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Tinovious’s Hunter application [WAIVED]


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Now before any of you start your bitching or your “REEEE, didn’t you just resign!?!?” Yes, I did. I’m a 4head, I’m coming back for one last run to fix a squad that needs help. Yes, I did get waived. Yes; I know I’m stupid. Although, I can’t watch one of my babies get run into the ground so Papa is here for one last run. Thanks, if you have any questions I’ll answer them as quickly as possible. P.s. I also did this on my phone because my internet is out, don’t make fun of the format and I also can’t make it look like eye candy): thanks.

Steam Name:



RP Name:

CT PVT Tinovious


Steam ID:



Battalion or squad you are applying for: Clone Force 99 aka The Bad Batch



The 501st Legion 1/11/19 - 3/17/19

Well...  When I joined the server back in January I was relatively new to the 501st. It was my first battalion to join, and I was there for three months. I started off as a Private and wanted to show my potential to go further within the Legion, I was deeply involved with the 501st’s Medical Regiment and became MEDO and became Torrent Company Medic Kix for a short time before becoming Support Overseer. From my first day as a member of the legion, I have strived towards to become someone who would have a large impact on the 501st. Little before a month, I became Warrant Officer under the named Character, “Appo”. Within my term as Appo, I got on everyday, and started to look over the Enlisted, NCO’s and SNCO’s. Guiding them, Nurturing and pushing for them to prove the 501st wasn’t a pushover battalion. Giving them the reason to why we are the Poster Boy Battalion of The Grand Army Of The Republic. Eventually, my term came closer to its expiration time. The last week where I really strived to show my potential as a WO. Taking charge, Making each NCO recruit, bringing up problems, Helping them become solved and become a voice that was recognised in the 501st. I was then promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and continue to show my worth to other officers of the 501st and those external of the 501st.  After becoming Lieutenant Colonel, I was later promoted to Colonel and Regimental Lead.


NULL Squad Prudii Skirata 3/17/19 -  4/27/19

I eventually felt that I did my part in the Legion and wanted to try new things. Finally, I passed Null tryouts and became Null-5 Prudii Skirata. In Null, I went about doing Null things, Ya know the redacted stuff… (Hah) During my time,  in Null, I was assigned as 21stNC’s SOBDE outreach, After Jaing was reassigned. There, I was giving the rank as Captain and began to help with training's, Recruiting, and deployments. I didn’t accomplish anything to crazy while I was Prudii but I managed to be one of the few active Null at the time and Role played my character pretty well.


327th Star Corps

I was in the 327th for a short while as a Private and did nothing too big. I ended up re-joining the 501st!


501st (Second time)

I ended up back in the 501st as a Staff Sergeant and didn’t really do anything too notable as my second time within the legion. I did some recruiting and kept up my activity.


Delta Squad, Scorch. 5/22/19 - 6/4/19

I passed Delta Squad Tryouts and filled the position of Delta's EOD, Scorch. I wasn't been in the squad for long yet, I was  pretty active and tried to play my character to the best of my ability. Shortly after I became Scorch, I applied for Niner as Omega was in need of a Squad lead.


Omega Squad Niner 6/4/19 -  7/25/19
 I resided in the position of Omega’s squad lead, Niner. I have managed to fill the squad and keep it as the most active SOBDE. I’d say I’ve managed to keep Omega RP orientated. And fulfilled what I said in my Niner application, Of course there is still room for more always. In terms of outreach work, I’m not going to praise us there but we’ve managed to keep a good relationship with our recon counterparts apart from 41st. (I do apologise about the lack of Outreach work). Recently, I spoke with the 21st and managed to get Omega to do EOD and Tech training's once again, and have sent each member the docs and appropriate attitude to run those training's. I am still pushing to work with my fellow members of Omega to point out a potential candidate for the next Niner. I’ve also managed to point flaws and positives about SOBDE with now previous and current squad leads and work on improving how other members of the community perceive us. 


Kal Skirata 7/25/19 - 10/19/19

Ever since I was promoted to Kal; I carried on the same mentality that I use to go around with as Niner. SOBDE First. Throughout my term as Kal I've accomplished to continue to keep the most active and best squad in my opinion. Null in my opinion has been at it's best in a long while. I've had the pleasure of running countless of rounds of tryouts and nurturing my squad into an elite unit which is represents in lore. I've spoke with BCMD's and members of High Command, Korm and such to see what they'd like to see Null doing. As the first clones created, I've encouraged the lads in my squad to be the Ori'vod of the server (Big Brother in Mando'a) Representing themselves and the Special Operations Brigade. My squad is really outgoing and are enthusiastic to improve themselves in multiple ways on the server, whether that be taking upon more responsibilities, helpings others and just improving overall RP on the server. Null are described in lore to be "Instant death on legs" and I feel like we live up to that quote. We're always helping with Tryouts for countless hours and always looking out for the other squads. Saying that, I feel as Null is in a great spot if I move on to a different position. The lads have Llama who is my currently Ordo and they're all a great squad and I'm proud to be their leader. They make me a proud Papa.


Dark Honor Guard, Officer of Trials.
I can't remember when I was exactly giving the position, Although it was shortly before the Sith were removed. I applied for the DHG Trial Lord, I eventually got it and actively ran DHG Trials and managed to bolster the numbers of the branch up significantly before the Sith Orders inevitable fall to the Dark side (lol). It was fun being trusted with this position and I always pushed for the guardsmen under me to become baton trained, and watch out for minges within the Sith and just some quality rp in general.


Jedi Guardian Manager 9/19/19 - 10/21/19

Within my Jedi side of things, I'm a Knight Adept and a Guardian manager. My time in Jedi isn't too strong nor is my experience, I haven't been a Manager for even a month yet. Although, I believe I'm one of the more active Managers with the Branch, Trying my best to do trials and continue to keep the Guardians the biggest branch as it was in lore. Although, I've been lacking as of late due to myself focusing on SO BDE a bit more again. I'm currently a 501st Jedi but I haven't done anything with them yet. I resigned from my Guardian Manager position after being promoted to SO BDE Regimental commander


SO BDE Regimental Commander 10/19/19 - 12/6/2019

During my almost but not completed term of being the Regimental Commander of SO BDE, I took the mantle of being the head honcho of the Brigade. I finished the interrogation training document and got the lads under me versed in it so they could teach interrogations, I represented the brigade in High Command Meetings, and Republic Command Meetings. I also changed the outreach system so that each individual SO BDE member could have their preference of outreach instead of forcing them to work with battalions who they didn’t get along with or to do the work at all. This has since helped with out reach work, I’d like to say during my term I was fairly active and did my best to represent SO BDE and have them under their best behaviour as a whole.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: SO BDE is my baby. Upon my resignation I thought that the Brigade would’ve been fine with my absence, as I would’ve still been around to give them any advise. Upon my resignation, the brigade became stagnate. Especially Bad Batch, As being a previous Reg I see all the squads as my responsibility. I feel like my dedication to help SO BDE and each individual squad is non other, and seeing Bad Batch in need has deemed me to get waived and come help out one last time. I’ve had previous experience leading and managing squads, and know how to run tryouts in my sleep. I’m extremely dedicated to filling my squad and having each individual member roleplay to the best of their ability and fill their  responsibilities as their characters down to a Tee. 


Do you understand the lore of your squad?:

Yes, I understand the lore



Every day usually, I work but I'm reachable on discord and typically respond ASAP.


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I don’t have the rough estimate rn, but it is over 2000+ hours.


Do you have a microphone?:



Where do you want your battalion or Squad to be at the end of your term?:

I want Bad Batch to be the most active, elite and roleplay friendly squad within the brigade. They’re an unique squad with special abilities, and different characteristics that make them unique. I want people outside of the squad to aspire to be like us; I also wish for the squad to be active and by the time of my three month term comes to a close for someone who will be ready to take the mantle of the Hunter and pass on what they’ve learned and keep the squad active and continue to push forward without constant set backs that it’s been having as of late.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes, I understand 

Edited by Tinovious
  • Funny 1

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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Just now, Regional said:

Only thing that happened was you getting arrested then blacklisted XD
But for real though tino Hunter is a 3 month term, can you actually handle it?

Three months is nothing. I resigned from the server due to Halo; and I’ve still got a load of free time even when I’m playing halo. The server did become a bit boring on my part but; if a squad needs my help. Im willing to drain my blood for it!❤️

  • Funny 1

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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+1  I did not want to leave Hunter because i love Bad Batch but with the server i left but you got the docs and all the pws so you are good. Have fun and finish a hunter. Before the server kills you to mate

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Ima be honest, how active are you actually going to be, I know you’re a big halo fan and Halo already yoinked some people and stopped them from playing, as well I’m going assume that you’re already burnt out cause while I was in SOBDE I could see that you were easily so I wanna know if you’ll actually be active.

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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1 hour ago, Felix said:

Ima be honest, how active are you actually going to be, I know you’re a big halo fan and Halo already yoinked some people and stopped them from playing, as well I’m going assume that you’re already burnt out cause while I was in SOBDE I could see that you were easily so I wanna know if you’ll actually be active.

Well if I am giving the opportunity to lead bad batch, I’m going to do what’s needed. I’m going to fill it, Lay the foundations over the three month term to buildup a stable squad that’ll be able to keep its self afloat and no longer struggle with inevitable resignations. Keeping the cycle of a good rp orientated squad until my time is due to step down and pass the torch onto whoever may run for Hunter next.

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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Leaning toward +1, however I would like a question answered before I make that my official rate. 

On your resignation, you put "I've took a turn for the worst and haven't really been enjoying the server lately. It's been so tedious to get on and it's really draining. "

This worries me since it was less than a month ago. Have you come back in TS/in game and tested the waters to make sure that you are ready to return so quickly? Also I know you can't see into the future (or can you..?) but would other games such as Halo get in the way of performing your actions as a Squad Lead?.


I know you have the best intentions for SO BDE, but these are just my concerns :)

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Private Pelamo, It was an honor to have you in my battalion, I have thus seen your work first hand, You are more than fi- Wait a minute sorry wrong person.

TIno my good friend, You are literally the only regimental I have liked the work of, You wasnt my reg but I saw you more in our short time together than I have any reg in my 3 going on 4 years on Synergy, So thats absolutely great.

Interms of skill, You have what it takes and know your way around SOBDE to bring Bad Batch to a greater height, One thing I have noticed with Bad Batch is that they never truly flourish and have never been held in the same regard as the other SOBDE squads, But with that, I know you can effectively make it what it needs to be made.


With this +1, This is my last forum post as I am surrounded by emergency level Bush Fires, I hope you get this tino and hopefully I am around to see you become a true Hunter.

  • Winner 1


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+1 don't leave this time ok?


  • Funny 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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6 hours ago, Carvis said:

Leaning toward +1, however I would like a question answered before I make that my official rate. 

On your resignation, you put "I've took a turn for the worst and haven't really been enjoying the server lately. It's been so tedious to get on and it's really draining. "

This worries me since it was less than a month ago. Have you come back in TS/in game and tested the waters to make sure that you are ready to return so quickly? Also I know you can't see into the future (or can you..?) but would other games such as Halo get in the way of performing your actions as a Squad Lead?.


I know you have the best intentions for SO BDE, but these are just my concerns :)

Yeah, I’ve been coming back into TS. Game wise, I had a problem with content over the last few days so I’ve been attempting to fix it. Managed to get it back working this morning, as of your concerns regarding what I stated upon my resignation; I feel as if that I was really drained of the position of Reg. I loved being a squad lead, and I really put a lot of effort into being one. The server; yes was draining but upon my time resigning I’ve been bored. I’ll still make time for the server, I always managed to do so. I’ll still put the squad first in it’s time of need. I feel as I’m comfortable to come back into the swing of things for one last run to stabilise and lay the ground work for the squad. I hope this answers your concerns, and I thank you for having them :)  

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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1 hour ago, Dreams- said:


Private Pelamo, It was an honor to have you in my battalion, I have thus seen your work first hand, You are more than fi- Wait a minute sorry wrong person.

TIno my good friend, You are literally the only regimental I have liked the work of, You wasnt my reg but I saw you more in our short time together than I have any reg in my 3 going on 4 years on Synergy, So thats absolutely great.

Interms of skill, You have what it takes and know your way around SOBDE to bring Bad Batch to a greater height, One thing I have noticed with Bad Batch is that they never truly flourish and have never been held in the same regard as the other SOBDE squads, But with that, I know you can effectively make it what it needs to be made.


With this +1, This is my last forum post as I am surrounded by emergency level Bush Fires, I hope you get this tino and hopefully I am around to see you become a true Hunter.

Stay safe brother. I love you. Thank you for the support, much love ❤️

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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2 hours ago, Tinovious said:

Yeah, I’ve been coming back into TS. Game wise, I had a problem with content over the last few days so I’ve been attempting to fix it. Managed to get it back working this morning, as of your concerns regarding what I stated upon my resignation; I feel as if that I was really drained of the position of Reg. I loved being a squad lead, and I really put a lot of effort into being one. The server; yes was draining but upon my time resigning I’ve been bored. I’ll still make time for the server, I always managed to do so. I’ll still put the squad first in it’s time of need. I feel as I’m comfortable to come back into the swing of things for one last run to stabilise and lay the ground work for the squad. I hope this answers your concerns, and I thank you for having them :)  

You got my +1 then!

 Best of luck

Edited by Carvis
  • Friendly 1
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14 hours ago, Tinovious said:

Well if I am giving the opportunity to lead bad batch, I’m going to do what’s needed. I’m going to fill it, Lay the foundations over the three month term to buildup a stable squad that’ll be able to keep its self afloat and no longer struggle with inevitable resignations. Keeping the cycle of a good rp orientated squad until my time is due to step down and pass the torch onto whoever may run for Hunter next.

Aight thats a +1 for me

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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2 hours ago, Qal said:

@TinoviousWhat happened to ONI Directive 930?


The Office of Naval Intelligence believes deployment of a Spartan team is a gross misallocation of valuable resources. I disagree. ONI directive 930 is a red light. Synergy Roleplay wants bad batch back online, Noble One.

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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3 hours ago, Tinovious said:

The Office of Naval Intelligence believes deployment of a Spartan team is a gross misallocation of valuable resources. I disagree. ONI directive 930 is a red light. Synergy Roleplay wants bad batch back online, Noble One.

You resigned quoting it..... in the "Title" Was Quoting your resignation. thats all.

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Not going to +1 or -1 But  I fear you are coming back and you are going to straight up burn yourself out and stress about a SOBDE Squad over a video game... Not worth it.... they can fix it w/o you as this happens, welcome to video games and especially games that are long outdated.

Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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