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Ravens Yoda Application (Waived)


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==========[ Grand Master of the Order ]==========


Steam Name: Hellz

RP Name: Raven

RP Rank: Master Jedi

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20057959

Why should you become Grand Master?:

To help improve the activity within the Jedi order by hopefully solving a variety of issues that others as well as myself have experienced. 

The major 3 issues me and others have noticed

Currently Jedi for the most part dont have a huge role to play in events. Mostly walking shields. Sages dont get opportunity to sway sith to the light side. Shadows rarely get opportunitys to deal with sith artifacts/holocrons. TG is just so bland (guard the temple).  Yes the server is based around clones but i want to see more interactivity for Jedi.

Masters roles are currently minimal, Just knight and initiation trials. I want to see them more involved with the server. Hosting sparrings/tournaments or whatever it may be to keep others involved with the server.

The few jedi Masters we do have have a low attendance. I very rarley see Skywalker, barden or vos (yes i know about the LOA) but even before that skywalker is just not as active as he should be when thats a major face of the Jedi order. This goes the same for Yoda. the few time i have seen him they quickly go on LOA and are never seen again. Mundi is also one i have literally seen one time.


My work schedule fluctuates but normally 6-10 mon-fri, sat and sun I'm normally available all day unless I am running dnd

Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:

I personally started as a clone and worked my way up to 2nd LT before I resigned. My resignation was due to me taking over as the Shadow Lead in Sentinel Branch. I have completely reworked how the shadow branch trails are done so that they encompass what a Jedi shadow is all about. Also with the help of Kirara have brought the branch back to life and as it is currently has full management with only 4 slots remaining in the shadow branch.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?:

I want to push for more lore Jedi to be far more active than they currently are. I believe this can be solved with more Jedi oriented missions (conversion RP, Sith relic Destruction RP, Temple Defense). 

EDIT: Sorry for being far to unspecific. 

Some of you have pointed out that i was far to general so i will be specific for each branch to hopfully clear some questions. 

TG/guardian: This branch is in a very good place RN but not much else for TG to do unless temple is attacked. Which is few and far between which effects the temple guard activity.

Shadows/Sentinel: Yes they deal with Sith and sith artifacts. I have only seen artifacts done by 2 specific people (no names). Shadow itself is in a great place ATM but could use a bit more active to help activity

Sage/consular: Every time i have seen a sage it has been lore character. Very rarely do i see a sage that is not tied to lore. I also have never seen any GM give them a chance to do conversion which is there main thing. Consular is almost dead due to the fact that the other 2 branches just have more to do or get cooler stuff. I want to make consulars and sages have much more presence in events by giving them the ability to interact that doesnt include healing. Yes this can be accomplished by events including them for their purpose. Past that i am unsure how to bring them back.

Battalion Jedi: I personally would love to see more jedi inside of the battalions. At least 1 or 2 per. Most do have dedicated Jedi so i dont see this as a huge issue ATM. Although mostly it seems RC and 212th.

Jedi a whole

I personally think that jedi attendence is at an all time low. I only see about 3-6 jedi on at a time, sometimes less. This can easily be solved by doing more Jedi oriented events listed above. I would say quests being readded but that will be fixed with time

How do you plan to improve relations within the Jedi Order between branches?:

I would personally like to host tournaments at regular intervals (requires credits) so that the order can have more chances to integrate. When I finally manage to get SA I plan on hosting a lot more Jedi related events to hopefully bring the Jedi together for a more common goal than just tanking for clone events.


Something that i believe could help relations is talking with those who can establish more Joint Trainings for all of the branchs. Yes this can be done by a simple GM but should be set up by commanders. 

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Grand Master rank?: yes

Edited by hellz
  • Bruh 3
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Forum Admin

-1 bro what,

all you stated was that you wanted to host more tournaments (which you already can do as a master, you just have to ask) and to host more jedi oriented events (which you could just apply for GM and do)

pretty poor app, haven't actually explained anything on what your plans are and how you want to achieve them, just the generics

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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I have a few questions on your application.

In your "Why should you be Grandmaster?" Section, you mention that you hope to solve "a variety of issues". You, however, do not mention what these issues are. Could you expand on this point, and explain what you think the current issues are, besides the activity factor? Additionally, could you go over what exactly you plan on doing to fix these issues?

Focusing on Branches, I would assume many of them have a pretty solid leadership core, and from your application I can tell that is true for the Sentinel Branch, from your application. How do you think the other branches are doing at the moment? Do you think they also have a strong leadership core? Do you see any other issues with any of the Branches, including Sentinel, at the moment? And if you do, What do you think you can do as Grand Master to fix these issues? If you think that there are no issues currently, Why? 

A common issue across the server is the fulfillment of Subunits/Regiments (Support, Medic, Etc..)/Branches, anything really. Many of these entities have active Leadership core, and strong ones at that, however they struggle with the issue that there are no other members besides those in the leadership positions. Do you believe that this is true for the branches? If so, How do you plan on increasing activity within Branches? If not, How could you show that all the Branches have active leadership and members that not apart of the leadership of said branch?

Many of applicants mention that they wish to see Jedi being active at the end of their term. It's the most common and somewhat, in my opinion, an cop-out answer for how you wish Jedi to be after you leave. The definition of activity is as follows "the condition in which things are happening or being done". In your own eyes, What do you think this should look like? Is there any quantitative numbers that could demonstrate activity with the order? If not, How could you demonstrate, to the normal player, that the order is active? 

You fail to mention Battalion Jedi, something that I think is a big part of the Jedi. I think that all the Factions should interact with each other, and if they are doing that perfectly, the server is in a relativity good state. Do you see any issues with Battalion Jedi, What are they? How do you plan on fixing these problems? If you don't, Why do you think Battalion Jedi are in a good state?

Additionally, you mention that you will host more Jedi related events to allow Jedi's to work together towards a "more common goal". How do you plan on getting Jedi on for these events? Do you think that the ONLY reason Jedi are few and far between is because they do not have a "common goal" to work towards? 

Like I mentioned before, the interaction of factions make for a fun and active server. How do you plan on increasing this interaction, with Clones, Naval, and Citizens/BH (idk what it's called at this rate)? If you think that events would do this, It is unrealistic to expect a Jedi event, run by a GM/Staff Member, to be occurring at all hours Jedi are on, How do you plan on evoking RP at a level where Staff/GM's are not needed?

Your only real plan when you get Yoda is to Host more tournaments and events. Why prevents you from doing this in your current position? How will Yoda allow you to host these things more freely, or at a higher level than your current position allows you to do? 
(sorry for the bad spacing idk what im doing)

Edited by Cubby
Edited for grammer
  • Winner 1
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-1 i see little to no effort in this application. Masters are permitted to host Tournaments already. I believe you're an admin as well, you have the ability to ask for a GM help and host Jedi missions. Why would you need Yoda to do this?

  • Agree 2

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
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I'm going to side with the majority here. You recently became master, but the app seems to be pretty generalized and shows relative inexperience on the server as a whole. What I need to say has already been stated above by Cubby.

Edited by AntiMhatter
Removed Rating

Former 41st GC REGL XO Tetra | Former Cin Drallig x2 | Former Serra Keto x2 | Former Branch Overseer Former Mace Windu

41st CMD Tetra

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19 minutes ago, AntiMhatter said:

I'm going to side with the majority here. You recently became master, but the app seems to be pretty generalized and shows relative inexperience on the server as a whole. What I need to say has already been stated above by Cubby. It's going to be a -1 from me for now.

same i have read it and every comment so far so i feel confident on doing this but im sorry bro -1 

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1 hour ago, hellz said:

At the time of writing this i was running a fever of over 100. I have made edits, i hope this answers most questions. if there are any others i wouldn't mind answering them.

@Soccer  @AntiMhatter @Deathtiger @Mystic @Misfit @Cubby @Stormzy @Naffen

While I do appreciate your edited app and it does address most of the questions I have to my satisfaction, I still believe you need more experience on the server and in command. I know revamping Shadow trials was an important task that definitely needed to be done, after my discussion with Kirara the other day, and I do align with you on the problems that you have mentioned that need improvement.

I just don't have the confidence that you have the experience to make it happen and stick with it.

Former 41st GC REGL XO Tetra | Former Cin Drallig x2 | Former Serra Keto x2 | Former Branch Overseer Former Mace Windu

41st CMD Tetra

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you do have very little expirience but this is alot better in my opinion hmmmm im just afraid that youll get burnt out fast and resign 

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-1 wait for next go around mate 

  • Agree 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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-1 I am open to changing this but your app DEFINITELY needs more work put into it. This doesn't really show why you want to become Yoda, If you put more work into this app and explain some ways you want to CHANGE the Jedi Order as a whole and explain to us what you can do to help the jedi order other than just host more torunaments you have my +1 but it stays -1 until I see a change

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I don't disagree with the statement that I don't have as much experience as I should when it comes to this server. Your worry of getting burnt out is just not going to happen. I don't believe the jedi order needs to change as a whole. There are improvements that need to be made and I believe that acting as Yoda not only could I help to facilitate those changes but also to hear out others about changes that need to occur even if they escape my sight now. 


Yes I am newer to the server. No I am not inexperienced when it comes to being a leader. I have the leadership skills and qualitys that are needed for this position. If you can't see that it's fine. I will continue running Shadow branch to the best of my ability and prove that I am fit. I will still be here 6 months from now. Hope to see yall on the next go around. 😀

Edited by hellz
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I say fuck it. hes got passion which is rare right now and has the potential to bring in fresh ideas and changes to the order. The Jedi order has been plagued historically by old heads being locked down with their heads 5 feet in the dirt, unwilling to attempt new things, especially bold ones. Let high command figure out if hes got better ideas then other applicants.


Also stop being hypocritical on apps being short. 99% of all the apps for the past 6 months have been scant and lower in length. I dont think now is the time to really crack down on that.

Edited by Dono


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From what I have read your main goals are just more Jedi Deployments and Master tournaments which with the help of a GM or asking the council for permission could easily be done. I do agree with master's and their activity but it is the holidays so they could be visiting friends or family.

So for me it's a -1 but don't give up and don't stop trying

Current: Improcco TennEeth Koth

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On 12/28/2022 at 12:15 PM, Dono said:

Also stop being hypocritical on apps being short. 99% of all the apps for the past 6 months have been scant and lower in length. I dont think now is the time to really crack down on that.

dono is right and you edited the app to improve it atleast slight so come sway me

you've said WHAT you want to do but you havent said HOW you're gonna do it. In my eyes everything you've said can be done at the rank you're at right now so my question is how will you give consulars and sages a bigger role like you want? How can you give TG and guardian something more to do besides... guard.? How will you overall improve sentinel and shadow activity (my branches) and as a whole improve JEDI activity? @hellz

the Darman Keller guy

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48 minutes ago, Misfit said:

dono is right and you edited the app to improve it atleast slight so come sway me

you've said WHAT you want to do but you havent said HOW you're gonna do it. In my eyes everything you've said can be done at the rank you're at right now so my question is how will you give consulars and sages a bigger role like you want? How can you give TG and guardian something more to do besides... guard.? How will you overall improve sentinel and shadow activity (my branches) and as a whole improve JEDI activity? @hellz

TG isn't just limited to guarding. We have alot more to do its just the lack of people wanting to give us more to do. We have priority when it comes to imprisoning, VIP protection, Holocrons returning or being stolen and a couple other things. It's just that GMs lack that knowledge and tend to not go down that path. So if we get a Yoda who's willing to push for Jedi events in more places than just saying "droids at the temple" then im all for it.

Changing to a +1 by the way, solid edit i think you deserve at least an interview

  • Agree 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
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i am changing to a +1 you deserve to have an interveiw at least

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+1 i do think u will do great 



2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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  • Management

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


  • Bruh 1


i am literally captain tukk

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Management

Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.



i am literally captain tukk

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