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False/Soap's 187th BCMD application

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==========[ Battalion Commander and Equivalent ]==========

Steam Name:

Darth Dread Lord False

RP Name:

187th Commander Soap

Steam ID


Battalion or squad you are applying for:



My past experiences i was a former Commander Blitz in the Rancor battalion before that i was the ARF commander within the rancor battalion was able to make the ARF side of the battalion active with regular training's. Was the first Military Adviser Shaak Ti, as the position i laid the foundation to what you see as the military advisor today. Keeping up more with the clone side of things rather than the Jedi side of things. As Shaak Ti I was able to connect with each battalion to help out with training's, recruiting and even helped with giving advice on potential Future officers.Was Mace Windu for two Yodas, and ran the Jedi as Mace for a good two and a half months having to make sure that the Branch leads was keeping up with trials and hosting them regularly, the time during where there was no Yoda i had to make sure Youngling and Knight trials was being set up and making sure those masters was hosting them on time. Then i got appointed to Yoda and that job was probably the hardest to keep up with. As Yoda you have to set an example for the entire order. Everyone looks up to you as a role model and as a leader. Was interesting having full battalions taking orders from me as the little green midget But it was a great experience all the same Helping to build more towards what we see now in the Jedi order everyday. Making it so that people could become a master without having to go straight for a Named character. Was a lot of fun. Even got to host Shaak Ti Trials which was awesome as well getting to host a trial I had to go through myself for the Position of Military Adviser. As Yoda it was the ultimate introduction of the  King David System. So having to prep trials and branch trials for changes to adapt the new light saber system was a tough aspect to the position however my term ended before King Davids light sabers released. This was all on Icefuce shortly before the split and Synergy was created. Was Blitz on synergy as my time being Blitz i wrote a few docs for the Rancor Battalion that are not used anymore. But because future officers took what i put into place and made it better or grew on it. Didn't get to be that position long before real life became a problem. I've been an officer in multiple battalions and honestly i cant remember all the battalions i have been in. Captain in the GMs 2nd LT in Spec ops when it was its own battalion. 2nd LT in 41st when i was Yoda and i was a Major in the 187th back on Icefuse. Now however i have been XO and CMD in the 187th AND in those positions i have kept the battalion alive by keeping recruiting and placing people into positions to get the regiments within the battalion active. Carefully making sure to keep those who do work hard for the battalion on and laying a grounds for other officers and ncos to prosper and grow in the battalion to learn and form new ways of leading.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

As CMD and XO i striven to keep the 187th professional and active. I have striven to get rid the minge title from the battalion and with help have done so. I know the battalion and the officers well  and i honestly believe i could run the battalion and male it as popular if not more popular than the more well known battalions. Its never easy being a leader. But with the support of the officers already in position in the battalion i believe i have the tools to make this battalion great. Been a few weeks without a BCMD and i have been working hard to keep the numbers up and make sure everyone is having fun.  I am proud to call myself a Leader or Commander in the 187th because i know when it comes down to it, a Leader is nothing without those whom follow and strive to lead themselves. As a leader your goal is no just lead but to teach and help those below you in rank better themselves so that they too can one day go for a position such as BCMD, Military Adviser for the Jedi Mace Windu, Regimental commanders and Yoda or Palpy. The goal and the experiences i have i

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

Yes even though there isn't much on lore i do at least know what the battalion was created to do.


(Subject to change Do to a new job coming August 12th)

I work 10 hour shift.

Sunday 10 am - 9 pm

Monday 11 am - 10pm

Tuesday 11 am - 10pm

Wednesday 11 am - 10pm

Thursday Friday and Saturday i am off and free all day and i am generally on for most of the day.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

I have been apart of Synergy since the start of the server. I was there when Joah and Sparks First announced that they would be making a Star Wars RP server. I did take a break for about a year. and have been back for about 2-3 months

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

I want to see it popular and professional active and most importantly i want people having fun from the start to the finish and long after I'm gone. Whats the point of being a BCMD if you cant leave an impression on those who you leave behind I want to know by leaving this battalion that those who are in place can hold the battalion together till the next BCMD can be appointed. The whole goal of this is to make the 187th Active and a friendly Battalion to join, so that anyone who does join can learn and grow to go off and do things with other battalions if the so choose to do so or even inspire them to better themselves in real life. I want people who join the 187th to remember the hardships the struggles and to know that at the end of the day we held fast and toughed through the worst to come out on top at the end. I want people to look at the `187th and see that it is a professional battalion. Not just a bunch of minges as it has been labeled so many times before in the past. I want the Term Purple Pride World Wide to actually mean something to someone who joins. So that when they choose to leave they leave knowing that the experiences they had and shared with all the other battalion members was a fun and memorable one.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:


Edited by Callsign False
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Please put actual effort into your application. I've seen ones in spam centre with more effort put in.

Plus Uno

Edited by BigZach
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"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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Now that's what I love to see, that fine presentation, Also sorry about your broken elbow bro, I hope it does not hinder your performance too much.

Even tho I would have love to see another applicant who was denied run for the position, you seem like the only one that 187th got left at the moment, So yeah, It seems like you have good intentions, I don't see why you shouldn't run for it, so long as the battalion stands behind you and the word of the community believes in you, then all should be well. but anyways, best of luck! 


Edited by XSilentJoe
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Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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-1 Please Review your application and I will change my vote

+1 I have Read your Updated App and you seem like someone who cares and wants to make the 187th great

Good Luck

Edited by Beast
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Former: Veteran Admin | 91st XO Razer | Trainer Manager | Assassin  Sith Lord | Game Master|

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Lmao +1 this guy has just written this to get it up, but he has a crushed elbow currently so did this one handed and has a rough time and wrote this while he has problems going on with him. He still is in the bloody hospitable 


Although more effort would be great.

Edited by OldMateDreams
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I will currently remain NEUTRAL on this matter. Yes you have worked hard for 187th, supporting it on both your jedi and clone. You have been in the officer core for a while, and have done well, but I think a better application would change my vote.


After seeing how you have edited this application and put a ton of detail into the questions, Im going to give you a +1! You have been for 187th for quite a while, as previously mentioned. I have seen you do a ton of work, and pretty much do it all alongside dreams. You have BCMD experience in the past. You know how it feels to be in the position, and you know what you need to do in that position. You have been an active officer within 187th and you have really helped make an amazing Attack Battalion. 187th has had superior numbers as an Attack Battalion! You have helped a lot with everything, and I see you doing amazing at the position. Good luck False, I know you got this.

Written Officially by Commander Bacta

P.S. My Bacta is the best bacta you'll ever get bud, dont try me :)


Edited by Razen
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Doom the Boom

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+1 Good Luck

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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I honestly have no idea what's going on with the 187th at the moment. Although, you seem like a good lad who shows great interest in the 187th and seem to want to strive to fix it. Good luck chief, +1

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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+1 this man is right for the job and has the respect of his men 

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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+1 As someone who has been under command and been an equal to false/soap I can truly say that he is dedicated and knows what this battalion needs. I also want to acknowledge that he interacts and talks to people in the battalion in a way that's very friendly but still commanding, and I think because of that he is a great leader and fit for a leading role such as BCMD.

-187th MEDL Captain Willom

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I don't usually comment on Commander Applications often if at all, however this man here has definitely earned it.

I was part of the community when False joined, when he left and now that he has come back. False's goals have always been to improve any group he is a part of and that to me is what the 187th needs. I believe that False is the right man for the job.

(and because everyone else did it.)
Ex-Chancellor Palpatine - Forseen

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