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Brak's BCMD Rex Application


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501st Major Jesse

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Battalion you are applying for:



2 tours in 91st 2016-2017 

1st tour reached 1stLT

2nd tour reached CPT

1 tour SOBDE Foxtrot 2018 reached the rank of BCMD Gregor

6 tours (on 6th tour) 501st Not all are worth anything

1st tour reached the rank of  WO

2nd tour reached the rank of ARCL MAJ

5th tour reached the rank of 332nd XO REGL Vaughn

6th tour is current which at the moment is REGL MAJ


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

Dedication - This is my 6th tour in a row in this battalion. The first tour was back in 2018. So far the 501st has felt more like a home that is why I keep coming back. I have either helped make or made myself some of the documents for this battalion over the years mainly dealing with the heavy or ARF regiment also have made a good chunk of sergeant docs myself.

Professionalism - So I tend to take my rp and my actions very seriously. But with that being said I don’t expect the standard of professionalism that I hold for myself for everyone else as I think it would be way too high, but I do expect some professionalism in events, patrols, and joint trainings. I do think there is a time and place for seriousness and for the most part the 501st is pretty good about it. I plan to make this part of the 501st as well. We need to return at least a little bit to 2018ish 501st when we had a standard.

Backing -  I do know if I get the position that the 501st HC will back me and be able to assist me when needed. I get along with the majority of the 501st and hope to keep the good relation as it will be them making this battalion great again as I cannot do it alone. I need a team that is willing to put forth the effort and that cares about this battalion just as much as I do.

Doc Work - The good thing with this is that the only worry here is to finish getting all the regiments all set with updated tryout docs. The roster and merit forms are all set thanks to Jovanovic and Finn so there are no issues there.




Saturday: All day

Sunday: 6PM EST - 10PM EST

Monday: 6PM EST - 10PM EST

Tuesday: 6PM EST - 10PM EST

Wednesday: 6PM EST - 10PM EST

Thursday: 6PM EST - 10PM EST

Friday: All day

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

On and off since its conception.

Do you have a microphone?:



Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

Activity - This is something the 501st has been struggling with since I have come back. I would like to see this improve. It would be nice by the end of term we could at least keep up with the 212th. Just imagine having two healthy attack battalions. 

Solution: Focus on passive role play and active role play. This would mean patrols, armor/weapon checks, bunk inspections, medical checkups, and trainings. Encourage people to get on with things to do and possibly make friends in other battalions as joint trainings will get set up.

Roleplay - 501st is kind of lacking in this department but I do think we are improving. Would like to see 332nd having their own comms rp as well as TC having their own.

Solution -  We need to improve the effort we put towards interaction, moving forwards I will be pushing the idea of RP through activities down to general interaction between other troopers and role play scenarios presenting my vision of the 501st. If wondering how it will be done through planning, and executing trainings / entertainments to provide a standard to introduce new members of the 501st.

Learn - I have BCMD experience even though I don’t fully count it as it was only being in charge of 3 people max at a time. It was still a good experience to have. I have also learned from past Rex’s what needs to be done.

Solution -  Use the experience that I have to lead the 501st onto the path of success.  I think that if I use that experience I can motivate people to get on and partake in events and role play scenarios.  I would like to use what I have learned so far to further the camaraderie and interaction in the Attack Regiment. Not only bringing the battalion together but also making the Attack Regiment firing on all cylinders.

Recruitment -  This has been a topic that has plagued this battalion since I came back as well.

Solution - We need to increase activity as well as hosting tryouts. Everyone needs to be hosting not just the NCOs. Show that the 501st has a presence whether that be through always hosting joint/open sims to inviting others on patrol.  We need to show people that it is cool being blue. 

332nd -  Struggling with a couple members. Tryouts are set so just need to recruit.

Solution - 332nd will be made into an elite siege/tracking unit of the 501st. Using their way of tracking, cornering, and hitting their target. They will also train on how to defend positions for periods of time.

Torrent Company - Is in a rough place at the moment. Needing TCO and a TCC. Other than that the tryouts are set.

Solution - Make TC the elite assault unit of the 501st. The unit focusing more on brute strength and cunningness to overcome all odds.   Thus making this a brute force to be reckoned with.

NCO Core - I would like to see the NCO core full of potential officer candidates. This would in turn revive the battalion and get it back on track. That being said, there are a couple of them that I have my eye on.

Solution - People like having things to do and I do have some good and upcoming NCOs to do it. I have seen from a couple NCOs that are giving an effort and those are the same ones that do trainings, patrols, and promote role play and entertainment in the 501st. 

Officer Core -  This needs to be worked on just as much if not more than the rest of this. Activity starts here as this is the top. Activity is like a snowball rolling down a hill. If the officers are active then the NCOs will be active.

Solution - Boils down to people needing to take initiative. No one in the officer core should have to have their hand held. This means a talk will be done if needed and further action will result depending on the outcome. I need the officer core to focus on roleplay and encourage activity as it sets the example for the battalion. Their main goal is to mentor the NCO core on what to do and how to be a good officer. This in turn will benefit the 501st as it will have even more troops who know what to do and how to do certain things. This will motivate the NCO core to try and be encouraged to go for officer.

Retainment - This is a problem as we get legacy to come back only to leave to other battalions or people join and move on after a day without giving the battalion a chance. This has been a huge problem for us.

Solution - Going to introduce a new rule where if legacy comes back they have to stay for an X amount of days, but am going to talk with other officers before going through with it. The rest of it comes down to keeping people engaged by again engaging people with conversation and interaction.  Again sims and passive roleplay will play a part. People want things to do and people to hang out.  After all its all about the people you meet.

Regiments - Not in a great state and I have been working on getting them up to at least be able to recruit and host tryouts.

Solution - Asking people in the battalion (already doing this) to step up and go for officer spots in their regiments. A couple people have voiced their interest which is a good thing.  The officers of their respected regiments will start to host trainings within their regiments as well as for the battalion.  Getting the troops trained and ready for battle.

Stability/Consistency - So I would love to see the 501st be able to function when the BCMD is not around and be able to hold itself steady and remain active. 

Solution -  This will happen in due time. With the ramping up of sims/trainings and chances for roleplay we have all the opportunity in the world to be able to retain, sustain, and have consistent numbers.  I think do think this is possible and shouldn't be to much of an issue. Over the past couple of days I have seen a better amount of 501st on than when I came back. We are getting there we just have to keep climbing this mountain. 

Overall at the end of my term all I want is the battalion to at least be pointed in the right direction and moving that way. I do think an active Rex is required to do this and I think I am pretty active myself. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is that the 501st itself gets a competent Rex to lead the 501st both back to victory, good activity, and great roleplay.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:


Edited by Brak/Mainstay
Did not look right
  • Bruh 1
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4 hours ago, Brak/Mainstay said:

2 tours in 91st 2016-2017 

1st tour reached 1stLT

2nd tour reached CPT

1 tour in GM 2017 reached the rank of CSM

1 tour transfer to 41st from GM 2017 remained CSM 

1 tour SOBDE Foxtrot 2018 reached the rank of BCMD Gregor

1 tour SOBDE Wrecker reached the rank SGT

6 tours (on 6th tour) 501st

1st tour reached the rank of WO

2nd tour reached the rank of ARCL MAJ

3rd tour reached the rank of CSM

4th tour reached the rank of SGT

5th tour reached the rank of 332nd XO REGL Vaughn

6th tour is current which at the moment is REGL MAJ

Tours??? Oh hell nah -1


Also all of your “solutions” are just, hey guys do the thing and it’ll be solved.


Also Legacy retainment isn’t the way to get numbers in a battalion, making them stay even if they don’t want to doesn’t add anything positive. People stay if they’re having fun, I was in the main 501st channel with 8 other people for around 2 hours and only me and 2 other people talked. Everyone else was there they just weren’t talking. This is a huge issue, no one is talking in the main channel during peak hours? How can you expect people to stay when the main way people interact within the battalion is boring as hell? If a battalion isn’t fun people will not stay. You’re only plan for retainment making legacy stay X amount of Days is very worrying.

Edited by A-a-ron
  • Agree 3
  • Dumb 3


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I do think this post is lacking somewhat for a Rex application. However, I like you a lot and do think you are capable of the job with enough effort. -1 for now, if you edit and fix some of the problems mentioned by others and come up with realistic actions plans that have detail, I could change my vote.


Edit: You've added a decent amount and I feel you are definitely the right person within the 501st for the job. Surround yourself with Commanders and Officers who are competent, and you will go far. +1 give him an interview.

Edited by Keegan
He updated his app
  • Winner 1

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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501st is in a pretty bad state, and I honestly don't know if what you're offering is what will revive the battalion. Then again, no one seems to have any concrete ideas.

You have the drive, commitment, and leadership skills to be a really good Rex. You were the person I thought should run, and I think you're the only person in 501st right now that has any chance of being Rex. Even if everything you're going to try doesn't work out, I know you'll put your all into it every step of the way.

I wish you had more solid ideas to really motivate the battalion into being active, but I also understand the complexity of finding that with the current group you have.

Big +1 from me!

  • Winner 3
  • Confused 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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  • Winner 1


Former: Puddle WifeTorrent Company REGL COL Boomer

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+1 Yes! I know this guy.

Very pragmatic, Brak is no nonsense and knows what needs to be done. He is a very capable officer as of now, not only maintaining a large portion of the high command of 501st, but also utilizing his resources by collaborating with his officers, the previous Rex, and server High Command. He has the experience and potential to do extremely well here.

  • Winner 1

love 212th <3 og sith gaymer

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We have had many conversations about 501st and having the grasp on things you do will hopefully bring 501st to its former glory aside 212th. Good luck. +1

  • Winner 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1 My man.

  • Winner 1


                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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  • Management

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.



i am literally captain tukk

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  • Management

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!



i am literally captain tukk

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