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TechnoDad's 212th BCMD Cody App.


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Voiding application based on responses.

Steam Name: TechnoDad


RP Name: 91st MoV Commander TechnoDad, BO SGM TechnoDad, 91st Jedi KA C TechnoDad.


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:37081969


Battalion or squad you are applying for: 212th Battalion Commander Cody


Experience: C.E.O. of Icefuse Universe when it began (2012) / Battalion Commander Wolff (Civil Networks) / Shadow Battalion Commander (Icefuse Venator version 1) / Jedi Master Ki Adi Mundi (Icefuse Venator 2nd version) / Jedi General Master Seesea Tinn (Diplomatic Networks) / Admiral Yularen (Diplomatic Networks) / Jedi Master Healer TechnoDad (Icefuse Planet & Ship) . C.E.O. and General of the clone armies. (FSAS)  General of the clone armies (Last Bastion.) / 102nd Battalion Commander (IFN Universe) / A.R.F. Battalion Commander Trauma (Last Bastion Universe) / Jedi Master Seesea Tinn (Last Bastion Universe) /  Jedi Master Healer TechnoDad. (Last Bastion Universe) / Military Police Commander TechnoDad M.R.P. (Synergy)/ U.N.S.C. Naval general Halo RP (Kairos)/  Admiral Yularen and Chancellor Palpatine (Refined Extensive and Senator RP) / M.P. Commander Technodad (Atlas Gaming M.R.P.) / 91st Commander SOVS TechnoDad (Synergy) / Admiral Yularen (Refined Roleplay) / Sanghelli Supreme Commander TechnoDad (HALO RP Red Networks) / Russian Commander Technodad (Death row servers) Chancellor Palpatine (Atlasgaming.net) 91st Commander TechnoDad (currently) I have been through 5 Battalion Commanders within this battalion (Grum, Blake, Quebec, Ket, and Bettle.) and have always been supportive of the battalion and any position in which I serve.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: My main priority would have to be Active Time Served within the battalion and I have a lot of ideas to bring with my acceptance of the position if selected for the position. All 212th currently in active service especially high officers will be honored for their time within the battalion and I will be working closely with them for information on where we are not doing well categorically. All active current high officers within the battalion would have a vote on certain matters of the 212th weather in game or not (Discord) to the development direction of the battalion and it's direction going forward. While being in this battalion before and also in previous leadership positions many times before, my assignment would be to ensure the overall performance of the attack style identity of the 212th battalion and to ensure the overall performance of the group by assessing documentation provided to me through the high officers within the battalion and to make judgements of weather the documentation is an improvement to the development of the battalion as a whole and to honestly take all information from my high officers guild and to make changes as to the overall high officers guilds final decisions. I believe that having someone in the battlefield with the ability of building cover is amazing and needs to be seen more often however, the identity of this battalion would be moire aggressive in tactics and style when engaging enemies strategically. Also during events when they are told to go to the specific areas  and begin repairs within the deescalation then provide updates on the repairs (ENG) through communications is honestly one of the coolest things and most important for role play within a community I've experienced. My skills at giving instructions and to demand the following of those instructions while giving useful information to the Marshall Commander directly to the affairs of staffing under my command would be crucial to both the development and overall functions of the battalion in which I serve. All current officers and members would be evaluated for both their time served within the battalion also their behaviour and the value in which they provide the battalion as a whole. I will make sure that the tryouts are thorough because being able to build freely is a big responsibility that can easily be abused. We will run tryouts on a two strike system and as command in this regiment will be held to overachieving standards. The main purpose of a commander for a battalion is to help guide the regiment and help it on the path to success. The commander must make sure that each and every individual is doing the best they can be doing on a daily basis ensuring success for the regiment. The commander must provide a strict and sturdy structure that all of the troops must follow and if anyone does not follow said structure they must be ready to use discipline when necessary. Overall the main purpose of the commander is to lead the regiment to greatness and success! My success within the battalion would be all those who serve within the battalion and to follow the overall function of said battalion with my standards and attitude towards the development of the battalion.  I believe I can be a serious (Role Play) staff member who knows his rules and can keep everyone in order, while being calm and helpful with the community. I'd say I can calmly convince a minge to stop minging, and I can also give some creative ideas for events or mini events to make players un-bored if the need arises. I would describe myself as patient, and good with people, so I bet I could, say, break up fights between two players for example, and have them find some common ground. I do have a bit of a less serious side, and can have friendly chats with other players and just generally be cool with everyone. I don't really dislike anyone on the server, and I'm hoping no one dislikes me. Also, I'd like to say that if I don't make it to Cody, I could point to some very good players who, from what I've seen, could be very good in the role, in the case we need more. I'll also just generally be helpful and extremely active even if I'm not staff, because I do really enjoy helping people solve their problems. Edit; I felt I needed to add this. The main reason I wish to become BCMD is because I feel that as a non-staff member, I can't really do anything to help people within SIT's. Sure, as a Commander currently I have some authority and can actually help people and give advice with my maturity and give suggestions that may solve some problems IRL or otherwise, but that's not enough. For example, I see that sometimes, when people claim the Citadel per say, some of the admins are quite busy, and it can take a bit for the CIT to be set up sometimes. This in turn can cause the players to get bored and leave. I believe that as Cody I could make things smoother and quicker and find other training's that would pass the time but also give other high staff abilities to see issues within training structures that might need to be addressed or changed. And that's just a small example. If I'm completely sincere, all I wanna do is help, and as a non-staff member I can't do that unless put in a position of leadership within the battalion I would serve. I occasionally see players that get stuck, or have problems, or questions, and sometimes there aren't enough staff at that moment to help, or are busy. Staff are active, yes, and they do their duties accordingly, of course, I can't name a single staff member that doesn't do their job well, but I do truly believe that by becoming in game leadership, I can help speed things up within the battalion, making it smoother, and giving all 212th a better experience in the server and especially within the 212th battalion.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes, CC-2224 began his life as one of countless cloned officers slated for a leadership position in the Grand Army of the Republic. Early on in his career, he showed a flair for independent thought that often drew the always-prying eyes of the Kaminoans in which I can roleplay within this structure to keep up with the acting of this character to keep the authenticity of Cody within the community as well as those new players that join the community that know about the lore of the battalion and of Cody himself. I would also be working with High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi (In this case he would be Jedi general Kenobi within the community) I would also be working closely in joint ops with CPT Rex as lore would also suggest it. This is also a large attack battalion so superiority in numbers would be essential in the upkeep of the battalion and to bring about the immersion of it as well. I also see a great relation to jedi as well. Cody enjoyed a close relationship with Kenobi, often sharing a tension-busting joke with him during intense moments on the battlefield. So thorugh events and high stress situations being a little laxed on the altercation could prove a little bit of tension relief within the battalion and all that serve as well as giving immersion to myself and Jedi General Kenobi.  


Availability: I play an average of 5 hours per day, 6 days per week within the battalion I serve currently and can be on or available if situations arrise that need my immediate attention. 


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since Joah had the fallout with Icefuse as I was there when the whole thing went down and moved to lthis community and other smaller ones.


Do you have a microphone?: Yes, and I use it quite often to get the meesage accross. 


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: To be able to function and to bring the next appointed leader (If not selected to a next term) to his position smoothly and to transfer that leadership with a battalion that runs well and give as much information possible to the next leader for the transition to take place without incident or upheaval. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: "You grow, or you go." Has always been my motto. 


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Absolutely, as I also see this position through more than one term if selected.   

Edited by Technodad
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Alright.... This is Real, I like the other candidate, -1

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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After looking through I'm changing my vote to a -1

I do not doubt your experience but I feel as though you are trying to get into whatever command position you can.
Spec reg, Recon Reg, and now Cody? 

I understand the desire to get a command position but I don't feel like there has been enough time since your last applications.

Edited by Eclipse

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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You aren't 212th and have literally 0 ties with it and haven't for a while
You didn't talk to Jagger or anyone in the 212th
212th always assigns who will be next Cody and the only time people run against each other is when it's a power play.

This is also some extreme waffle, I read it and you have little to no actual ideas

You're a cool guy but you aren't my Cody o7

Edited by Comics

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Where did this come from? 
Would have been a better idea to notify us before posting a BCMD app for a battalion that you currently have almost no ties to currently.
I do not question your experience, but this is just a big bruh moment.
-1, there is a better candiate for it.


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While I do like you TechnoDad,   I'm -1ing this for three reasons.


1) You never even came up to us to talk about UNTIL THIS WAS POSTED.

2) You have not been part of 212th nor has anything to do with 212th since around this time last year when you left for 91st as a CSM.

3)  Many of your points you obviously have no idea what is going on in 212th at this current moment and are bringing just general ideas onto your app.



Edited by Zensras

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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Idk about this one chief. 

Putting aside the whole 'RKO outa nowhere' aspect of the application, your goals for your term are very lacking, and don't really give me a feeling you have a clear goal in mind. For me, it's important you have a clear goal for the battalion, and also communicate that goal to the rest of the battalion.

Gonna have to be a -1 for me until you can improve on that.

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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Technodad, I love ya. Your a great guy, and one of the most hardest working and compassionate player I have ever met. Unfortunately, I am going have to -1.

Don't take this the wrong way, but you didn't even tell us that you were going for it, which makes me think your not up to it if you don't have that clear and good communication.
Not only that, but you also aren't even in 212th (you were in it before, but that was a long while ago). And I do have some complaints with your app, with one of them being that your app is a bit hard to read. So if you just separate it all into paragraphs it be much easier to read. 

Again, don't take this the wrong way, your a very wise and good friend, but I just don't think your up to it.

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212th isn't a battalion you can just apply without without prior history, you have NO idea how we operate and we do alot of shit different to other battalion, I have no idea why you would even post this...



  • Winner 1



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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Lmao what -1

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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It's Technodad. He has all the experience in the world. On top of that he's a great guy. But this is just coming out of nowhere chief. You don't really have any time in battalion at least as an officer+. And 212th is a very unique battalion with its own set of problems and not to mention systems. Its run very differently to others and it takes no small amount of time to learn the inner workings of it all. I'm sorry but this is just gonna have to be a strong -1.

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I got to hit this with a bruh.

You don't have anytime with the 212th, you exclusively main 91st on clone and Jedi, the BCMD position is vacant in your own battalion which is already struggling.

I got no idea what you were thinking when you applied for this position.


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3 minutes ago, Carter said:

I got to hit this with a bruh.

You don't have anytime with the 212th, you exclusively main 91st on clone and Jedi, the BCMD position is vacant in your own battalion which is already struggling.

I got no idea what you were thinking when you applied for this position.


-1 what he said.

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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You're a great CMD in 91st and you were a good trooper in 212th but you haven't been here in a while and a lot of things have changed. You've had little connection to the troopers in the battalion for a long time which i feel like its important to know your troopers. Finally i dont see any huge changes in your application that will improve the battalion. -1

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  • Management

You’re fucking trolling dude...

Imma be blunt,

Stop applying for every position ever with shitty applications. You’ve been denied more times than I can keep count of at this rate. 

You’ve only ever been in the 91st and you don’t even bother to apply for Neyo when it opens when 91st is the most struggling battalion on the server. 


  • Agree 2


i am literally captain tukk

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13 minutes ago, Marvel said:

Stop applying for every position ever with shitty applications. You’ve been denied more times than I can keep count of at this rate. 

I and some others are confident he has an application pre-written for every single position on the server

Edited by Comics

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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53 minutes ago, Marvel said:

You’re fucking trolling dude...

Imma be blunt,

Stop applying for every position ever with shitty applications. You’ve been denied more times than I can keep count of at this rate. 

You’ve only ever been in the 91st and you don’t even bother to apply for Neyo when it opens when 91st is the most struggling battalion on the server. 


Yo we're not the MOST struggling battalion. We've gained our numbers and keeping up with BARC trainings for folks, we may not have many active members like 187th, or and other attack battalion. But you can't expect everyone to come to us when they're are in love with all the attack battalions.

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TechnoDad, not even sure if you're going to bother reading these responses because you already knew what was going to happen before you posted this. BUT you are super loyal to 91st, why not instead of going for a position in a battalion that you would be sure to mess their systems up in, just go for 91st BCMD. I doubt any of us would have an issue with you there because of how caring you are for the 91st.


This just doesn't make sense bruh.

I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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