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[ACCEPTED] Peel | Bacta Staff Application The Final One.


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RP Name: Bacta | Peel

Steam ID:  STEAM_0:0:91592661

VIP (Y/N):  ye

Age: 17

Time zone: PST

Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I have interest in being a New Admin from stemming from my constant need of helping the server.  With recent events that happened to me I want to dedicate myself into something for the server. Being in the server for about 4 months I have been decently conflicted and struggled to find myself a footing, after these past events I had a legit sit down and went over exactly what I want for my goals in the server.  Part of it is dedicating myself into the staff team fully with the goal in mind helping with the gamemasters. I'm 100% with this decision and want to fully dedicate myself into it, I left staff over two times before, the 1st time I was extremely scared of the position and didn't want to disappoint people, I didn't have VIP and barely got SGT in 212th, I felt i was rushing things way to much. The 2nd time i left for more personal reasons and stuff I don't think I can talk about, but nevertheless I believe fully after 5 months on Synergy I feel confident to be a valuable member of the staff team and dedicate myself. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

Knowledge of the server: The server is a complicated bundle of rules and things that regular CT or people don't know or forget. I try to help CT find tryouts and try to be a helper with new ct as a CT myself I was lost like most of you were.  With this when I started getting to know the server I kept studying not just star wars lore but the server rules and other things. I pride myself in trying not to, but always I do slip up.  I will be the first to admit it that I slip up like most people do but I always try to make it apparent that this won't happen ever again. I still want to learn more, and in TS I always try to talk to staff members about stuff like staffing to see a better picture of the job. 

Able to constantly better myself: I have terrible imposter syndrome so i constantly feel like I don't deserve any of my positions on the server.  This leads me to put over 100% into almost everything I do or touch on the server, any criticism or even off handed comment I store it in my mind and just think about it to get better. I use this to my advantage to do my best and make good and wise descions.


Friendliness: Last thing I pride myself in being positive in most situations and try to let people know that I'm a nice guy. I always give people a fair chance when I meet them. I hear stuff about people every day with different situations and different ways, but I always try to give them a chance when I meet them properly. This is vital for staff as we are the voice and the baton of the server. I feel like this is needed to be a great staff member.


The Incident (Im including this here cause its the elephant in the room)

AH! As discussed before, I messed up IMMENSLY before,  I was banned for 3 days, lost my foxtrot and other stuff I was going for , I messed up extremly fucking badly, I really want to move on and prove to everyone that I can rise above. I want that comeback story, and i want to work hard for it. 

I fucked up immensely, I think about that event day after day getting online, getting near the gate leaving Anaxes base legit gives me PTSD to that event. It doesn't represent anything I stand for myself and what I want to do on the server. I want to use that event as the turning point,  the need to get better. When I came back I went to my roots of GC and relaxed , during these week or two I have been focusing on devolving my personality to being nicer and more considerate, I'm thinking way more of other people and accounting into it.  I hope that people see that those actions dont represent who I am whatsoever, worst part it was a on a friday, going to my friday prayer zoom call was terrible and I almost broke down crying. I know people tell me that its not that big of a deal but to me I failed everything I let up to be.  While it was just innocent jokes, it really fucked  me up deux ex machina style, questioning my faith and how i treat people to it, dont wanna ramble on of course but I wanted to highlight that I know i fucked up badly and want to keep going forward.


Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished:

total of like 2 weeks as New Admin/2 months of staff on superior 


How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 649

Additional Info: Thank you so much for reading my app this means the world that you sat down and read my app.  My dms are always open  and i respond to pokes fast AF


Edited by Bacta
edited out super personal thing not needed



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Well i would like to know what happened for you to get removed and for such a traumatic event to unfold but this is for your application and as a firm believer of second chances and having many friends who have done stupid things like those, myself included (not the ban thing but to get removed for a stupid thing i did long ago) I will say: Let's talk about it.


Either way i think this is a +1 for me

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+1 Great work ethic, great at working with people, more than enough experience, just need to make sure you stick with it which I believe you will. One incident doesn't define you, and I've consistently seen you do great work. Good luck and don't beat yourself up over one time that you messed up, just do everything you can to make up for it which I believe you will do as staff.

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Jedi Youngling

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+1 Definitely a Peel Moment, Big Drama!

  • Funny 1


Former:  Veteran Administrator 212th CPT Alpha-66 | Wilhuff Tarkin | Nils Tenant | Dao   Naval Chief of Engineering | 501st XO | 501st TCC 501st Echo | 501st Hardcase 501st Heavy Lead

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+1 this is a peel moment

All jokes aside, you are the most passionate out of anyone I've ever seen on this server. You're dedicated, active, and a genuine good person. You do great as a MEDL and Officer in the 212th, and I believe with my entire being that you would be a great addition to the staff team.

GMD HA / Guild LT / Dev. Assistant Mavelle 

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You have been ACCEPTED for an interview!

Please contact a Head Admin to organise your interview!

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
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Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the CWRP staff team!


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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