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Knight's - Spec. Reg Appliaction *Waived*

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Waived by High Command


Steam Name:


RP Name: Knight

RP Rank: SGM

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:488808076

Regiment you are applying for:

Specialization Regimental Commander

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

        I’ve been very patient about this position and always looked over past Spec Reg Commanders' terms throughout my time in Synergy. I’ve always wanted to become a Regimental Commander to keep the Spec Battalions in check. There has yet to be a specialized regimental commander, and I am up for the task. I worked with Marshal Commander Bacta during his term as marshal commander, and he believed in me going for this position, but at the time, I felt unready since I had to deal with life issues. I’ve always loved the specialization battalion and am inspired to lead them in a good direction.
        I’ve been told that my BCMD Fox term was terrific and that people enjoyed working with me in command. From my eyes as BCMD Fox, I didn’t think I was the best in my term since I looked up to someone who had a fantastic term as Fox, which was Ratio. I am inspired to bring roleplay and Clone Wars Republic patriotism of following orders as we fight against the CIS. I want to make my Regimental Commander, who leads the clones to victory no matter the cost and makes the tough calls.
        I seek to help my fellow Specialized Regiment to unite them and be the best regiment within the server. As a mediator for Brooklyn, Bana, and Danny, we can make Spec. Reg. even better with our passion for our battalions. I don’t plan to interfere with their plans; I’m dedicated to striving to tackle issues with my Specialized Regiment battalions by providing my support and ideas. I am fully back in the community and enjoy the players around me.


Every day, time may vary, but likely 4+ hours each day

Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:

Coruscant Guard:

        I’ve been in the Coruscant Guard for many years, from 2018 to now. I left the battalion around 2020 and returned in 2023 to become Fox since CG needed help. Then, I returned after a couple of months away from the server since I needed to work on myself with IRL issues. I strive to help the community and the Spec Reg. with my dedication and thrive as I did at BCMD.
        I’ve been an XO within this battalion and served under many Fox back to Ratio, Slump, Centurion, Void, Anderson, Gret, Odric, Arizona, Tessa, Twobit, and now Danny. Within Coruscant Guard, I’ve been an ARCL, ARCO, MEDO, MEDL, and DSL, created DS with Centurion, and became an HVYO, Thire, and Stone. I’ve learned what it takes to lead a battalion, work hard, and communicate with others. Being involved with the server as an XO/CMD, I had to talk with many battalions and maintain good communication with them. I’ve seen CG lack communication with other battalions and other issues within the battalion at one point. I’ve been in CG for the longest time and have not switched to a different battalion throughout the years that have passed.
        I love this battalion with my heart and soul. I’ve been through CG’s worst moments to CG’s best moments. I left after my third term streak of being Battalion Commander Fox and have returned to enjoy the server.  Everything I’ve done was for the CG and the server, making them understand how CG is behind the baton.

These were my past achievements when I was at Fox.
1. Fixed the Coruscant Feedback and Report Form (Completed)
2. Added a merit point system to keep CG activity in check
3. Build an Officer Core within CG when I didn’t have one from the beginning (Completed)
4. Built a CG email so that all Documents within CG are in one place in a drive (Completed)
5. All Lore Characters are taken within the Coruscant Guard (Completed)
6. Made CG Officers do logging rather than having an intel team. (Completed)
7. Revise Documents within CG (Completed)
8. Brought back numbers toward the end of my term. (Completed)
9. Pushed for sim training within CG and joint training. (Completed)
10. Discipline needs to be enforced within CG, and I’ll make sure punishment is given to those who are insubordinate within CG. (Completed)
11. Merit System is polished and working great past my term. (Completed)
12. Focus on activity within my battalion (Completed)
13. Focus on the core within CG, like training, police RP, NCO core, and specializations. (Completed)
14. Bring back Diplomatic Services in good condition (Completed)
15. Brought back CG to its highest point with many numbers and activities (Completed)
16. Negotiations are up and running with NEG. Leadership and CG CMD+ hosting neg. Trainings. (Completed)


        I’ve been a Veteran Admin within Synergy and almost made it to Head Admin, but I had to deal with real-life situations, which made me step back from the server. I have been just a Game Master since I returned to Synergy to provide fun events for the community. I’ve always enjoyed being a Game Master. I’m always planning how my events start and learning that having the community decide is best for ending events. Since community interactions are involved with their choices in events, they impact more for the player. I joined Admin to be more involved with the community, and my work shows that I’ve always enjoyed my time here.


        I was in Rancor when I started Synergy and left as a CPL, but I learned many things as a new Synergy player. I’m an ARC trooper now, and I still love to come by and see how Rancor is doing because ARC is always the best specialization I’ve ever been in. Working under Rancor when serious RP was outstanding, I would like to see this image of Rancor return. I have a great relationship with Rancor, no matter who runs the battalion. I’ve always enjoyed working beside them as a CG.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

Coruscant Guard

        I spoke with Danny | Fox regarding the issues within his battalion. He mentioned a few issues within the battalion, but only updating documents and helping trackers in their positions. I plan to support Danny with his Tracker sub-class on providing roleplay for trackers since, as a game master, I can further use their skills. I want to provide as many roleplay scenarios as possible for every battalion and utilize their specialty in events. I’ve also noticed that negotiations aren’t used frequently within the server. Diplomatic Services shall also be more utilized since Danny and Arizona have done a great job reworking the subclass.
        I plan to support their forum suggestions on making changes for DS and give CG outstanding roleplay events so their battalion can utilize police role-play and negotiations. I can further support their changes for revising documents since I was BCMD Fox in the past and was involved with the old documents within CG. I can provide my insight and knowledge from previous Foxes that led me.


        I spoke with Bana, who is applying for BCMD position within Rancor. I told him that I willing to support his term and be involved with his battalion by joining his battalion communication. He seeks an RCMD that is very interactive with their spec regiment battalions since he hasn’t seen an RCMD come to his Rancor channel and speak with their troopers. I plan to interact with the community in many ways. I want to visit every spec. Regiment Battalion channel and tell them I am always there for their support.
        I also like to use my Game Master status to provide Rancor with an ARC event where all ARC troopers within each battalion deal with a huge training or mission that needs to be done by all ARC troopers. Proving a vast ARC event and Rancor leading the event can bring significant community interaction with Rancor as ARC troopers unite. I seek to show the server how effective and professional Rancor is and lead to be the top battalions as they before.



    I only briefly chatted with Brooklyn about how I will be running for spec regiment commander. I plan to support his battalion, provide heavy rp events, and improve relations with other battalions for SOBDE. As someone who has yet to go for a SOBDE position, I think everything looks stable from the looks outside of the battalion. SOBDE has a full roster of great individuals within the battalion, and I have enjoyed their interactions on the server.
        If I were to gain this position, I would work with Brooklyn on any issues or ideas he would like to bring to SOBDE and discuss a plan to keep his battalion thriving. SOBDE should focus heavily on each squad's specialty, providing significant events supporting their lore. As a Game Master, I want to show the server how valuable SOBDE is regarding their skills. If these great individuals within SOBDE interacted more with the community, they would stand out as excellent roleplayers and inspirations to new players.
        This brings up an issue that previous SOBDE BCMDs have been dealing with, and I would like to shed light on it: Outreach. I have seen it fail in the past. I seek to focus with Brooklyn on revamping this idea because it can be helpful for other battalions. Outreach is a way to help with SOBDE relations with other battalions. SOBDE has a quota that must be done regarding their hours and training. The idea I can provide and would like to have more of a one-on-one conversation with Brooklyn. When a SOBDE member reaches a set rank for Outreach status, they shall assign them an additional quota, providing 1 Outreach Training for battalions each week. This could be a better way to improve relations with other battalions and work with Officers+ with other battalions on their outreach training. They shall plan together as a joint training, which counts as their Outreach Training. This can be an excellent addition to Outreach rather than only supporting suffering battalions.
        I worked with Brooklyn when I was a BCMD. He leads SOBDE in the right direction. We can work together to keep SOBDE's reputation at an all-time high.


        As stated previously, I seek to provide my battalions with the utmost support and events to entertain them. I want the server to focus on our battalion's strong traits by utilizing us more in events with interrogations, recon, policing, negotiations, and leadership. My main goal is to hit strong within my three-month term as a Spec Regimental and have all my battalion reach BOTM. I want at least 2 of them to achieve this goal, but I would love to have all three make it.

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

    Bi-Weekly Meetings

        I want to meet with each CMD+ or BCMD+ within each battalion in the spec. regiment so we can discuss planned joint training, battalion statistics, and event collaborations. I would also like to discuss their issues and suggestions. Keeping everyone in the loop of these changes can have outside battalion support and RCMD insight. I want to make sure we are doing great with our stats, so having the meeting, I want to hear an update on their efforts and push hard on getting BOTM. My goals are to have three of my regiments be BOTM within my three-month term and improve battalion relations. BOTM for three terms is a challenge I will put on myself.
        If the BCMDs need a one-on-one conversation regarding their issues within their battalion or dealing with bad relations with other battalions, I can further assist with those issues and sit down with their BCMD or RCMD. I want every battalion on good terms with the spec regiment battalion.

Image within the Server

        I want to show how amazing our spec regiment is to those outside the regiment by showing the specialization regiment as professional and being very involved in role-play scenarios. Suppose you want to become the best role-player or more engaged in a team, join Spec Reg. You will only find great minds and passionate people who want to become leaders. We have SOBDE as our special units, Rancor as our Advance Recon Force, and CG as our VIP/HVT Protectors of the Republic. I will shine those traits of each battalion with the server training they provide to the server and events we take lead.


        With our Bi-Weekly meetings, I plan to provide a fleshed-out event for our Spec Regiment. I want the BCMDs to work together to have our troopers enjoy heavy role-play or shoot-em-up events that lead to different sequels for their events. I also would like our spec reg to take care of situations in other events by offering their skills and training to be shouted out in every DB for their collaboration and effectiveness. So, by ordering the battalions to get into those scenarios that the Game Master provides, we can always stand out. I have ideas and dupes ready for these events and have been trying to implement them in the events I’ve hosted.

Do you understand that you will be removed from your position if you go inactive?: Yes, I do.

Do you understand that your position has a three-month term limit, and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes, I do.



Edited by KnightVR

Current: Game Master | Former: Fox, Thire, Stone, BCMD, Veteran Admin, DSL, ARCLx2
kamino-coruscant — Commander Fox and Sergeant Hound S05x18: The Jedi...

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One of the greatest Fox's i've ever worked with. He has the activity and personality to work with everyone he needs to. 

  • Friendly 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair


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Well shit. Knight's all grown up. 

Jokes aside, Huge +1. Knight was a fantastic officer in CG back in the day, and while I did not see his fox term, I have heard very good things. Goodluck at interview.

  • Friendly 1

Autism made me do it.

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Veteran Admin

This isn't easy to do but I'm going to have to -1 this. I heard you were an excellent Fox during your term but ever since I joined the server in January I haven't seen you in a single leadership position so it isn't that easy for me to support you being CG's representative in High Command.

We did have a talk but I didn't feel like you had any concrete plans for any improvements for inter SPEC relations besides just encouraging us to increase joint trainings.  Without that I don't see why CG needs a SPEC RCMD.

I don't know how your talk's with Brooklyn and Bana went but if you were able to convince them to support you then I respect that and wish you good luck on the interview nonetheless.

  • Informative 3
  • Dumb 2

Current: SPEC Regimental Commander Danny
Former: Walon Vau, CG Commander Danny, Battalion Commander Fox

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Big +1 for my first and favourite BCMD I've had while on the server. First met over a year ago and have still proved to me a year later that you are competent and still have the drive if not more passion for the position. Best of luck on how things go, would love to see a Spec Reg RCMD Knight.!

  • Friendly 1

Current Null-6 LT Kom'rk | Current Bariss Offee


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Veteran Admin

I am unfortunately of the same opinion of Danny, I haven't seen you do all that much since I've seen you and can't really rely on all the old heads saying you did good as Fox. 

If you had applied after getting higher up and showing off your abilities to the current individuals of the server I could've considered otherwise but right now I cannot in good faith gives this anything but a -1. The plans you had given me during our talk were just about making relations better and have us work closer together and seems it continues on your app. I feel like this is something anyone going for this position could say.

(I am also very against old heads applying for high positions as NCO's without putting current work in)

  • Informative 2

Current : Rancor BCMD Blitz TRM  Questmaster Veteran Admin
Former : Obi-Wan Kenobi | Bultar Swan | Guild Marshall Rancor CMD Colt | Rancor BCMD Blitz  Rancor Alpha-09 CMD Bana |SG WO Jayfon

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I would like to see what @Brooklyn thinks about this since he is the only spec BCMD who hasn’t given input yet. Like others said you seem to have a solid past but I haven’t necessarily interacted or  seen you a lot myself and presence is a big thing for any HC position



Former:  6  LT Kom'rk | Rancor Knight Halsey | Shaak Ti  | Branch Overseer  Kit Fisto | Bardan Jusik | QuestMaster


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Veteran Admin

I know we talked about you going for SPEC RCMD and how to approach it. Overall I think you are a great guy and only want the best for the spec, but at the current moment, you have nothing to prove to the current state of the server that you can handle a task as big as RCMD. For that reason I'm going to -1, I just believe that having support from your battalions and making a name for yourself again on the server is what you need to do first. With that said I wish you the best of luck with whatever happens next.

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Before I vote I would like to see what Brooklyn says as the last SPEC REG BCMD that has yet to comment. But to be honest from what I read in regards to Bana's and Danny's opinion's its not looking good. As someone who has been here about nine months, what could you tell me about your term (in specifics) that could constitute a +1 even though it seems that the SPEC REG BCMD's do not support you?
+1 My question may sadly go unanswered but experience never goes unnoticed. Good luck with the interview and with your term if you pass.

Edited by NexusRyan

Current: Nexus :)

Former: Waxer | BCMD Cody | Senior Admin


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  • Looks like a lot of your implantation of upkeeping the battalion revolves around your GM position and less of the changes or status quo you'll upkeep by achieving RCMD..
  • I've seen you on the server a lot and I feel youre pretty active but I'm not sure I've seen any plans of improvement or growth outside of just using game master to give them more roleplay.
  • I wasn't around to witness you in your former days of leadership and I'm unaware of your potential in leadership since for as long as I've been around you haven't been an officer and still aren't in CG. Knowing that you are a previous commander fox helps but I'm not sure how good of a fox you were or anything within it. Though that kind of falls on my lack of knowledge and less on your part.

In conclusion, I think I'd like to see you in leadership inside of CG before I see you take a RCMD position so I know how much I can rely on you and what you're capable of.

I genuinely think you're knowledgeable but I'm not sure what all you're up to date with since things change all the time with officers.

I cherish your presence in CG and I would love to see you in leadership and some concrete plans that don't include your GM powers before I +1 your application.

  • Dumb 2

Όντας δε θνητούς θνητά και φρονείν χρεών.

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Current Position(s): CAO Matchstick | Naval Intel Director 501st SUPL & Hawk | Administrator

Former Position(s): CG SUPO | Aviation Manager |

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So this is what it feels like to be an old head. Overall Knight, we have worked together before, on top of that you did wonders for CG and I believe you will do well here. Plus your insight would do wonders with this group of HC +1

  • Funny 1
  • Winner 2
  • Friendly 1
  • Pay Respect 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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On 7/10/2024 at 1:28 PM, Vortexuss said:

I would like to see what @Brooklyn thinks about this since he is the only spec BCMD who hasn’t given input yet. Like others said you seem to have a solid past but I haven’t necessarily interacted or  seen you a lot myself and presence is a big thing for any HC position

Look up

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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  • Director

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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  • Director

Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.


  • Pay Respect 1



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