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Baxter last won the day on May 15 2019

Baxter had the most liked content!

About Baxter

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  1. Ever since I heard the news around 8pm I haven't really been able to put into words how this makes me feel. I've known Korm for almost as long as I've known Synergy. It's insane to me that he's gone. He was such an influence to not only me but countless other people on this server and beyond. Truly a friend and a brother who was taken too soon. Rest in Valhalla, friend.
  2. @Mitchell I literally cannot remember what you said to me to be honest so don't worry about it LMAO
  3. Baxter

    Wrecker Fist 2.0

    Back in my day Wrecker was supposed to get special fists with abilities +1
  4. LMFAO Scribbles what were you thinkin man I'll support the unban from TS but as for the GMOD server that's a FAT yikes from me.
  5. What the hell does this mean? -1
  6. Why do you continue to do this to yourself
  7. Sith was a trash idea from the start and on top of that after Joah and Jackson decided to let other be dark lords the management and leadership went down the drain to the point where it was irreparable. A select few of the Sith actually wanted to do any real RP and the rest just wanted to go out and commit glorified RDM.
  8. Hell yeah brother fuck the Sith
  9. whoa this is real?? sure why the hell not +1
  10. Whoever recorded this needs to activate their windows
  11. I'm gonna be pretty honest here, after I left and you got hunter, I initially heard some no so great things about what was happening with Bad Batch. BUT Over the past two months people have kinda kept me in the loop of what is going on and, while not perfect, you are clearly the best candidate for Hunter that has applied so far. +1 Good luck buddy.
  12. Baxter


    When I did play on the server I had nothing but bad interactions with you, and I never really heard anyone that I talked to say they had a positive experience with you either. -1 Sorry Chief
  13. Yeah I'm gonna agree with Egg. If things are only getting worse stay away from Gmod my man. Your life isn't worth throwing away over a fucking video game.
  14. I never had it, that wasn't a thing when I resigned from HA.
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