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Kuro's - BCMD Bacara Application

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Foreword: English is not my first language please understand if there are some errors or weird lines

Steam Name: KuroBearQ

RP Name: KU CMD Keller

RP Rank: Commander

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:107149373

Battalion you are applying for: Galactic Marines

SO Spark
104th Mortar
KU Charger
KU Keller
21st Intel Manager

21st PVT-SGM:

I joined the server/21st around march and ever since I've been loving this server. I decide to rank up and help out where I can and just have fun. in this time i also joined SO and became Spark. but i was pretty shy and didn't take much lead on things but every rank up i try to better myself and when i became SGM i was somewhat a different person i tried to help out other NCO/SNCO when needed and i also took more event leads.

104th SGM:
After a while I burned myself out and wanted to help out a other battalion. I chose the 104th because it was one of my favorite battalions and I'm glad I did. I've learned a lot in my time in the 104th and met really awesome people that I'm still looking up too. during my time in the 104th i had the pleasurer of becoming mortar i also help out with wolfpack tryouts and with this I've learned how to do interview and making hard choices.

21st SGM - CMD:
While i loved being in the 104th i rejoined 21st back to help out buurg (former keller) with KU because it was in dire need of revival. so in my time in KU as Charger/Keller I've been full focus on rebuilding and making Keller Unit great again. of course this didn't come easy I had many ups and downs. and this has given me enormous amount of experience. and I'm very happy to call it my home and I'm more proud of the people that help me make KU great again

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
I wanna become Battalion commander because i wanna make a difference for 21st. I aim to make meaningful impact for the battalion and server as a whole. I wanna use my skills that I've learned in my time in synergy to ensure my battalion and my troopers success. I've been part of the 21st for most of my time in synergy and it always felt like a home to me. and I want to show other people that it can also be home for them. i also seek this role to push myself beyond my limits and grow as a leader. I know I may not have the most experience but I always have the betterment of the 21st in my mind. I have many ideas planned that i would like to try out and make 21st as fun and great as it can be. if you have any question about my ideas or any other things you like to know don't be scared to DM me in discord or ask below I'm always happy to reply.
and the most important thing is that i wanna lead with honor and dignity like marines

Because I live in the EU my time schedule is a little different But I can be on everyday from like 12Pm EST to around 8/9pm EST and in the weekends to like 12/01 pm EST and I'm always available in discord 

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 824 hours and 24 mins at the time of writing

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

Officer core:
In my time as BCMD and especially in the first month of my term I wanna focus on rebuilding the officer team. right now we are in a position that every officer feels the same and nobody really know what they should focus on I would like to change this so that every officer has a duty that they can fulfill. I also wanna continue and better it what Holo has started with Officer structure, this allows the officer to focus manly on one thing and with this they don't get too overstress. and last thing that i really wanna focus on in the officer core is recruiting new Officers, right now we had a lot of officer resigning. but with this they is always new opportunity for other people.

NCO Core:
For NCO I would like to focus on Activity and trainings. last month was not the best month for us in terms of trainings, and I would like to chance that. I had some idea to change up the quota to a different kind if style we use now. to incentivize more training for rank up instead of checking every week that you have done your quota with this I hope to reduce stress and a more fun way to rank up as a NCO. And second i want to focus on more activity outside deployments and quotas. like introducing challenges/ tournaments for each sub-unit or to encourages more RP. just in general more things to do after the deployments.

Jedi is in a rough position at the moment in the 21st. but with this comes opportunity's. I'm going to focus a lot of my time to help out the Jedi Lead in any way possible to make Jedi a better place in the 21st this include doing more tryouts for Jedi and more training with and without the troopers. and my biggest focus for Jedi is to find with the help of the council a new Ki-Adi-Mundi and any other lore characters we are currently missing

Keller Unit:
Keller unit at the moment is in a alright position, but I do have some ideas to change Keller unit in a more HVY frontlines focus sub-unit instead of the arc what is kinda there but also not with one change that is still in suggestion that I like keep going for it.I also be working with any future Keller to find something interesting and making new ideas to set Keller Unit apart from the rest of the sub-units.

SO is in a good position right now. We just assigned a new Blackout that is passionate to make SO great again. and i fully trust him on doing that. i'll be here if he needs any help and i also be working with him closely to ensure he has everything he needs to make so fun and great again.

I plan to fix the officer and Jedi core first to ensure we have all our lore characters filled and have a steadily officer team that the nco can look up to. After that i would be focusing on the NCO and Keller unit to try to implement new ideas so that everybody in the 21st can enjoy there time in this battalion. i also plan on doing more joint training/deployments to enhance our friendship with any other battalion. and my ultimate goal is to win BOTM and show that the 21st can be great.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

  • Agree 3

Current:  KU Keller 

Former: SO Spark | WP Mortar |  KU XO Charger


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I’m actually happy to see that you’re going for Bacara. You’re a good dude and always there for 21st. I believe you have what it takes to be Bacara. But I must ask you already got burnt out before and switched to a different battalion to get that drive back which is awesome. But what can you do to prove you won’t get burnt out with the role of BCMD?


after reading what you got to say, I believe in you big dawg. +1 make 21st great for me, they deserve it

Edited by BROPDROP

Current: BCMD Gree

Former: GCO SUPL Fireball, Improcco REGL Nye

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Veteran Admin

'Moose pls may I have perms for the dupe'

I can do you one better!

Heres a +1 

You've got the 21st at heart and I think thats a W! Good luck and I hope to see you on Bacara!

Currently: 501st BCMD Rex  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose - 332nd Vaughn 

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+1 even when everyone jumped ship he is sticking with it to make it better

Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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7 minutes ago, BROPDROP said:

I’m actually happy to see that you’re going for Bacara. You’re a good dude and always there for 21st. I believe you have what it takes to be Bacara. But I must ask you already got burnt out before and switched to a different battalion to get that drive back which is awesome. But what can you do to prove you won’t get burnt out with the role of BCMD?

Thats a good question. the reason why i know i dont get burned out as a BCMD is that i really really wanna change 21st back to where it was before. when i came back to 21st the only really thing what i wanted is to help out a friend and KU but as time has passed and seen many ups and down for 21st my view has changed. I've met many good people in the 21st and right now they are looking up to me and i don't wanna let them down. so that is one of the reason i know im not going to get burned out because i wanna walk into the same footsteps as one of the best bacara (Irons) I've seen in my time  who in his time made 21st great again. and i dont wanna lie, I've no idea what the future lies for me but what i can promise right now is that i have no intention on quitting. :3  

Current:  KU Keller 

Former: SO Spark | WP Mortar |  KU XO Charger


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app is a little bare.

but truthfully its better than some accepted apps. 

Keep 21st alive. +1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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I don't think you have the attitude or the drive to run it. This application is bare for a battalion that needs to push out of a huge slump. Along with a more personal note, my recent experience with you has been on the negative side where you've shown disrespect towards the Coruscant Guard for valid arrests against your members, and on several occasions, your members disrespecting High Command and Officers of CG for valid arrests as well when no 21st Officers were around due to a lack of drive. 


  • Disagree 2
  • Informative 1

Current: DSXO CPT Jek 
Former: 332nd Captain Vaughn | 332ndO Jesse | 332nd Vyse | TC Kano | 501st ARCO | Omega 22 Atin


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Spark or Kuro, I’m so proud to see you apply for this position as I believe you have what it takes for the future of the 21st. 


Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout x2, Jet x2, COE x2

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1 hour ago, Charles said:


I don't think you have the attitude or the drive to run it. This application is bare for a battalion that needs to push out of a huge slump. Along with a more personal note, my recent experience with you has been on the negative side where you've shown disrespect towards the Coruscant Guard for valid arrests against your members, and on several occasions, your members disrespecting High Command and Officers of CG for valid arrests as well when no 21st Officers were around due to a lack of drive. 


Ah sorry to hear this. I  understand that this application may be lackluster or not perfect but I'm also not really good at making applications. but that doesn't mean I don't have the drive/attitude for it. I really wanna make 21st great again and I'm trying my best right now as CMD to do that justice. and I'm sorry if I came disrespectful over to GC or you about things/arrest it was not my intention. and if that was the case I would have loved to if you came to me and told me that, so I could better myself or told me about my troopers so i could talk to them or warn them for it. If you want i like to have a meeting with you so i can see more of your stand point and show you that i have the drive to make 21st great again.

  • Winner 1

Current:  KU Keller 

Former: SO Spark | WP Mortar |  KU XO Charger


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Veteran Admin

+1 I know Kuro has been in 21st for a long time and I dont know how much he really wants this position but i know someone has to do it and hes the best for it.

Current: || VA || GMM ||  QuestMaster ||  212th BCMD Cody || 


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I'm hesitantly -1ing this.

I think you definitely want to make progress in rebuilding the battalion, and your app isn't bad, but a lot of the things you want to implement are things you should have been doing as a Commander. Hosting more Jedi tryouts, getting more NCOs promoted to Officer, pushing the NCOs to do more activities and trainings; these are all things that should already be happening. 

Additionally, I'm concerned about the attitude you show to CG. Whether it was intentional or not, giving CG disrespect for doing their job is something that you should know better than to do, as a Commander and as someone who's been on the server for as long as you have. 

If you do get the position, I hope you prove me wrong, but I can't support you right now.

  • Disagree 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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I honestly agree with Finn. A lot of things you mentioned you could've been doing as a commander already. If you had been doing those things already, 21st wouldn't be in the state it's in now. Now on another level, more recently I had an encounter with you where you joined the Coruscant Guard TeamSpeak channel and proceeded to ask how you should run your NCO Core. I understand some of these things may have been confusing, but to put it in my perspective, you joined our call essentially asking how to run your battalion, stating "for my BCMD Application". In my honest opinion, if you don't understand or know at least that much as a CMD, you shouldn't be running for BCMD, as you'll cause your battalion to suffer down the line.

Apart from that, I am curious; you said, "I have many ideas planned that I would like to try out and make the 21st as fun and great as it can be." What are some of those ideas?

Edited by EODmanKarl
Forgot to add something.
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this guy went for mortar and then left 2 weeks after to join 21st i think i might -1 this app. Just kidding you get a +1 from me this man knows whats best for 21st.


    Current: Wolfpack Lead CMD Comet.   Former: improcco CMD Gett| CG CMD Thorn|501st XO Fivesspacer.png

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2 hours ago, Finn said:

I'm hesitantly -1ing this.

I think you definitely want to make progress in rebuilding the battalion, and your app isn't bad, but a lot of the things you want to implement are things you should have been doing as a Commander. Hosting more Jedi tryouts, getting more NCOs promoted to Officer, pushing the NCOs to do more activities and trainings; these are all things that should already be happening. 

Additionally, I'm concerned about the attitude you show to CG. Whether it was intentional or not, giving CG disrespect for doing their job is something that you should know better than to do, as a Commander and as someone who's been on the server for as long as you have. 

If you do get the position, I hope you prove me wrong, but I can't support you right now.


1 hour ago, EODmanKarl said:


I honestly agree with Finn. A lot of things you mentioned you could've been doing as a commander already. If you had been doing those things already, 21st wouldn't be in the state it's in now. Now on another level, more recently I had an encounter with you where you joined the Coruscant Guard TeamSpeak channel and proceeded to ask how you should run your NCO Core. I understand some of these things may have been confusing, but to put it in my perspective, you joined our call essentially asking how to run your battalion, stating "for my BCMD Application". In my honest opinion, if you don't understand or know at least that much as a CMD, you shouldn't be running for BCMD, as you'll cause your battalion to suffer down the line.

Apart from that, I am curious; you said, "I have many ideas planned that I would like to try out and make the 21st as fun and great as it can be." What are some of those ideas?

I can see what you guys mean but alot of things are out of context. the first thing i want to address is why am i not doing those things as cmd.  I've been promoting people, encourage my NCO on doing training, talking with my officers and fellow CMD on who are capable of become officers. in my opinion i feel like the 21st is doing a great job, we are getting more people online and we are all trying very hard to make 21st great again. while i've been doing this as CMD. BCMD is important to the battalion to help  boost the morale in the 21st. secondly i joined CG and every other battalion to research  on how other battalions do NCO quotas. Because i was interested on how every battalion does it so i can see if my idea has a footing. that why i said its for my BCMD applications

  • Informative 1

Current:  KU Keller 

Former: SO Spark | WP Mortar |  KU XO Charger


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Veteran Admin

+1 I'm not your oni-chan

Current: Bad Batch Echo

Former: WAC-47 Battalion Commander Wolffe Mechanized Regimental Commander Clorox


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+1 I always see u on working hard for 21st, good luck with it

Current: Dev AssistantRancor REGL MAJ Alpha 17 Alpha | Militia LTGuild EvaluatorSenior Admin | TRO

Former: Trauma | Alpha 74 Stec | Alpha 98 Nate | Navy IA CPO

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  • Coordinator

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a ME to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Edited by Woeny
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Head Admin

Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.


  • Dumb 1

Current: Palpatine

Former: Shaak Ti | Arligan Zey Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Jedi Military Advisor | Null-10 Lieutenant JaingNull-6 Lieutenant Kom'rk Bad Batch Echo Bad Batch Hunter Improcco Nye Alpha-26 Maze | Walon Vau Yoda x2

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