hosting the ARC Selections pretty damn well. You obviously care heavily for RANCOR due to you not leaving at all even in the dark times when most would have given up and joined a more active battalion. I will be giving a MASSIVE +1 to you my friend! I wish you luck in these coming times should you obtain my favorite of all RANCOR in lore.

-SO ARC BCMD Starrk, ARC-3290

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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