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Please stop ruining all f**king events/encounters.


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So I have been playing on the server again for not even a week but in the past TWO DAYS I have witnessed TWO EVENTS/ENCOUNTERS get ruined by the player base for absolutely no reason whatsoever. 

Lets start with yesterday's event: 

Yesterday's encounter was a Gotal who was working in a Tavern HE OWNED with permission from the republic which was shown in his papers and liscenses all in check. This Gotal, Gazar was his name, had a tavern in the village where he was serving clones food and drinks that had nothing wrong with them and he was an honest worker. Several people, at least 7 in the beginning, purchases food and drinks and were having a good time(shock and jedi included). Nothing fishy was going on and the Gotal even showed showed his papers to several high up clones, a commander and XO who both found nothing wrong with the papers. As more people showed up more people tried to ruin the event. More people began questioning Gazar and started twisting things to get him in trouble by saying he was serving on duty clones which btw is the clones's faults for going to the tavern in the first place. The clones then proceeded to destroy his reprogrammed droids which were only used to cook and move boxes. This all escalated when the clones began shooting up the bar to destroy a defenseless droid all the while the senator was standing next to it. When the owner took out his guns(pistols) to defend himself and told the clones to stop shooting they accused him of "threatening the senator's life by aiming guns at him" which is a complete lie as he was aiming his pistols at a ST with a minigun... This followed by the bar being shut down and the Gotal being taken into solitary confinement where he was tortured and beaten. The Gotal also won both the rolls for having the right information and telling the truth during a jedi mind trick. Appearently RP doesnt matter because despite the Gotal doing nothing wrong and having everything follow all the rules, he was still mistreated and beaten leaving the event ruin. In the end the Gotal took a knife from one of the ST and stabbed them to death which caused him to be hunted down by jedi. SURPRISE the Gotal was me the whole time and the only reason my character took a dark turn was because I was royally pissed of.

Are you ready to hear about today's shit show?

A talent show was set up in the SHB with a nice dupe for the audience to utilize which took the GameMaster two days to build (I talked to the GMO and GH before I began writing this). Nothing fishy was happening when the event was starting and I personally was getting excited to participate. A hand full of people actually showed up within the first few minutes to watch before the show even started  about 15 of 50 people online showed up with about 10 of whom were afk. This makes 37.5% of the server). Unfortunately, for those of us who wanted to have a good time some people decided to start complaining that it was "failRP" and made no sense. How can some of you people complain so much that you are bored and that there are no events and then begin shutting down anything remotely fun just because it does not go along 100% with your fake soldier lifestyle? Yeah I get it, it's an RP server and that's fair but to begin ruining everything for everyone else is completely ridiculous, you could have just not gone to the show. I myself was a Head Administrator on THIS server. When I was I would host talent shows every now and then along with Square, Jackson, and some other staff such as the previous HA Nade (I will post screenshots if I can find them). Back then noone argued or complained and the talents shows would usually have 50+ people show up to watch and participate. Everyone had a GREAT time and the only problem we had was that too many people were singing country roads together to the point the server became slightly laggy.


Some of you complaining are the direct reason why the GameMasters are losing their motivation to create fun events for you all. I had a wonderful time talking to the GM and GH who were making the talent show and they had a wonderful time voicing their opinions to me. I was told it was intended at one point to introduce sith into the event but he was more or less mortified in the fact the clones had butchered and derailed his event so much. He had spent TWO DAYS making a dupe for everyone to enjoy just for it to be shut down. Here is the most upsetting thing I have ever heard before: "they are ruining my motivation to create passive rp events". Wow. Just wow. As a former GameMaster myself it is terrible to know people do not like your events and to hear another GM say he doesn't want to make events FOR PLAYERS because they WILL RUIN IT or "derail the entire situation" really just breaks my heart. The GameMaster team SELFLESSLY makes events FOR YOU which can take hours of preparation. For those of you whom this is directed at please settle down and get the sticks out of your asses. I had a better time hanging out with trolls before I banned them when I was a HA than I am having now dealing with all this BS. I am not making this to start trouble more so than I am making this to make this server a better place because the player base seems to have fallen since I have last been here.


This is one of the talent shows I was speaking of. This contains about 16 people alone in just this picture and this is hardly 1/3 of the seating area. 




Edited by Keo (old Pheonix)
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To be fair the reason why people don’t trust merchants is because whenever I’m a pastor or a merchant I’m running either a CIS operation with my donkey statue or I’m running a cannibalistic church that plans on killing clones whilst they pray.


but yeah I gotchu 

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Just now, Bbstine said:

To be fair the reason why people don’t trust merchants is because whenever I’m a pastor or a merchant I’m running either a CIS operation with my donkey statue or I’m running a cannibalistic church that plans on killing clones whilst they pray.


but yeah I gotchu 

I completely understand that mindset but I'm talking about people who ruin events just because they don't completely agree with it.

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16 minutes ago, Keo (old Pheonix) said:


which omega is that?

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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Regarding the Gotal, I was the Rear Admiral who was notified by Executive Officer Stone that your papers might be expired. I biked out to the tavern and asked to see your papers due to that suspicion, and found that your license to sell alcohol was valid however your permit to operate in the village so close to the base was not. I'm not sure whether it was lack of communication, but when I ordered your bar shut down it was because I believed every check that was done to have yielded negative results. 

I feel for the point you're trying to make here. As a GMO I find myself putting together events when people are bored, however players always take the route that ends the event sooner rather than later- opting to use powerful weapons and overly aggressive tactics to go on a shooting frenzy. As for passive RP, I find myself putting those events together less and less on main not only for the reasons you listed above but largely just because the server is so hungry for blood. This plea to the playerbase resonates with me, and I hope it's heard to some extent. 

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I actually just thought of something; it is funny to me that when you are a non-droid job, in that sense someone who cannot be immediately identified as hostile, your fate on Anaxes depends largely upon which battalion / player discovers you first. Not to name names or anything, but there have been moments where as a bounty hunter actively hunting another event job I have been able to talk and roll my way out of being detained and executed. That's because I met the right individual(s) when I arrived.

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The problem is people are too aggressively looking for conflict for 0 reasons at all. Drop your egos people and let the game master run their event/encounter. Whoever went to go check that dudes permits for being in a civilian village and trying to tell them that their papers are expired is an absolute idiot. It's like you're trying to ruin everything for everyone else. 

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It's tough to call when an encounter/event is going to turn into a CIS droid fest. I've seen it on both sides, where the GM wants a specific line of things to happen to get their event into place, and also where a player forces the GM to adapt based on actions they didn't predict. If we go around telling people to not question GMs and stuff that happens in their events, people will lose their characteristics that make their clone unique. Not every event is going to be perfect, but it forces the GM to act quickly and adapt to decisions made by the players.


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To add on, if you ever see an instance of this just report the individual(s) to high command with whatever evidence you can come up with and depending on severity of the situation that person will get demoted.

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2 minutes ago, Fyi said:

It's tough to call when an encounter/event is going to turn into a CIS droid fest. I've seen it on both sides, where the GM wants a specific line of things to happen to get their event into place, and also where a player forces the GM to adapt based on actions they didn't predict. If we go around telling people to not question GMs and stuff that happens in their events, people will lose their characteristics that make their clone unique. Not every event is going to be perfect, but it forces the GM to act quickly and adapt to decisions made by the players.

Every event is going to have small amounts of player choice involved whether the gm wants it or not. I agree with this statement. What Keo is addressing is individuals who center the event around themselves and take responsibility into their own hands in doing so changing everything and lowering the quality for other individuals or groups. 

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Just now, Square said:

Every event is going to have small amounts of player choice involved whether the gm wants it or not. I agree with this statement. What Keo is addressing is individuals who center the event around themselves and take responsibility into their own hands in doing so changing everything and lowering the quality for other individuals or groups. 

Yeah, I totally understand that. Obviously the happy medium would be that people only instigate event jobs when the GM wants it, but that's probably just never gonna be the case. Nobody likes the person who tries to flip the script so that it benefits themselves, but people also don't just like standing around waiting for something to happen if it actually was intended to happen, such as a shopowner being a CIS operative spying on the Republic.


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Yeah I want to point out, I have absolutely nothing against player choice. In fact I think player choice events make the best kind of events. Square puts it wonderfully.  The problem is specific people who are aggressive and want everything their way. Choices are fine but hijacking an event and turning it into something that it in no way shape or form what it was supposed to be is unacceptable. For example there is absolutely no reason why the Gotal should have ended up in solitary confinement or even in trouble.

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38 minutes ago, Keo (old Pheonix) said:

I can't remember the character since this was like April but Im pretty sure that's Nade lol

Oh nvm I thought that was recent

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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People try too hard for that one rank promo.  They don't know how to have fun

Edited by Stockings

People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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I agree with what Square said, and to add on. People don't seem to understand how much effort is actually put into these events, and how much it sucks to have an events you've wanted to run for a while get ruined because people where Fail RPing or flat out ignoring the story the GM has set up.
It's annoying every time as well, especially if you actually want to have some "passive RP" and just hang out and not shoot something for once. Especially when you get people who run in and be idiots who try and always instigate things.



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Head Admin

I love you @Keo (old Pheonix)

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Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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3 hours ago, Square said:

he problem is people are too aggressively looking for conflict for 0 reasons at all.

This is what happens when alot of the player base eat crayons and think "Unga bunga shoot anything that not clone"

Alot don't think of this as legitimate starwars RP. People either think of this as MRP with a Starwars Skin over it.
Or Gmod PVP simulator with a Starwars Skin. 

Alot of people don't want to actively get involved with RP anymore and it's kind of sad. 

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10 hours ago, Keo (old Pheonix) said:

SURPRISE the Gotal was me the whole time

That was a fucking plot twist

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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As a Game Master, it helps a lot when players follow the RP I set out and use player-choice within its boundaries instead of taking actions into their own hands. If there's something you want to do, I'd at least appreciate if you ask GM if X action is ok to do.

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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  • 3 weeks later...

You know how many times I have been a GM or another player (current GM mind u) and seeing people just trying their hardest to make an event bend to their will? like for example:

1 nu class full of senators arrive at base, ST are to escort them into the base for security reasons, 1 ST decides to check for weapons in the ship (is full of senators idk why u should do that but okay) then he doesn't roll or anything and just reports that the senators are fake and that they have weapons on them. GM is like WTF? and i am like What the Duck?


ik of player choice but it shouldn't be a case of "1 player deciding the whole event".

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