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Meows battalion commander doom application


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Steam Name: [SR]Meowthemeower[NA]


RP Name: TR Dooms Unit ARC COL Meow


Steam ID: (STEAM_0:1:90701592)


Battalion or squad you are applying for: Battalion Commander Doom


Experience: I only have Dooms Unit to go off of but when I got to Sergeant I started training as many Dooms Unit recruits as possible; then after I got Staff Sergeant, Deadly thought I was doing a great job, so he promoted me to 1SG. Afterwards, I became CSM for only 4 days, and Doom said I did a good job as CSM and promoted me to 2ndLT. At this time, I was an IT member in Dooms Unit and completed the roster, and, after being promoted to 1stLT, I continued fulfilling my duties as a junior officer. I was eventually promoted to Captain and took on the role of SSL and IT Officer. I just recently won a contest for most Dooms Unit recruits. Finally, I was given COL by SOBDE Regimental Commander Jayarr. Since the promotion to colonel happened today, I haven’t had a chance to do much as colonel yet.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I know I should become BCMD,  because I devote my time and effort into Dooms Unit. I am also going to implement things that make BCMD Doom’s job easier.

I want to increase our numbers so we are more fleshed out so we can fully defend the fourth floor and execute our formations correctly.

I have been putting my all into the unit and I can say that I know the units problems and weaknesses like the back of my hand but I also know all of our strong points too and I want to work on our weak points and make them become our strong points.

I want to push the officers to host trainings to drill our formations into the troopers, so we can perform quickly and professionally. I also want to keep up the engagement outside of  the ship by continually running incentives and contest’s for the members of my battalion.

I want to add more docs that show how the strike system works for officers that also provides a record of the strikes and why the were given to a specific individual to keep the officers in the loop and to see if a individual has corrected the issue by the time the review comes around.

Another doc I want to add is a demotion tracker so I can keep a record of the demotions as well as the reasons for the demotion so we can accurately show why the demotion happened and whether it was justified or not .


We had a vote inside the battalion to see who they thought was the most fit to become the next Doom and I was selected. My whole battalion has my back in this, and I will prove that the trust they placed in me was not in vain.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes, even though there is very little, I understand all of it.


Availability: Timezone : CST, I am online Monday-Friday for at least 6 hours but I am usually on for longer than that on weekends (8 hours).


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:  I have played on Synergy Roleplay for about 210 hours throughout the past 5 weeks.


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

I want active Officers who do their job. We are getting a little top heavy so I want NCO’s that recruit  people and do their job. Mingy people will be removed no matter what.  

Inactive People will be removed because if their too lazy to set an example or leave an LOA up, then I will kick them.

I want Dooms Unit to be a solid unit that has very active membership.

There will be no minges; any and all minges will be removed from the battalion effective immediately.

That is a lot to ask for, but I will see to it that it is done with the support of the high command of Dooms Unit. I also want Doom to be a symbol of leadership and morale for my troopers and the server as a whole. At the end of my term, I want Dooms Unit to have updated docs, respected officers, and active NCOs.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes


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+1 best of luck -Gregor

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16 hours ago, Deadly said:

+1 As the previous Doom, I can say that this is the person both myself and my battalion want for Doom. He has my full recommendation. Good luck in interviews, hopefully you make it to there.

Had high respect for the previous Doom, and you work well with SO on 4th with your shields +1

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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39 minutes ago, Jorrdan said:

-1, the effort in your app is little to none.

He held this for multiple days, working on it, and he even asked a few people to proofread it with him to improve it. Hell, he's got more in this app than I did in mine. He doesn't have much of a variety of experience, but neither did I to be frank. He's been with DU for over a month and is the most deserving of the position within those interested, which is why DU is in agreement that he can lead us. I think the application is fine as it is; you can tell he's motivated to take the position and lead Dooms Unit the way he sees fit. He'll do a great job. :)

Edited by Deadly
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10 minutes ago, Jorrdan said:

Compared to others who have recently been passed this is not much. A good app is something I have to scroll to read imu. I want a someone who puts effort into his app

No a good app is someone who answers the questions to the point. Which he did. What you think is a "Good app" is applications like mine where we just jerk ourselves off as much as we can. Stop asking for fucking essays for everything.

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+1 He well deserves to become the commander of doom and i believe he will do a great job in this role doing the best for DU and will do everything he can to keep it going till the end. (also he is allowed to apply for it just letting you know, and also the app does have good detail in it just saying)

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1 minute ago, shields1996 said:

That you would be correct with, however I dont know how long he has held his position for.


4 minutes ago, Vires said:

But he has to be in that position for at least a month, which I believe he hasn't met that time requirement yet.

The directors have agreed to allow DU to select one person to run via waiver. Meow is clear to run for this position.

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+1, always massively helpful as a TR alone, yet when it comes to DU, I've always seen tremendous leadership and quick thinking on 4th floor where we're both stationed.


I have ZERO doubts this will be a bad call, good luck my guy.



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