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About Willom

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  1. 8/10 Could've been a little longer, but I mean that was kinda a small map. Good pve, the droids weren't overwhelming nor easy to clap. next time make sure you pick a turret that isn't invincible lol
  2. +1 I agree that the skill points right now are op, but removing them does take away a key part of the server, this part being grinding. I get reminded to get on the server when thinking about what I still can get, like skill points. Thanks
  3. Rest in peace slate, based on the stories that I have seen you must have been a great guy. o7
  4. +1 As someone who has been under command and been an equal to false/soap I can truly say that he is dedicated and knows what this battalion needs. I also want to acknowledge that he interacts and talks to people in the battalion in a way that's very friendly but still commanding, and I think because of that he is a great leader and fit for a leading role such as BCMD. -187th MEDL Captain Willom
  5. o7 my dude, thanks for the inspiring words and I wish you good luck with whatever you do man!
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