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Rush's RC Niner Application

Rush Cat

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Steam Name: [SR] Rush Cat [HA]


RP Name: RC 36 Omega EOD Darman Skirata


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:55483879


Battalion or squad you are applying for: RC Omega Squad.



187th - 3 months
My first battalion (on the server, ST was my first ever). Back in August 2016 I joined the 187th when Fourth was Commander. Here I made it to XO after about a month and a half and decided I did not want BCMD so I stayed at XO for a good while until I moved on. During my time as XO I helped lead events and held PT for the battalion. I was new to everything so I wasn't really a leader at all. I didn't know how to lead but being an officer really helped me figure it out a bit. I mostly learned how to lead later on from staff.

501st - 1-2 weeks
I joined 501st along with a few of my 187th buddies and didn't make it too far. I started getting burned out around then so I mostly mained my Admin. I made it to about SSGT and then I went to Darman tryouts about a week and a half into 501st and somehow made it on first try. Not much else to say about my 501st days other than I met some good people and again gained some insight on how to lead.

Omega Squad Darman (Icefuse) - 3-4 months
As I said I have no idea how I passed on first try. So when I passed Crisis was Niner and Ion and Foxtrot had just been added in as they were still trying to fill them. Of course ARB was Fi, I don't remember who Atin was though. I would put my rank in this but it fluctuated so much, from Regimentals changing RC to ranks or back to us being CPT+. I was mostly an XO to every Niner except for the ones who ran Omega when the ranks were lowered. I would mostly help with tryouts and lead in events. There wasn't much to do in terms of leadership and honestly there still isn't to this day. I went through so many generations of RC and I could've been Niner and hell even Regimental multiple times. I remember Crisis even put me for who should be the next Niner but I just didn't feel like I would've done a good job. And I kind of regretted it so I do not want to regret it again. Towards the end all of RC was wiped by Odyssey and I had to go with it so I moved on.


Multiple Battalions (2 Months or so)

After this I hopped around a bit trying to find a place to fit. So joined the Galactic Marines and met a lot of really cool people but didn't make it too far as I was maining my Head Admin.
I also joined 212th about a month later and again was maining staff as all of the DVL stuff was going on so I didn't want to work on becoming an officer in a battalion alongside all of that.

RC Foxtrot Medic - 1 Month
Well, well, after all the time in RC I somehow found myself coming back. At this time Joah was Atin and Halpert was Fi, I believe Alistair was Regimental as well. This reinvigorated me into the game. I stopped feeling burned out especially since the 7 MONTH LONG UPDATE finally came out. (Thanks, Corv.) I helped out with tryouts as much as I could. I was given the dupe so I could spawn it for when we needed it. This taught me a lot about what it's like to be in some of the other squads after being in Omega so long. Again there wasn't much to do but lead in events and do tryouts.

Omega Squad Darman (Synergy) - July to Now (Technically) (So about 4-5 months)
When Synergy started I ended up getting the spot of Darman back and from there I have been the only every Darman on Synergy. Now I say technically above because Fido wiped Omega Squad in August which was only one month in. We were all inactive. And yeah that was true, we weren't very active back then, everyone was burned out and the server was still in it's infancy. After the wipe I tried out and got it back. From there I got more involved with RC. Over time Ion Team was added. Baxter became Niner and we went through quite a few changes. We had to do trainings such as EOD trainings and Tech trainings, we do tryouts but now we also help out with Null tryouts as well. So around now with all of the changes happening with SOBDE I've decided I finally want to run for Niner, I feel like it would be a really good experience even if I don't get it. After so many chances and times where I didn't want to I decided I think I should.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I have had probably one of, if not, the the longest RC career of anyone on the server. I have had a total of about 9-10 months of RC experience and about 90% of that is as Darman in Omega Squad. Based off of my experience I know what makes a squad lead good and also what doesn't. I've been through good Niner's and Bad Niner's, Good Regimentals and Bad Regimentals. I know what makes RC tick and I know how to lead the squad effectively. I think anyone who has met me knows I am very calm and laid back. I'm pretty understanding on most things and try to keep an unbiased opinion on situations. I believe this could be a good experience for me to try something new as I have never been a Squad Lead before. Ultimately I know I can do a very good job.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes, I do.


Availability: Pretty much everyday. Wednesdays I am usually busy but I can still get on in the day. Christmas is coming up so I will be less active during that point. I will admit one thing which is that I get stuck on bad sleep schedules every now and then but they usually only last 2 or 3 days and I still get on at night and play, and most of RC are up late at night anyways.
Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Well I started on Icefuse on August 20th 2016 and came to Synergy the day it opened in July.

Do you have a microphone?: Why yes I do.


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: Well. Most battalions change a lot and need constant maintenance so by the end of a term it would be completely different. But with RC squads it's mostly the same by the end. So I funny enough hope things are the same, as long as my squad is active and full in the end. Same rank structure. Great people. Etc. The way RC and Omega Squad is running now is mostly perfect. At the end of the day I just want Omega Squad to be happy and have the rest of the server be happy with Omega Squad. If something can help improve that then I will be happy to implement it or change it.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes, I understand.

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1 hour ago, Rush Cat said:

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes, I understand.

are u sure about that


Exit Meme : +1 my dude, just please please PLEASE be active.


Edited by Bbstine
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You've had your ups and downs with activity, and your removal was brought up to me by multiple people many times, but I stood my ground that you were one of the best RC on the server and you are committed to the Squad. I'm pretty sure you've been Darman longer than anyone on this server has been in any other RC position, and you know your stuff. We may have had some disagreements with what RC was doing and how we were doing it, but you were never one to just outright say 'no' to anything, you were always looking for some sort of middle ground, which I admire. I personally think you would make a fantastic Niner, no matter what the haters say.

+1 To this beast of a man.

Also, have this seal of approval


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+1 My guy Rush, Where to even start? I met you after joining as Fi and I'll be honest I was questionable about you because of how little I saw you but over time your activity got a lot better and you're on just about every night hanging with us not to mention how long you have been in your position as Darman. I would love to see you become the next Niner. You are more than qualified for this position and can't wait to see you leading us in Omega.

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2 hours ago, Esitt said:

Only the best of the best had the 187th as their first battalion :), +1 you will do great things my mate.


+1, Rush is one of my favorite people and I have good taste in people so if he fails you can personally blame me.


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14 hours ago, Runs with Apache said:

You posted this in application.


I think this belongs in resignation.



Eh whatever. Take my plus 1 i guess. You wont be the worst weve had. 

/me looks to metro

+1, Rush will do a great job.


Where the 38th though?

/me looks back at Apache


"We'll get it done, Colonel. Six out."

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Image result for the office nodding gif


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Rush, i love you man, but i cant see you as commander of a squad with your activity. Ive only seen you in TS3 like 4 times, and in game like 2. I know it might be my activity, but still. Plus with a head admin spot, i dont feel as tho your full potential is reached. So for that, in unfortunatly have to -1 <3

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15 minutes ago, Porsche said:


Rush, i love you man, but i cant see you as commander of a squad with your activity. Ive only seen you in TS3 like 4 times, and in game like 2. I know it might be my activity, but still. Plus with a head admin spot, i dont feel as tho your full potential is reached. So for that, in unfortunatly have to -1 <3

All good man. I do think we are on at different times though because I am on everyday, especially in TS, I just stick to the RC and Null channels and don't really join other channels unless needed. Head Admin is pretty relaxed as well, most I have to do is document work and the meetings for the most part.

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1 minute ago, Rush Cat said:

All good man. I do think we are on at different times though because I am on everyday, especially in TS, I just stick to the RC and Null channels and don't really join other channels unless needed. Head Admin is pretty relaxed as well, most I have to do is document work and the meetings for the most part.

ill look into it....perhaps ill change my answer.

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On 12/17/2017 at 9:07 PM, Porsche said:


Rush, i love you man, but i cant see you as commander of a squad with your activity. Ive only seen you in TS3 like 4 times, and in game like 2. I know it might be my activity, but still. Plus with a head admin spot, i dont feel as tho your full potential is reached. So for that, in unfortunatly have to -1 <3

EDIT: +1. After looking back on the impact he has had on both synergy and the forsaken server, i know @Rush Catwill do great things for RC.

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On 12/17/2017 at 5:30 PM, CBG said:

+1 I Worked with Joah back in the day at Icefuse when I was Niner and apart of other RC positions. This man is more than qualified for the job

You mean Rush, not Joah xD. Also as senior commander of  this regiment Rush's has got my +1.

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