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[ACCEPTED] James Staff Application (Waived by Mitchell)


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RP Name: TC CSM Dogma | TR James

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:299737637

VIP (Y/N): Yes

Age: 12

Timezone: Mountain Time Zone

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): After my removal from staff I decided to change for the better. I went on a 2 month LOA from the server. When I came back I decided to grind the ranks up and prove I changed. Ive always liked being a staff member and I want to help out the server again. I've changed for the better and want to help out the server again. Ive been debating on becoming and staff again and decided to reapply. I also want to make it to SA and be a GM because I like hosting Encounter/Events. I want to also help out the staff team again and take tickets. I know yesterday I voided my app but I didnt think I was ready, I was convinced otherwise and now im attempting to apply again. I Know most of you don't think I can handle a position like time, but im always willing to take up a challenge and I CAN handle this.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm a twelve year old kid who has lived in Canada for my whole life. I like basketball, hockey, gaming, and hanging out with my friends. My parent's are divorced and I have two pets, Pheobe my cat (Shes a tabby cat) and Lola my dog (Shes a chihuahua x miniature pinscher).

Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes, I was a trial mod - mod on a JVS server (It shut down) and a GH - GM on a CWRP server (It also shut down rip) and a proud EX-Minecraft Survival server owner

How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close)  943:40:42.

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) No I am Not

Waived By Mitchell

Edited by ImaJames
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+1 My guy. The reason Why i am saying +1 is That you have grown alot Since You were last staff. When you were Staff before you were hella mingey and to childish but ever since that you have become csm you are beggining To show a lot more leadership. with that being said goodluck my man you deserve it...

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Foxtrot/Alpha-23 EOD Otter


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I do just want to start off by saying, you're a good kid. But with that said, I have to -1 your application

Sure you may have grown over the past couple months of an LOA but still at times it hard to see you on the staff team. 

For one, and we'll get the quick and none important one out of the way, this would be a staff re-application, not just a simple staff application. And secondly, every encounter I have had with you since you've been back haven't gone too well. Lastly, you voided your staff app yesterday stating that you weren't ready, but what changed in one night? Do you want to help the server by creating events and/or train the new CC's of the server or become another user of the tool gun/phys gun group? 

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout x2, Jet x2, COE x2

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11 minutes ago, Kurt said:

I do just want to start off by saying, you're a good kid. But with that said, I have to -1 your application

Sure you may have grown over the past couple months of an LOA but still at times it hard to see you on the staff team. 

For one, and we'll get the quick and none important one out of the way, this would be a staff re-application, not just a simple staff application. And secondly, every encounter I have had with you since you've been back haven't gone too well. Lastly, you voided your staff app yesterday stating that you weren't ready, but what changed in one night? Do you want to help the server by creating events and/or train the new CC's of the server or become another user of the tool gun/phys gun group? 

I want to help with CC's and tickets, I dont want to use my physic gun and tool guns unless absolutly neccesery as i only build dupes off the server. As I said I miss doing Staff work.

And yes we have had some rather bad encounters, but that doesnt mean ill be a bad staff member.

Edited by ImaJames
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  • Retired Founder
21 minutes ago, Kurt said:

 a staff re-application, not just a simple staff application. 

Staff Re-Applications are only for those attempting to reclaim a position of Admin or Senior Admin, otherwise it's Staff Application. Those that have been removed from the staff team may not re-apply for one of these positions and thus need to do a standard application!

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+1 the hero we need

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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8 minutes ago, Rackarain said:

-1 i dont feel like you can handle the responsibilities as a staff member and have the maturity.

Rack I understand That you think that james is inmature but he can change. We need more people like him in our community he is always been positive and has always Wanted to do more for the community.


Foxtrot/Alpha-23 EOD Otter


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32 minutes ago, Rackarain said:

-1 i dont feel like you can handle the responsibilities as a staff member and have the maturity.

thats your opinion man, I have changed, just because I fool around a little during off hours doesnt mean im inmature, lots of staff members fool around more then i do

Edited by ImaJames
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+1. James has been nothing but great the whole time i've been here. The work he puts into the 501st is very impressive. People grow and change, and i'm looking forward to see what kind of community member james grows to be.

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1 minute ago, Dr_Zynth said:

-1 No offense James but the main reason I am doing this is that you made this earlier and you voided it and then you make another one that just doesn't seem right 

Makes sense I guess

4 minutes ago, ThatWasntMe said:


hmm, Can I know why?

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1 minute ago, Chaseman said:


and if people have a -1 they dont have to say why that have it at list they are respandeing and otter this is not your staff app

I know they dont have to say why, But I would like to know what I can improve on

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  • Retired Founder
8 hours ago, Chaseman said:


and if people have a -1 they dont have to say why that have it at list they are respandeing and otter this is not your staff app

A general answer to this from my perspective as the Head of Administration for the community. A "-1" vote without any reasoning, should and will be mostly ignored. The opinion will be taken into consideration, however without any reason, even if it's "I agree with x", then there's no real weight to the vote.

Also, asking for reasons in which people are putting a "-1" allow the community member to understand why people have a negative opinion about them and give them a pathway towards remedying this opinion, and without asking most people won't actually tell you anything.


That being said, from the perspective of a Commander within the 501st, the battalion in which James is currently a member of, I can verify and vouch for James and the fact he has made huge strides in the direction of improvements to his previous issues with his attitude. Nobody is perfect, everyone has flaws and while he may need some guidance, but our higher ranked staff members (Senior Admin+) should be giving that guidance as that is their role within the community staff team.

Personally, it is a +1 from me, especially with a Director allowing him to apply, that shows that Mitchell has faith in him, and I personally have faith that he can mature quickly with guidance. Good luck James.

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Forum Admin

+1, I think James will not be foolish in staff and he will get the grasps of things quickly. 

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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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As my time as Rex, I worked with James to constantly improve on his attitude, maturity, and behaviour. James has come a long way in a relatively short period of time, and continued to improve every day I worked with him. James, you're a great kid, and you'll do a great job in staff. Continue to do great, you're wonderful James!


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The application itself is decent it provides sufficient information about yourself and your previous experiences in being a staff member. As a fellow NCO in the same battalion as you I believe I have enough experience and time to observe and fully get to understand how you act. Your attitude and personality is certainly unique from others, you are a hardworking and dedicated member of the community. As for your activity I frequently see you on the server interacting and having fun with other members. However, I do have a few concerns about your application and your attitude/personality. First, my main concern is your maturity and responsibility there is no doubt that you are young and still developing your attitude/personality. As a staff member you must understand that you to be matured and a role model to the members of the community. Second, you stated in your application that you were not ready to become a staff member but quickly retracted your decision and applied for staff. Obviously, you are the only one who can truthfully answer this. If you can just answer the questions below I would give out my vote on your application.

How can you assure us that you have changed and developed a better attitude in such a short period of time? 

What made you think that you were not capable/ready of being a staff member and what makes you think that you are now ready?

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-1 Honestly James I do think you've improved quite a bit but I can not in good faith +1 as you can be easily influenced into acts of silly behaviour (which is fine enjoy it along as it within reason) and I could see this causing issues if you were a staff member if other people were in encouraging you to do things you shouldn't but because of who they are it could influence you and get you in trouble which I don't want to see happen.

There's the matter of handling staff duties sure the basics of TR, whitelisting, tickets, dupes and what not a monkey could do but if you had to handle serious staff matters like dealing with unruly players minges and what not bullying you and calling you every name under the sun because its fun to watch a kid squirm its why we have the age limit on there in the first place.

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2 hours ago, Conradius said:

The application itself is decent it provides sufficient information about yourself and your previous experiences in being a staff member. As a fellow NCO in the same battalion as you I believe I have enough experience and time to observe and fully get to understand how you act. Your attitude and personality is certainly unique from others, you are a hardworking and dedicated member of the community. As for your activity I frequently see you on the server interacting and having fun with other members. However, I do have a few concerns about your application and your attitude/personality. First, my main concern is your maturity and responsibility there is no doubt that you are young and still developing your attitude/personality. As a staff member you must understand that you to be matured and a role model to the members of the community. Second, you stated in your application that you were not ready to become a staff member but quickly retracted your decision and applied for staff. Obviously, you are the only one who can truthfully answer this. If you can just answer the questions below I would give out my vote on your application.

How can you assure us that you have changed and developed a better attitude in such a short period of time? 

What made you think that you were not capable/ready of being a staff member and what makes you think that you are now ready?

Honestly Conradius, Yesterday someone convinced me that I was ready. The day before I voided was because I was in a terrible mood and didnt know if I wanted to join staff. Yes I have changed as well, If I was really Mingy and really inmature I would of probably been Demoted and Removed from dogma a while back. Sure I have a little fun on down hours, But who doesnt!? If you do end up voting -1 i'll take in consideration of what I need to improve on.

I should say: Last time I was staff, the week I was removed, I was going through some pretty personal things and I ended up being stupid and doing stupid stuff, To try to make myself feel better. It wasnt the right move and I should of taken a LOA. I promise you Conradius I wouldnt do this again.

Edited by ImaJames
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1 hour ago, Scarecrow said:

-1 Honestly James I do think you've improved quite a bit but I can not in good faith +1 as you can be easily influenced into acts of silly behaviour (which is fine enjoy it along as it within reason) and I could see this causing issues if you were a staff member if other people were in encouraging you to do things you shouldn't but because of who they are it could influence you and get you in trouble which I don't want to see happen.

There's the matter of handling staff duties sure the basics of TR, whitelisting, tickets, dupes and what not a monkey could do but if you had to handle serious staff matters like dealing with unruly players minges and what not bullying you and calling you every name under the sun because its fun to watch a kid squirm its why we have the age limit on there in the first place.

I understand that you wouldn't think I would be able to handle stuff like that, But i'm beginning to ignore stuff like that. When I was a NA before I was removed I dealt with a situation before, and his word didnt bother me. Why? Because its a video game. And me being influence by acts, I havent acting copyed or did something stupid unless I actually thought I was suppose to

Of course your -1 Is valid to me and I will work on improving more.

Edited by ImaJames
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Might I suggest that should James get this position, perhaps we give him a "mentor" who is maybe SA+ to ensure he's on the right track. This would eliminate any form of witch hunting that could occur, as the "mentor" would be watching over everything happens.

I remember we did this with another member of the team a few years back @Forseen, I mentored the individual and helped them learn the ropes. 

I'd be happy to mentor again.


Regarding to the application itself, it's well thought out and supplies good reasoning. I've had some really good and maybe 1 or 2 bad encounters with you James, however you have recently improved. I like that you are already a TR, and you are active. 


If you get into the team and have any questions, feel free to drop me a message via discord/ts. 

It's a +1 from me.

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-1 You got removed from staff, you took only a 2 month break, and say that you changed.. In my opinion and in my experience people dont change in two months. And from what I can see from other replies its not very positive stuff thats being said about your so called change.

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2 hours ago, Life- said:

-1 You got removed from staff, you took only a 2 month break, and say that you changed.. In my opinion and in my experience people dont change in two months. And from what I can see from other replies its not very positive stuff thats being said about your so called change.

If you were on the server 2 months ago you would of seen a BIG difference from then and now. Still your opinion is noted.

7 hours ago, Freck said:


Might I suggest that should James get this position, perhaps we give him a "mentor" who is maybe SA+ to ensure he's on the right track. This would eliminate any form of witch hunting that could occur, as the "mentor" would be watching over everything happens.

I remember we did this with another member of the team a few years back @Forseen, I mentored the individual and helped them learn the ropes. 

I'd be happy to mentor again.


Regarding to the application itself, it's well thought out and supplies good reasoning. I've had some really good and maybe 1 or 2 bad encounters with you James, however you have recently improved. I like that you are already a TR, and you are active. 


If you get into the team and have any questions, feel free to drop me a message via discord/ts. 

It's a +1 from me.

I wouldnt mind you mentoring me.

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your a good kid with good intentions but currently I just don't see you holding a staff position. 

You can be immature at times and a wee bit hard to handle but since there isn't a neutral and I'm leaning towards a -1 so, sorry man 


Good luck in the future though


Edited by Lix
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james is the best and is basically me when I was 12 and joined staff
you'll do great kid. Can't get on him for being immature at times as long as he can be serious with staff stuff thats fine. He's dedicated and able to do the job well. Go get em

Edited by Eclipse

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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*eating popcorn*


Im on the side of James for once.  Yeah,  he did stupid shit in the past.   We have all done stupid shit (  oddball  roulette ) and I’ve seen quite a positive change in him.

Do I agree with some of the -1s? A little, but the some is like calling the kettle black.



Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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Congratulations, you have been accepted for a position in the staff team!

//moved to Accepted

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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