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Sparkys Commander Report 187th BCMD Keegan.

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Your Name: TR 187th ARCX CSM Sparky

Your Steam IDSTEAM_0:1:40662596

Your rank/position in the battalion (if applicable)?: Command Sargant Major, ARC Executive Officer

Battalion Commander(+)'s Name: 187th BCMD Grey/Keegan

Battalion Commander(+)'s Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:221487717

Battalion/Squad/Regiment/Brigade: 187th Attack/Paratroopers

Why should this Battalion Commander(+) be demoted? I feel he has, in the last 3 days the 187th battalion has lost around 11 members, 1 being a JNCO, and 3 Being SNCO's and 1 being a COL. the other member who left were enlisted troopers. Upon reaching out to the former members of the 187th and asking what made them unhappy it was a pretty clear reason. We feel that the work loads of the battalion fell into the wrong places and that overall the amount of inactive members was an issue. out BCMD being AFK of inactive a large portion of the time. I really like Keegan but I'm afraid that this Battalion is on it's last last legs and i don't want us to fail. To preface any Misunderstanding, this post is concerning the overall activity of the commander, not his LOA with his family. 

Has this Battalion Commander violated one of the rules for demotion?: Yes.

Evidence against the individual?:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/fwGzhXKXBNFYxjyi8 His offline time lines up with is activity in game but his steam say's he's been online WAY more than he has been on the server in the last 2 weeks.

 https://photos.app.goo.gl/o7aK1LaaxhxF23nJAhttps://photos.app.goo.gl/ZTRFvNK1Qed7GeM37 I asked our Former Colonel Aussie why he left he Battalion so suddenly. 

https://photos.app.goo.gl/xnPeWgFQyAAtyt9K8  The last Person I reached out to was our former 1stLT Twig who spent a lot of time in the battalion.

 https://photos.app.goo.gl/fB5F2SgAYbPcbC96A Amidst all of the rather important members of the battalion leaving Keegan had this to say.

https://photos.app.goo.gl/k5R5cGhEhD5CmHQT8  One of our newer members had a surprising response after 5 days in the Battalion. 

https://photos.app.goo.gl/MQeMwd9B2ctU94jf8 a former 2ndLT from the battalion  had this to say.

Suggestion for new Commander of that Battalion (OPTIONAL)?: Considering I'm the only person consistently active that hasn't left yet I would say myself but if that's a problem I understand. I just Feel like I'm the only person in the loop on how to help the battalion at this point.

Edited by CamperCasey
More evidence, typos, expelling the “he was on LOA issue.”
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+1 I have been on this Server for a long time and i have not seen someone who cares about his battalion so much in a long time.

Edited by RvBTUCKER6669
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+1 I like Keegan as a person but the few times i have seen him on the server its not for very long or he just goes AFK. HOWEVER

I have a question for sparky @CamperCasey If this report is to pass and succeed what is your immediate plan of action to help the battalion, this does not include applying for BCMD, how are you going to help fix your battalion. To fix a battalion takes A LOT of work trust me i had to do a lot as BCMD and as a Commander before i applied.

Question 2. What are some major changes you want to make to the battalion to fix it and increase is shine and appeal on the server?

Question 3. What is a short term goal you have to help the battalion? Long term goals are great but what can you do right now to help?

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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I'd like to explain my inactivity this weekend, I have had family in town from Missouri and I felt that the battalion would be fine if I wasnt there for 3 days. If yiu all wish to demote me that is fine but that is why i wasnt on O was spending time with my family I only get to see every 5 months

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2 minutes ago, Dennis said:

+1 I like Keegan as a person but the few times i have seen him on the server its not for very long or he just goes AFK. HOWEVER

I have a question for sparky @CamperCasey If this report is to pass and succeed what is your immediate plan of action to help the battalion, this does not include applying for BCMD, how are you going to help fix your battalion. To fix a battalion takes A LOT of work trust me i had to do a lot as BCMD and as a Commander before i applied.

Question 2. What are some major changes you want to make to the battalion to fix it and increase is shine and appeal on the server?: I want us to focus on more core regiments in out battalion we have many specialty regiments that are just not active. I would Stop worrying about things such as "35th Paratroopers" "Aerial Troopers "and as it stands Engineers as well. We need to peel back our extended regiments and be a functioning attack battalion before we try to extend our reach into other places.

Question 3. What is a short term goal you have to help the battalion? Long term goals are great but what can you do right now to help?: I need to Get the men we have currently up and running so we can function and extend our arms into decent numbers. flesh out meds, hvys, and Arfs/Arcs restore a chain of command and move from there. Recruit, Recruit, Recruit, Train and then Expand.


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I have known keegan for a long ass time and i have never seen him like this 

However i am going to have to +1 this as Since i have came back to the server i have seen you ingame but you are afk if i recall correctly i have only seen you active maybe twice for about 10 minutes 

sorry chief nothing against you

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He went to go see his family. Might be a escuse, might not, but he left to see his REAl People, and not a battalion. Not saying he doesn’t care, but you can’t just care for this Over lif3. Sometimes, you gotta know when to left go and do IRl shit


Edited by Pythin

Former: Liaison


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well oof I was off the server for a while and was slowly returning to help out the battalion, I know that a lot of officers left but some of the reasons why the officers/people left were super pity and some of them have been blacklisted for reasons I wont say here. To be honest both sides have valid points so I'm not going to +1 this or -1 this I just thought I should add in my 2 cents.

Edited by Rexko Xeros
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+1, this man has gave me permission to transfer and told my transfer he will blacklist me and i dealt with this punishment, yet once i transfered he told the officers of my new battalion that i lied hich ended up getting me all the way to PVT moreover if he had IRL issues all the time why would he apply for BCMD anyways, that requires high responsibility, high activity rate,.





"Yes you can leave, but imma have to blacklist u" is that even possible?



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+1 he took on too much of a responsibility with becoming a BCMD. The officer core was always stretched super thin and we were all getting burnt out. With razen on LOA and Keegan sealing with work and IRL shit. My time there was filled with a lot of good times. But a lot of it was just really fucking stressful. And I couldn’t deal with it anymore 

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The issues here stem past this weekend many of the issues have been existing before his visit with his family. His inactivity has been for a fair amount of time. The issue is not this weekend.

Edited by CamperCasey
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6 minutes ago, Carvis said:

Going just off the report and replies (Keep in mind, I just came back) this seems really silly. 

He left for a weekend to see his family. OH NO, god forbid.



Again this is related to a long time issue not just this weekend.  Everyone left because of issues not from this weekend 

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-1 I just want to say this I don't mean to cause drama or anything as such, but Keegan does a shit ton of things for the battalion. He Revived the officer core and many other things. I've been on the server for 6 months and Been playing Gmod and Star wars RP for thousands of hours. He has a shit ton of things to do with in real issues and we should respect that. Just because you don't see him on, he has work, family, and school. But still gets on and works his ass off. Keegan cares about every single person within the battalion. 

Sparky you're a really nice guy i'm not saying you aren't but if you were here previously in the battalion you would understand completely why Keegan is a Hard Working Guy who is legit trying every thing to revive the battalion. Like 35th, I feel like people saying that its his fault for people leaving is a complete dogs shit argument. 

In my personal reason I feel like this shouldn't be a public event, This is causing drama. I feel like this should be a Private thing involving Korm, Keegan, and the rest of the higher ups. Causing unnecessary amount of stress, back-stabbing each other, and man other things. I Fully support keegan and whats he doing for the battalion, he takes a break to go with family for the weekend, and being told that people were back-stabbing keegan is a fucking joke.

There's many things that people dont know what Keegan does, He does Discord, Intel, and Officer things within the battalion. There's absolutely zero reason for why this is a "Valid" Report.

Like I said I respect everyone I come across, I dont mean this to cause drama but this is what I take on this report. I respect everyone choices but Just remember please know the facts before stating an opinion.


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6 minutes ago, Siberia said:

-1 I just want to say this I don't mean to cause drama or anything as such, but Keegan does a shit ton of things for the battalion. He Revived the officer core and many other things. I've been on the server for 6 months and Been playing Gmod and Star wars RP for thousands of hours. He has a shit ton of things to do with in real issues and we should respect that. Just because you don't see him on, he has work, family, and school. But still gets on and works his ass off. Keegan cares about every single person within the battalion. 

Sparky you're a really nice guy i'm not saying you aren't but if you were here previously in the battalion you would understand completely why Keegan is a Hard Working Guy who is legit trying every thing to revive the battalion. Like 35th, I feel like people saying that its his fault for people leaving is a complete dogs shit argument. 

In my personal reason I feel like this shouldn't be a public event, This is causing drama. I feel like this should be a Private thing involving Korm, Keegan, and the rest of the higher ups. Causing unnecessary amount of stress, back-stabbing each other, and man other things. I Fully support keegan and whats he doing for the battalion, he takes a break to go with family for the weekend, and being told that people were back-stabbing keegan is a fucking joke.

There's many things that people dont know what Keegan does, He does Discord, Intel, and Officer things within the battalion. There's absolutely zero reason for why this is a "Valid" Report.

Like I said I respect everyone I come across, I dont mean this to cause drama but this is what I take on this report. I respect everyone choices but Just remember please know the facts before stating an opinion.



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-1, Activity is something really important for a battalion. I know 187th had its ups and downs but so what, Keegan has dedicated so much into this battalion. Its the way of the road you cant always be on, theirs school, work, etc. I think Keegan did a great job revising the 187th and still is and I have no doubt he will keep doing it.  

Just Finished a Trilogy Marathon so here are some Lord of the Rings  Reaction Gifs - Album on Imgur

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45 minutes ago, Concealedd said:

+1, this man has gave me permission to transfer and told my transfer he will blacklist me and i dealt with this punishment, yet once i transfered he told the officers of my new battalion that i lied hich ended up getting me all the way to PVT moreover if he had IRL issues all the time why would he apply for BCMD anyways, that requires high responsibility, high activity rate,.





"Yes you can leave, but imma have to blacklist u" is that even possible?



You got demoted for harassing other battalions in 187th. You  got demoted to sgm then tried to transfer to 104th as a 2ndLT. That's why you're a PVT


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13 minutes ago, Siberia said:

-1 I just want to say this I don't mean to cause drama or anything as such, but Keegan does a shit ton of things for the battalion. He Revived the officer core and many other things. I've been on the server for 6 months and Been playing Gmod and Star wars RP for thousands of hours. He has a shit ton of things to do with in real issues and we should respect that. Just because you don't see him on, he has work, family, and school. But still gets on and works his ass off. Keegan cares about every single person within the battalion. 

Sparky you're a really nice guy i'm not saying you aren't but if you were here previously in the battalion you would understand completely why Keegan is a Hard Working Guy who is legit trying every thing to revive the battalion. Like 35th, I feel like people saying that its his fault for people leaving is a complete dogs shit argument. 

In my personal reason I feel like this shouldn't be a public event, This is causing drama. I feel like this should be a Private thing involving Korm, Keegan, and the rest of the higher ups. Causing unnecessary amount of stress, back-stabbing each other, and man other things. I Fully support keegan and whats he doing for the battalion, he takes a break to go with family for the weekend, and being told that people were back-stabbing keegan is a fucking joke.

There's many things that people dont know what Keegan does, He does Discord, Intel, and Officer things within the battalion. There's absolutely zero reason for why this is a "Valid" Report.

Like I said I respect everyone I come across, I dont mean this to cause drama but this is what I take on this report. I respect everyone choices but Just remember please know the facts before stating an opinion.


Siberia I was in this battalion when Joah ran it. 

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12 minutes ago, ZoBodo said:

Nice adding new shit onto a old pile. Stop trying to stir up god damn drama


I asked as many people as possible it isn’t about drama 


Edited by CamperCasey
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Just now, ZoBodo said:


To ask as many people in the battalion as I can because it pertains to the battalion.

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Is it Commander Report season already? -1 Nah this ain't it chief 

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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-1 People have lives yall. If you wanted to spend time with your family think about how you would want people to treat your absence on the server. Not everyone can be on all the time. The fact that this exists makes me upset as it shows me the lack of brotherhood the 187th has come to. I really wish you would have brought this up to him directly if you really cared about the Battalion and not your rank.

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HUGE -1 People have lives. God forbid the mans family visit and he takes sometime away. Keegan obviously trusted you all to look over the 187th in his absence. Take initiative; and no Initiative isn't using your tiny brain to come up with a weak ass commander report. It's identifying things that can help improve 187th with your other NCO's, SNCO's and Officer Corps. Find more intriguing ways to lure members to join, More ways to push for activity. Not remove the only solid leadership you have at the moment 4head.

Edited by Tinovious

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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-1. Does he need talked to. Yes. He needs to be made aware loa's are a thing and such. Does it need to be a report? No. All battalions have troubles. All battalions have mass exodus's that hit from time to time. Does not mean the commander is doing something wrong. Just means someone else was doing it a little better which appealed to the masses. 


Rome was not built in a day

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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Look, I may not be on the server anymore, but I am still apart of the 187th discord. Now, I myself have gone through quite the same when I ran for BCMD of the 187th, and yes unfortunately there will be people who use IRL circumstances to put these things up. Im going to -1 this.

I dont know how to say this but you also went to the people who specifically left complaining about the battlion and how DEAD it is, not Keegen himself. Everyone of those people gave up trying to assist Keegen in fixing the battalion and you have specifically target them, getting a very baised response especially since these people are also your friends from what I have seen through the discord.

Why not ask for instance, the XO?,  the Senior officers that are still in the battalion? Or even better people that are still in the battalion as a whole regardless of ranks? Instead you have gone out of your way as I said above to ask people who you know will give you the response youre after.

Now for the people you interview, this is exactly what i mean:

First of all, your loyalty to the battlion is questionable: https://gyazo.com/da751e80f11762c745d09925d6721c16

For Kiritos leave, can we mention something here even tino said it: https://gyazo.com/17a9122d1a39bc7f089c33aef96cb1c3

Twig poaching: https://gyazo.com/2a3564aa5cac91149d5a5517bd4f518f


Lore character cannon: 20190930152358_1.jpg


As far as im concered also, the screenshot of youre mate RvBTUCKER is concered, he isnt even apart of the battalion. No recruitment logs, not of the roster either.


Please, if you can, ask more valid people, not ones who jumped ship and tried to poach. My screenshots may not be very good, or valid but the fact they even tried or joked about it shows a massive lack of commitment from my eyes. The battalion needs work, this is not helping especially when I dont even think the attack reg was even involved. As I said some of these may be jokes etc, but bro come on, you dont joke about those things, doesnt help nor look good on anyone.(Referencing my screenshots and comments made)

BCMD>Attack Reg> (try another reg to help) > Marshall> Forums.


also sorry for the edit, but bruh you even said in the last 3 days when he was away on family. Im not in the battalion but even I knew that



in the last 3 days the 187th battalion

*Update* After seeing the reaction of the mass troops defend him in the battalion, I think it is safe to say that the people Sparky went to was people who knew would give him the answers he wanted, rather than the masses who came out to defend keegen. 

Good Day, Dreams


Once again trying to steal members.


Edited by OldMateDreams
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187th Cannon lore name is fake change it 

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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I have seen my fair share of commander reports and this is NOT how you go about it, and it shows that hes not actually doing anything wrong, and you my lad have just outed yourself as an untrustworthy and maybe even powerhungry lad. May the server and lord have mercy upon your soul. First off, the man took a small break to visit family of all things. Being BCMD is a difficult task and requires some levels of breaks for the battalion as a whole to learn how to actually run by itself and for the high command to be able to take initiative and be leaders within the battalion. Keegan has done nothing wrong and has just taken one of his hard earned and well deserved breaks from a game to test you all and actually focus on himself because that is how things should be.

To the person who wrote this report: good luck in life, and getting places on this server. You're gonna need it.

On that note, I support and trust keegan and his leadership capabilites, so I am leaving this with a -1

Edited by Egg
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This report was VOIDED by its poster and the issue has been resolved.


//moved to Completed Reports


i am literally captain tukk

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