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Dargon's Yoda Resignation


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Name: Dargon, Grand Master of the Order

Reason: I was Mace Windu for 2-months+ months and Yoda for a month in a half, which in my opinion is a pretty long time to be in a Jedi High Command position. When I was Mace I achieved basically everything I wanted to, I got my whitesaber and permanent Master. I became Yoda because I thought I could make some good changes and keep the order stable, which I think I did in my time, however I think it's time for a new Yoda. I will still be a permenant Master helping the order as much as I can.

Thank you to those who supported me in getting this position.

Recommendation for next Yoda: @Cmo @Koval @Tybo These are some of the best Masters on the Council. All, except for Tybo, I have saw rise from Knight to their positions now. All 3 of them are fit for their position.

Effective: Immediately as of 11/19


EDIT: Yesterday I had to resign pretty quick so i didn't get much time to write out a real one so I did now.

Edited by Dargon
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Darn. You were a cool kid while it lasted

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