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Cooters Gree app


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 Steam Name: Cooter

RP Name: Faie

RP Rank: MAJ

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:576186145

Battalion you are applying for: 41st 

Experience: PVT-MAJ in 41st was admin for a bit

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: Ever since I first joined the battalion, I knew that it was what I have wanted to be in. I have a passion for 41st and I only want to see the best. 41st is the only battalion I've ever wanted to be in. Not only have I helped as much as I can in this battalion since day one, but I plan on continuing that for as long as I'm on the server. I'm a very honest person and I know if I've done something wrong. I have had a lot of times in the past that I showed very immature attitude, and I was very mingy. Since I resigned from the battalion, I reflected on how I acted, and I wanted to change that sense. I have matured a lot and I now know how to have fun but not TOO much fun. Another thing I'm good at is being able to listen. I always loving hearing advice from Ex-Gree's and always put into consideration that they have experience.   I have amazing plans for the battalion that would not only improve our flaws but will also improve what we are already good at. I also have a lot of the battalions trust and they all know they can talk to me if needed. Not only do I have their trust, but they have my promise that when/if I get Gree I will not change and only do what's best for us and not try to bring us down. The main thing I am going to do as Gree is focus on the battalion and keeping it up. 

AvailabilityI'm able to be on everyday past 3 or 4 because of my work schedule unless I need to go somewhere which I normally find out about a few days before or a week.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 41st GC ARC MAJ Cooter has played for 1173:40:00 best I got.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?: I want my battalion to be the battalion that always has 5-6 active players on. At the end of my term, I want our battalion to be known as the one that rose from the dust. Another thing that I want at the end of the term is too not be known as the "Minge battalion". It's a lot coming from me, but I know we can get it done and we are already in the process of doing so as I'm writing this. At the end of my term, we will be known as the battalion that not only came back from having barely any players on to being known as the most active battalion and not only that but the battalion that is fun to work with and makes people want to do trainings with us. We will show others that we are able to RP and prove that we can be a serious battalion. Lastly, I would like to get jedi in our battalion. We aren't a jedi focused battalion but that dosent mean we don't need jedi. I am going to work on getting our jedi area running again and make sure we have a good leadership to help with the area Aswell.

My main goals for the battalion

  • Get activity going again. Host game/movie nights and have trainings that aren't always strict.
  • Improve relations with other battalions. Get joint trainings started and have deployments/events with 41st and other battalions. Get our comms started and get known again. 
  • Level out our officer and NCO/SNCO corps. Fix our rank transfers and get a solid officer to promote people when able too. 
  • Work on how we represent ourselves. When people get bored, we tend to just mess around. I would make it where we have trainings for certain times. If we start getting too mingy, I will host a training that would get the members back into a more serious mood.
  • Recruitments. Actually, get recruitment binds and enforce actually doing our tryouts even if someone has been in the batt before.
  • Get trainings started back up. This cures the boredom which ties into previous goals. Just these trainings will be set to joint trainings and working on our rp during the training. 
  • Get our subunit tryouts happening again. Enforce the "tryouts hosted every weekend" advert. Make sure we have people willing to do tryouts in the leadership positions for subunits.
  • Get 41st jedi and improve the jedi area of our battalion. Work with the jedi and get events with them and my battalion. Make sure that we aren't distancing ourselves away from them since they aren't clones. 
  • Work on getting our regiment and leadership positions filled. I would start sending the application forms out and get that rolling. Make sure the people in those roles are able to take it seriously and get work done. 
  • Work on our intel. What I would do to fix this is adding more officers into intel and make it mandatory for our officers to be intel. Establish managers for intel and not just leave it up to the ITD to do everything. 

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three-month term limit, and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

Edited by CooterScooter
  • Agree 1
  • Bruh 1

:monkaMEGA:Yea I'm Joe's son :POGGERS:

(Thanks Naffen for the pepe stuff)

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+1  Hes done amazing running the battalion so far and I love this man Cooter Good luck bro and i am looking forward to working with you more. and also I love the plans i know you want to do what's best for the battalion

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  • Current:
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+1, best man for the job. He is very ready for the push up and should be given the chance to show that. For what I have seen he already has been leading the 41st while there has been no Gree. He has done a great job with the help of his officers and I already am seeing more activity and one again the 41st is back on track. He has been there since PVT-Major. This shows his dedication to the 41st as a whole and his intent to give back to it and help it flourish. Once again +1.

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+1 This guy has been doing a good job at leading his battalion into battle and with the lack of a 14th Sector Regimental Commander he can not be promoted up and grow. However BCMD is a very huge step from Major however he has the maturity and the dedication to grow into that position. He will need a lot of guidance on what to do as it is his first CMD term but I see a lot of growing oppurtunity.

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6 minutes ago, Midlife said:

+1 This guy has been doing a good job at leading his battalion into battle and with the lack of a 14th Sector Regimental Commander he can not be promoted up and grow. However BCMD is a very huge step from Major however he has the maturity and the dedication to grow into that position. He will need a lot of guidance on what to do as it is his first CMD term but I see a lot of growing oppurtunity.

Preciate the support man tysm

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:monkaMEGA:Yea I'm Joe's son :POGGERS:

(Thanks Naffen for the pepe stuff)

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+1 may no be around much currently however I know cooter has as much interest into keeping the battalion thriving  as possible he came back to the battalion in dire state and since hes been back has pushed for activity,trainings and general things to keep the battalion involved as to keep players on also how many others are able to even go for the position he would be a great choice to bring in new and old ideas

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11 minutes ago, jacobfyfe said:

+1 may no be around much currently however I know cooter has as much interest into keeping the battalion thriving  as possible he came back to the battalion in dire state and since hes been back has pushed for activity,trainings and general things to keep the battalion involved as to keep players on also how many others are able to even go for the position he would be a great choice to bring in new and old ideas

Tysm and even if i dont get Gree 41st will still keep pushing!


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  • Bruh 1

:monkaMEGA:Yea I'm Joe's son :POGGERS:

(Thanks Naffen for the pepe stuff)

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+1 I think you will do great

  • Friendly 1


2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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As former XO of the 41st under Brooklyn, CMD under Egg and Grief... I of course wanted to see who was currently in charge of the battalion and how they were handling things, especially with the battalion being in the rough shape that it was. I wanted to make sure everything was in the right hands to succeed and that there were plans in place and being set in motion. I have had numerous conversations with this guy, spending hours getting to know him, his thoughts, the way he wants to handle things in the battalion. What he wants to see happen in the future and the biggest obstacles that he sees the 41st facing. There was nothing he didn't have a satisfactory answer to, in my book. I think the battalion couldn't be in better hands and, with the support of the others currently in the battalion and the experience he currently has, I see no reason why this guy shouldn't get a big fat...



Edited by AntiMhatter
Fleshing things out, typos.
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Former 41st GC REGL XO Tetra | Former Cin Drallig x2 | Former Serra Keto x2 | Former Branch Overseer Former Mace Windu

41st CMD Tetra

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11 hours ago, CooterScooter said:


Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?: I want my battalion to be the battalion that always has 5-6 active players on. At the end of my term, I want our battalion to be known as the one that rose from the dust. Another thing that I want at the end of the term is too not be known as the "Minge battalion". It's a lot coming from me,

I just want to ask, How do you plan to execute this? Almost every 41st BCMD app mentions reforming themselves to no longer be known as the "minge" battalion. The battalion image is based off the people in it, right now i don't think any of the active 41st are mingy. I just wonder what you plan to do about this stereotype?

  • Agree 2

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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2 hours ago, Mystic said:

I just want to ask, How do you plan to execute this? Almost every 41st BCMD app mentions reforming themselves to no longer be known as the "minge" battalion. The battalion image is based off the people in it, right now i don't think any of the active 41st are mingy. I just wonder what you plan to do about this stereotype?

So currently in the battalion I have put in a thing where atleast 1 day a week I make sure we do something that the battalion wants to do that is not completely “serious”. They choose what they think they want to do and we do it within reason of course. Now the reason I put this in place is because I didn’t want to try changing the battalion so quick going from “Mingey” straight to “strict and serious”. So I can proudly say that this plan is working quite well currently and I am looking forward to making further changes and doing different things to change how we look. Like other BCMDs that we’ve had they haven’t put the minginess as one of our more serious things to fix. As we are getting better I do not want us to go back into how we used to be so I do not plan on stopping what we are currently doing.

  • Agree 1

:monkaMEGA:Yea I'm Joe's son :POGGERS:

(Thanks Naffen for the pepe stuff)

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+1 It’s no secret that Cooter has had his ups and downs on this server but I think what matters most is the true passion he has for the 41st. This man was under me during my time in the 41st and he really did some good work for green company and just as an officer in general, I believe he has the ability to be a great Gree and actually will finish his term due to how much he cares about the 41st. He will do amazing things if given the opportunity, I’ve seen this first hand. Good luck o7 Crazy to think you’re applying for something I didn’t even have the balls to do, good job bro. 

Edited by Batdog
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1 hour ago, Batdog said:

+1 It’s no secret that Cooter has had his ups and downs on this server but I think what matters most is the true passion he has for the 41st. This man was under me during my time in the 41st and he really did some good work for green company and just as an officer in general, I believe he has the ability to be a great Gree and actually will finish his term due to how much he cares about the 41st. He will do amazing things if given the opportunity, I’ve seen this first hand. Good luck o7 Crazy to think you’re applying for something I didn’t even have the balls to do, good job bro. 

Thank you for your support you got me to where I am now!!! I plan on completing my term no matter the situation I’m in and even try to go for a second term. Love this battalion too much to let it down.

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:monkaMEGA:Yea I'm Joe's son :POGGERS:

(Thanks Naffen for the pepe stuff)

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The man may have made some mistakes in his past, but the way he has responded shows determination. Many people would have left after what he has been through. But not Cooter, he’s stuck through for the better of the battalion and deserves a full +1.

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  • Pay Respect 1

- Your Local Headass, Bruise.

Former: Jedi Master,  BCMD Gree , Recon RCMD Head Admin , GMM, Adi GalliaCommander Faie X2, Cooker

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  • Management

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.



i am literally captain tukk

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Management

Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.


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i am literally captain tukk

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