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Kal Skirata's SOBDE Regimental Application


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    Steam Name:

    [SR]Duck[OVS] (Every now and then I switch it to DjDucky)

    RP Name:

    Kal Skirata

    Steam ID (SteamID Finder):


    Regiment you are applying for:

    SOBDE( Special Operations Brigade)


    To be honest, I’ve always hated this section of the application as it's just a section where I get to jack myself off, so to put it short I will try and attempt to only keep it to positions in which I feel would help me in the position of Regimental.So without much more to say I will get into the positions, starting from the oldest to the most recent.


Sentinel Leader:

I’m guessing most of the people who know me were expecting me to put Windu here instead, but I feel although SL actually has helped me more. When I became Sentinel Leader this was the first time I ever really got the sense of how a battalion should run, how much structure is needed for a battalion, and last of all I learned how much the branch(which is almost like a battalion) depends not only on the leader but also on the people that the leader puts into position to help him run the battalion(as they will be the ones seen on the server more than the leader, The leader is more of there to put together and holding together the structure.)


Foxtrot Tech Trooper Harrison:

Now you probably going wtf, how is a trooper spot anywhere near experience for a Regimental. I feel although as this spot gave me experience not because I was an RC member but instead because I was under mereel. Mereel showed me why Trainings were important for a battalion, before then I always thought it was some random bullshit to fill the time, but after being under Mereel I learned that training helps improve relations with other people and teach you how to work with them. I also believe trainings help you get a feel of how a battalion runs shit while also helping a battalion improve their relations with other battalions. Ex: Rancor with their ARC Trainings.


Aiwha Squad Leader:

Now holy shit, this position taught me patience. Through this position, I ran 14 total tryouts before I got my first member. Throughout this time I had people telling me “Just make them easier, just give it to someone already” in which I ignored. I felt that a commander should stay true to what they believe and no crack under pressure because the “process is taking too long”


RC Regimental Ponds and Kal Skirata:

Now I'm putting both of these in the same paragraph as I wasn’t Ponds for long and I also feel both positions were and are almost the same thing. As Ponds and Kal I more of tried to let the people under me run the things how they want to run things and more of acted as an advisor only chipping in my opinion when it was needed.Do note that although I have acted as an advisor I have and will put my foot down when needed, as although I let them run it how they want to run it I put a structure in place. If they begin to tear down that structure such as trying to let people get in easier, that's when I put my foot down as I said before a Commanders should not crack under pressure.


    Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

    I feel like I should become Regimental, as I’ve always had decent relations with other battalions and always work towards improving it. I feel like I have the ability to semi-increase relations with RC, Null, and SC with the rest of the regiments.Not only do I feel like I can increase relations, I also feel I have the ability to set together the structure to try and help Shadow Company so that they could get people in their battalion again(before they most likely get removed.) Another reason I feel as though I feel I should be Regimental was that, although short-lived, I was ponds for RC back on IFN, which was almost as small as SOBDE.


    Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

    I would fucking hope I did(if I didn't I would actually commit seppuku), had to do some kind of research when I brought the idea up.


Due to school, I'm not as available as I used to be but I can still be semi-active

The times go as listed below


7/8:00 PM-2 AM EST

Tuesday(Subject to change as Im joining Youth and Gov at my School):

7/8:00 PM-2 AM EST

Wednesday(If really needed as at 6:00 I will be at the masters meeting):

6:00 PM-2 AM EST


7/8:00 PM-2 AM EST

Friday(Subject to change as I'm attempting to join Student Council at my school):

6:00 PM-3 AM EST.

Do note at about 8:00 Till about 10:00 I will be busy with dealing with the High staff meeting.

Saturday(On this day More than Often I will go and hang out with my brothers for about 2.5 Hours. The time is often random):

4:00 PM-3 AM EST


4:00 PM-12 AM EST


    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:


As it is a new server im just going to list my achievement on Synergy, the current achievements in which I have are

  • Setting a structure with Dragon and all the other Original Null for future null to come. I feel as though all of the orginal null set a standard for all the future null to come and how it is suppose to be ran.Ex: Nulls are ran like a brotherhood, their are only two superiors when it comes to Null, Kal and Ordo other than them all the nulls are suppose to treat each other with respect and work together instead of ordering each other around.
  • Pushing towards null having better relations with Rancor. For the first couple months, I attempted to form good relations with Rancor as I felt it was only reasonable as null are ARC troopers anyways. I event went as far as giving colt the permission to command around any Null(except for ordo),with certain limitations, as he wishes
  • At the current moment still in the process of getting every single tryout doc on Roster thus Null can Run Training's for multiple specializations
  • the pushing towards the implement of SOBDE. Sentence pretty much explains it self. SOBDE was a idea that came due to CG being removed from the senior commander.



    Do you have a microphone?:

No, I quack through my fucking TTS.


    Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

I want to my regiment to have better relations with other regiment and truly seen as the “elite of the elite” regiment. At the current moment I don't feel as if it's seen as this and although it most likely be there at the end of my term, it will closer than it was before. In the regiment, I kinda want to make set training times (like the Rancor have) for trainings such as EOD/Tech. Now lastly I want to help the regiment improve relations with other battalions with a program called the “Outreach program”. This program is a thing in which the battalion members, are encouraged(not forced) to participate and help other battalions. Two large examples of this were with Cipher/Fiend with 501st and Llama helping with Rancor.

    How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

Within the regiment, most battalions already communicate well( With Null and Omega Communicating with each other the most). At the current moment though, the battalions run tryouts together but hardly run trainings together, in which I would like to increase just a tad as SOBDE mainly consists of battalions in which consider themselves “Elite”. Now onto Shadow Company as I haven’t talked about them yet, I feel as though Shadow Company has been “surviving” on their own and I feel as if Null/RC can chip a hand in through a program called the “Outreach program” in which Null/RC can work with SC first and attempt to get sc some numbers before moving on to other battalions.   

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

   Yes, even though there are people who are inactive and still have their position ;-;.

Do you understand that your position has a two-month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:

Sure, dad.


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10 minutes ago, Billiam Clinton said:

I think you missed a spot :P we added some more questions to try to make this process more rigorous.

Fixed, sorry bout that. Made this document at about 11PM-2AM EST last night because null were rushing me.

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+1. Duck is a great leader. Before I joined Null, I was extremely skeptical about him. Once I got Prudii and actually started interacting with him and the other Null, I realized how great of a system he set up and how smoothly it ran even when he was gone. I’m confident he can set up proper systems for the entire specialized regiment that will cause improvements for everyone involved. 

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  • Retired Founder
3 hours ago, Duck said:

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

   Yes, even though there are people who are inactive and still have their position ;-;.

This is so true lmao. @Billiam Clinton and @Zander plz fix <3 


Anyways, big +1 for my boy Duck.



"Quack Quack Motherfucker" - Duck


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7 minutes ago, Forseen said:

This is so true lmao. @Billiam Clinton and @Zander plz fix <3 

For the most part it's up to the battalions to report inactive Battalion Commanders to us. Aust we gave an extension due to the hurricane, however he was going to be removed today unless he resigned. We also have one other battalion commander on watch and if he does not return by Friday will be getting removed.

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+1 m y g u y

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5 hours ago, Punda said:

-1. Sorry duck, you're a good guy, but people say you are very very active, yet I have not seen you the on AT ALL the past like 4 days. I am on every single day and I have yet to see you.

Punda this is very unfair as duck is currently stuck in a week were school has him taking test after test and i believe a great deal of players on this server agree that ones personal education as this will ultimately determine success in ones life is of the up most importance. So the question falls that would you believe it fair to have someone -1 you over the same circumstances

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On 9/23/2017 at 7:37 PM, Cipher said:

Punda this is very unfair as duck is currently stuck in a week were school has him taking test after test and i believe a great deal of players on this server agree that ones personal education as this will ultimately determine success in ones life is of the up most importance. So the question falls that would you believe it fair to have someone -1 you over the same circumstances

Ok, fair enough that he is in that situation. But I have PERSONALLY heard about people (not gonna name names) giving -1s to Chris' app because of his low activity. I want to make it noted that he didn't have many hours because he was dealing with Irma, and any inactivity during this time was excused. I cannot attest to whether he was very active before Irma, as that's not something I payed attention to. But I believe that his is pretty hypocritical and unfair to Chris.

Edited by Baxter
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1 hour ago, Cipher said:

Punda this is very unfair as duck is currently stuck in a week were school has him taking test after test and i believe a great deal of players on this server agree that ones personal education as this will ultimately determine success in ones life is of the up most importance. So the question falls that would you believe it fair to have someone -1 you over the same circumstances

Well if he is inn that type of situation, then he should be focusing on that instead of trying to go for a very high up clone command position. Real life > RP, just like you said. I haven't seen any LOA/ROA saying that duck is in this type of situation, and from the looks of it as well, duck didn't want to apply for this position, and that you guys (NULL) pressured him into doing this. Also what Baxter said, if Duck is going through this, yet people are -1ing Chris' app because he's inactive, but just like you said Cipher that Duck hasn't been on due to school. Chris wasn't on due to Irma, theres no difference, its still not being on the server. It's pretty dumb and hypocritical like how Baxter said that you guys are -1ing Chris' app because "inactive"

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34 minutes ago, Punda said:

Well if he is inn that type of situation, then he should be focusing on that instead of trying to go for a very high up clone command position. Real life > RP, just like you said. I haven't seen any LOA/ROA saying that duck is in this type of situation, and from the looks of it as well, duck didn't want to apply for this position, and that you guys (NULL) pressured him into doing this. Also what Baxter said, if Duck is going through this, yet people are -1ing Chris' app because he's inactive, but just like you said Cipher that Duck hasn't been on due to school. Chris wasn't on due to Irma, theres no difference, its still not being on the server. It's pretty dumb and hypocritical like how Baxter said that you guys are -1ing Chris' app because "inactive"

Just going to state this now cipher posted that of his own free will, as I did not feel it was worth posting it up. As although yeah you haven't seen me on last couple days, as I had 1 test Wednesday,3 Thursday and 1 Friday. I still hopped on late at night around 12:00 Pm for a good 30 minutes. Shit on Thursday after those tests I helped Hudson in his training with 187th. Dont believe me on that ask Hudson himself, it was 3 Null vs 4 187th. So for you to say you haven't seen me I don't feel is fully true but in some aspects it is. While people were complaining not only recently about Chris's activity the past few weeks, they complaining on how it was before hand. While you were complaining about just 3 days recently, so in some aspects we shouldn't be compared at all, and you really shouldn't be calling those who aren't comparing us "hypocrites"/

On to what you were saying "He should be focusing on that instead of going for a very high up clone command position" because yes I will have school tests 24 fucking 7. Its not like it was just for 3 days in which I had a major amount of test. Nope. The fact you said that no offense makes me laugh. Me having to drop my attention from the server just for 3 days should not mean that it marks me ineligible for a position that could last months.


Sorry for posting something on this, I didn't really mind Punda's first post as everyone is entitled to their opinions but cipher decided to post something so I felt that as me being his Batt-Commander and him being my Ordo, I should back up some of what he is saying, if I didn't then what is the point of having him as my Ordo if I don't have faith in him.


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2 minutes ago, Punda said:

All that I am saying is people were -1ing Chris' app because he was "inactive" when he was dealing with Irma for about a week, but you weren't on that much at all either. That's all that I am trying to point out.

Again as I said, people were not only complaining about his activity during irma, but also before Irma. So I feel it is not fair to compare my overall activity to his activity and keep using Irma as a excuse.

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Just now, Duck said:

Again as I said, people were not only complaining about his activity during irma, but also before Irma. So I feel it is not fair to compare my overall activity to his activity and keep using Irma as a excuse.

Well I was not an RC for long at all before Irma hit Chris, so I can't speak about that situation, but I would definitely say that Chris has increased his activity the past few days. Past like 3 days I've seen him on every time i'm on.

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On applications, why can't people just fucking +1 or -1


In replys for Duck and Chris' applications, people commented comparing the applicants. If you favor one over the other, just +1 the favored and don't comment on the un-favored. It's the job of those that review applications to compare them and read all the opinions, it's the player's job to give their opinions on each person individually. 


It makes you look like a jackass if your reply is "+1 cuz this guy is better than the other guy" or "-1 this guy sucks compared to the other guy". If you can't think of anything to say besides comparisons to other applicants, you shouldn't be replying at all. Think of a real fucking reason.


Only commenting on Duck's application because I just finished reading the shitshow of replies above. This goes for all applications. I see it all the time and it's pathetic in my eyes. 


And for another thing, in game activity isn't everything. Leadership skills, character traits, experience, plans for growth, and how often they communicate with their troops are more important imo. If someone is active for 2 hours a day in game, but puts in 5 hours on the backend talking to their troops, creating documents and trainings, and overall just working on the battalion, they deserve the position more than someone that plays in game for 6 hours a day but does nothing on the backend. Being in the server doesn't mean pure activity, so saying "I never see him so he's inactive" is so dumb. I don't play anymore, so I don't have a good frame of reference on anyone's activity level. I'm just saying this because I'm tired of seeing comments like this on applications. 


Sorry for the rant, and for posting something like this on an application, forum moderation can remove my post if it's not fit.

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Edit to my -1: So I had asked "Who TECH training NULL" in the RC discord, because NULL usually do TECH training in their tryouts, I didn't know it was a separate thing or w/e, and you PM me this on TS: "<22:13:55> "Duck | Pm me If needed": Just saying, my null are going to do TECH trainings. have a problem with it? Welp fuck off. Sorry null are going to attempt to run more tech trainings in a week then you have done in your entire time as fixer. So stop giving my null shit, thanks <3.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'". Now, I meant my question in the other way, I'm not sure if you took it that I was saying that you guys shouldn't do TECH training or w/e you thought, but still. Either way that you took it, you should have PMed me asking what I meant by my question or something, the way you responded is something I would NOT want as my commanding officer. I would want someone that can solve a situation peacefully, instead of PMing me saying "Fuck off", and basically giving me shit.

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1 hour ago, Punda said:

Edit to my -1: So I had asked "Who TECH training NULL" in the RC discord, because NULL usually do TECH training in their tryouts, I didn't know it was a separate thing or w/e, and you PM me this on TS: "<22:13:55> "Duck | Pm me If needed": Just saying, my null are going to do TECH trainings. have a problem with it? Welp fuck off. Sorry null are going to attempt to run more tech trainings in a week then you have done in your entire time as fixer. So stop giving my null shit, thanks <3.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'". Now, I meant my question in the other way, I'm not sure if you took it that I was saying that you guys shouldn't do TECH training or w/e you thought, but still. Either way that you took it, you should have PMed me asking what I meant by my question or something, the way you responded is something I would NOT want as my commanding officer. I would want someone that can solve a situation peacefully, instead of PMing me saying "Fuck off", and basically giving me shit.

Now to talk about this situation. I log on hear about null getting shit for doing Tech training, and this not being the first time you guys have given my null shit. So once I was given screen shots of how you guys were complaining about other people doing tech training, I proceed to kindly tell you to fuck off and stop screwing my with my null as im tired of you guys giving my null any shit because you guys want to feel special.To put it in perspective I have chat messages of baxter complaining about how Null now do tech training and you guys no have nothing to do. Like for real its just one other "elite" squad that is doing the training's with you guys.
Now to say I haven't handled things peacefully is kind of a lie, if you talk to many members many can tell you(such as gm or or 501st when the whole 501st minged at our tryouts) that I attempt to solve things peacefully unless I have already tried or I know the individuals wont budge.Such as the RC in example, as they still complain about people having their weapons so I saw no point in having a conversation about us now doing Tech.

Furthermore, to add on to my argument, you say "I basically gave you shit" in which after I sent you that message it was semi cleared up. Then you proceed to go on a rant about 38th doing EOD training. so I didn't "basically gave you shit" for me to do that I would have probably just messaged you that, and continue to talk in a negative manner. In which I didn't.



For anyone asking for screen shots to back up my arguement here ya go.


First image in which got me a little confused/tad angry.


Second image that made me angry as you basically said that only few people should have tech training. Oh no half the server can do our job now, were not special anymore.


This image pissed me off the most "people just assume they can train others" dont even tell me you guys were "talking about 38th" no you guys were having a conversation about null. Why would 38th just pop up out of no where. Its pretty obvious who Chris meant.

Next few pictures are a conversation with Baxter backing up my claim RC are angry they aren't "special" anymore.





Sorry pictures are cut up. Metro is a retard

5j5BdV2.png?1Nope didn't handle it peacefully whatsoever, nah instead of handling it peacefully I totally went full butt-hurt mode and disrespected you so hard.


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How about we stop the arguing on here :D

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  • Coordinator
8 minutes ago, Duck said:

Sorry didn't mean to argue. Its just they tried to use one sentence of mine against me without filling in the entire context in which I feel is unfair towards my case.

No issue my dude either way I believe your both good candidates and no reason to get ur app removed from arguing on it

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I noticed some things involving 38th here and I want to clear this up real fast.

 And trust me I understand the "we got nothing special" (We are Heavy Ordinance and Artillery with no artillery. And ENG battalion while every battalion has engineers. So I get it. Probably better than any seeing as we have no lore or special characters.)


That aside.

38th does EOD. Because we handle detonators. Like we spawn with them and handle reactor cores. So it legit makes sense. Which is the only reason I added it. Also, we only do EOD training for engineers. We aren't spamming the ship with a training to specializations that it doesn't make sense for.


As for TECH? We don't train that at all. I thought about it and talked to RC about it. But that was to only train 38th in it for our Sapper class. But I ended up not because I was leaving for you guys. As for why I have TECH in my name? I was trained by Fixer and left it in because it's the only non assumed skill I have. So it lets people know I got it were as I assume all other skills are assumed for me. Plus name is too long for other terms. 

So before 38th gets drug left and right, I wanted to make sure all of my business is out in the open.


Thanks and hope you guys figure this mess out.

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1 hour ago, Duck said:



I feel as though this is just a case of misunderstanding. Punda had never seen NULL host TECH training before, and hasn't seen the docs they have made for it so he is unaware if it's being taught the same way the it's usually been taught. Having two different sets of people teaching players their own interpretations of training could potentially cause problems. 


1 hour ago, Duck said:


Chris has had previous conversations with us about this and I am 99% sure this statement is not specifically targeting NULL. But if you want to talk to him about it I'm sure he'd be all ears.


1 hour ago, Duck said:

Next few pictures are a conversation with Baxter backing up my claim RC are angry they aren't "special" anymore.

My views and opinions are my own. Not all RC feel this way, and nothing I said was out of anger what so ever. I was just simply stating my opinion on observations I have made. The title of being an RC or NULL is something to be proud of, but there are members of RC who don't like that everyone has the RC weapons etc, etc. It's pretty much beating a dead horse at this point. 

Edited by Baxter
Adjusted formatting
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7 hours ago, Duck said:


Now to talk about this situation. I log on hear about null getting shit for doing Tech training, and this not being the first time you guys have given my null shit. So once I was given screen shots of how you guys were complaining about other people doing tech training, I proceed to kindly tell you to fuck off and stop screwing my with my null as im tired of you guys giving my null any shit because you guys want to feel special.To put it in perspective I have chat messages of baxter complaining about how Null now do tech training and you guys no have nothing to do. Like for real its just one other "elite" squad that is doing the training's with you guys.
Now to say I haven't handled things peacefully is kind of a lie, if you talk to many members many can tell you(such as gm or or 501st when the whole 501st minged at our tryouts) that I attempt to solve things peacefully unless I have already tried or I know the individuals wont budge.Such as the RC in example, as they still complain about people having their weapons so I saw no point in having a conversation about us now doing Tech.

Furthermore, to add on to my argument, you say "I basically gave you shit" in which after I sent you that message it was semi cleared up. Then you proceed to go on a rant about 38th doing EOD training. so I didn't "basically gave you shit" for me to do that I would have probably just messaged you that, and continue to talk in a negative manner. In which I didn't.


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For anyone asking for screen shots to back up my arguement here ya go.


First image in which got me a little confused/tad angry.


Second image that made me angry as you basically said that only few people should have tech training. Oh no half the server can do our job now, were not special anymore.


This image pissed me off the most "people just assume they can train others" dont even tell me you guys were "talking about 38th" no you guys were having a conversation about null. Why would 38th just pop up out of no where. Its pretty obvious who Chris meant.

Next few pictures are a conversation with Baxter backing up my claim RC are angry they aren't "special" anymore.





Sorry pictures are cut up. Metro is a retard

5j5BdV2.png?1Nope didn't handle it peacefully whatsoever, nah instead of handling it peacefully I totally went full butt-hurt mode and disrespected you so hard.


1. I don’t think telling someone to “fuck off” is kindly.

2. I never said you’ve been ever handled things peacefully before, I said you could’ve handled this situation *better* instead of saying he things that you said. 

3. I never went on a rant about 38th, I simply stated that they do EOD and TECH as well, not sure how a 5 word or so is a rant.

4. In the 1st and 2nd photos, you show me asking who tech trained NULL, and so we could ask them if they plan to do tech training and shit so we (me and Baxter) could talk to you guys about how you plan to do tech, since me, Baxter, and Fido earlier were revamping tech training. Not sure why you got angry over the words “so we could see if they plan to do tech training or whatever so half the server doesn’t have it.” 

5. Not sure why you brought Baxter into this when I was the one posting but sure.

6. Again, in my eyes you didn’t handle those teamspeak PM conversation professionally at all, you told me to “kindly” fuck off, basically said I’m shit, never said you never handled things peacefully before, just said you could’ve handled this better 

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1 hour ago, Venom said:

Im just gonna be real honest RC needs everything they can get because right now theres no real reason to be an RC because of the WEAPON VENDOR. 

Never gonna stop complaining about it.

Onto the next topic.


Ok this is my opinion but the weapon vendor isn't gonna ruin RC Everytime RC does tryouts they still get 10-20 people trying out and when it Null it's like fucking half the server going to tryout so I don't think we should remove the RC guns from the vendor 

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Congratulations! Your application for the Special Ops Regimental Commander position
has been accepted for interview. You will be contacted within a week to have your
interview conducted. Make sure you're prepared and know the lore of your
regiment. Best of luck, hope to see you as a new Regimental.


//Moved to Commander Applications - Pending

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