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Blacks Application For Recon Regimental Commander

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==========[ Regimental Commander ]==========

Steam Name: SR Blackweeb VA


RP Name:

Rancor Commander Colt


Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞



Regiment you are applying for:

Recon Regiment



My experience dates back to ICEFUSE before the split to synergy. Ill start to list my experience via battalions ive been in.


104th Mechanized Assault Battalion
Ive been within this battalion for nearly 2 years if I can remember correctly, I started from the rank PVT and managed to reach the rank of BCMD months and months later. My first designation was being apart of the MEU branch within the 104th. This was the attack unit within the battalion since in ICEFUSE 104th was a defensive battalion.  After spending the majority of my time as a MEDICAL trooper to becoming a HEAVY than again becoming Medical once more. These were the most enjoyable times within the battalion due to the players within that being Jayarr, JBFox, Caboose, Zyner, Scorn and Winkerz. I managed to reach the position of MEUX within the branch and begin to learn on how to work / lead a branch within the 104th mechanized assault battalion which was a very fun and interesting experience. I was in this position till I reached the rank of 2ndLT


When we switched to the new map Kachiro (Will be missed) MEU got disbanded and I decided to go into MEDICAL once more. I become a Medical Officer shortly after as well as progressing throughout my ranks from 2ndLT-CPT. Once I reached this rank and position I managed to get Wolfpack as well as Dash44 after an application process. I was very excited due to the fact that I was completely new in becoming a named Character as this was my first position. I spent around 2-3 months as MEDL when I received it from my former leader Weiss. Within this position I begin to become more experienced within my leadership capabilities and roles within the unit/battalion. After awhile in this positon I reached the rank of WPO (if I can remember correctly)


WolfpackLeader Comet

About my 3rd nearly 4th month as DASH 44 and 104ths main medic. I decided I wanted to be me again and that the experience was fun. I stepped down from my position and begin to become a standard trooper letting Square (director now) at the time take over the medical branch. Shortly aftr this I was given the position of Wolfpack Leader Comet by the WPL stepping down and this was my first stepping stones on becoming an excellent negotiator and a good officer within the battalion. When I reached this position we already had the drama with Joah and Corv so we already are on Synergy Servers. I got the position of Colonel than became Commander shortly after.


Battalion Commander Wolffe

After JBFox term was over he vouched for me to run for the position of Wolffe. As XO (head commander) at the time I decided I would apply for the position and take responsibility for the battalions control. After this I stepped down from Wolfpack lead and applied for Wolffe. I became Wolffe 2 weeks later. Whilst I was Wolffe I made **ALOT OF TERRIBLE Decisions and mistakes** within the battalion. I was very ignorant and allowed many minges to join causing my XO (Chop) to feel overwhelmed and I gave him too much stress to the point where he nearly resign. Thank God I managed to speak to him and got things turned around within the battalion after my long conversation with my XO which I was glad because he didnt leave. During this time I felt that the battalion was running smooth and my term was nearly over so I ended up resigning 2months later.


Specialized Regimental Commander Term 1 & 2

When I stepped down back to Colonel I applied for Specialized Regimental against Zyner at the time. I was surprised I managed to get into the interview phase and past to become a Regimental due to zyner taking up Chief Game Master. During my time as Reg I promised my Regiment Content and trainings nearly everyday which I have fulfilled. During my time as Reg DU BCMD Chambers ST BCMD Panzer and 104th BCMD Chop were running their battalions perfectly with slight problems in each battalion being easy to resolve.


After this my term was nearly over so I was gonna apply for a second term which I did and got accepted and past. But than I suddenly changed my mind and had another goal on becoming a Senior Commander for both SOBDE and specialized Regiment.


Senior Commander Black 1 term

I managed to pass the interview phase against Korm on becoming Senior Commander and hold my position whilst coversing and talking to SOBDE since there were issues between me and them. I assume during my time and when I spoke to them issues were resolved and questions asked and answered. I enjoyed my time working with both the SOBDE regiment and Specialized Regiment doing both trainings with other battalions all together to hopefully unite as one.


Covert Ops SGT Black

I spent a couple weeks within covert ops before they were removed and being within this branch was fun and interesting


RC Foxtrot EOD Black


I become the EOD trooper for foxtrot so I see more of the inner workings and progresses within SOBDE so I can learn more about their unit as well as the members inside. (Only spent 2 weeks in it after being burnt out)


Rancor Warrant Officer Hammer


Becoming this title was surprisingly interesting and fun for me to hold. I enjoyed talking with the Commanders and working with the Rancor battalion as a whole to get stuff done within the Recon Regiment. I was also proud to work alongside other officers within the unit and see how they ranked up alongside me. During my time as Warrant Officer I learnt rancor had something very similar to 104th and where it was when the WO is equal to a commander within the battalion. This was a system that we also had within 104th back in icefuse and early synergy times. This particularly appealed to me.


Rancor Commander Colt


I managed to receive the title of Commander Colt after spending a near month within the battalion as a Warrant officer. I was under Dragon (RANCOR BCMD) At the time and it was very interesting and fun to learn and experience new things both being in charge of the ARC program and working within the Recon Regiment. This was a new pace for me because of how I spent 2 years within 104th a specialized Regiment but it still felt right and fun. During the time I am currently spending as Colt. I managed to work closely with both the new BCMD miller and commanders within the battalion talking and working with them on important topics within the battalion. I also managed to add rank requirements a very controversial thing within the battalion which to see how it would improve the battalions effectiveness in both work ethic and professionalism. It is still currently under trial and error to see weather its benefiting the battalion or not.




Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I should become Regimental Commander because of my experience and the past mistakes I have made and learnt from so I can incorporate those improvements in both the Recon Regiment as well as other Regiments if chose to do joint trainings with. I also could incorporate the lessons Ive learnt of bad leadership within the battalions in the specialized Regiment. I plan on using those lessons Ive learned and also incorporate them within the Recon Regiment to ensure the same mistakes Ive made in the past in my Commander positions dont occur again. As well as Ive been through many different times of leadership/command from both 104th, sobde, and Rancor to learn how certain people operate within their battalions.


I am also not gonna shy away to disobedient and disrespectful behavior as I have delt with many issues involving that in other battalions that I have been working over. I have also taken action on those who have become inactive in their Battalion Commander Positions and removed them in the past (Only once)


Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

Yes (Brief Summary)

RANCOR Battalion led by Commanders Colt, Havoc, and Blitz, As well as another trooper notably seen Warrant Officer Hammer. Rancor Battalion is both in charge of the A.R.C. Program on the server as well as in lore alongside hired trainers for the clone army. They primarily tasked on recruiting more A.R.C.s and carry on heavy operations which were deemed extremely dangerous and deadly. Either both being covert or loud. Within the Rancor Battalion theres an elite unit called the Alpha A.R.C.s where they are nearly equal to SOBDE by both performing the same tasks and missions that are nearly similar to comparison. Their leader of Alpha is Commander Valiant notable members would be Fordo and Alpha. e


41st Elite Corps (Green Company)

41st elite corps is led by Commander Gree and endure on operations to defend very native species and indingious peoples of other worlds. They are tasked with translating as well as communicating with the locals better than any other battalion within the Star Wars lore. Either by spending time and talking or fighting alongside them in the front lines like they did in Kashyyyk.  Green Company is a special Detachment of the 41st elite corps primarily consisting of elite members from the 41st elite corps being interrogated within this company to perform certain tasks and operations.


91st Reconnaissance Corps

The 91st is led by Battalion Commander Neyo and they specialized in quick to long recon missions to collect intel against hostile forces. They were primarily seen throughout the show on Ryloth being led by Commander Ponds and 2 other troopers being stak and Razor.. Lightning squad is a special detachment of the 91st Reconnaissance Corps being tasked with doing very quick intel gathering - reconing as well as being fast as Lightning being impossible to hit by Droids on the battalion field making them extremely effective. They also primarily use assets like BARC Speeders and AT RTs




3-6 hours a day (depending if something arises but will inform upper command if so as well as post an ROA or LOA if needed)


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

104th Mechanized Assault Battalion

Regiment Commander Term 1

Regimental Commander Term 2

Senior Commander Term 1

Covert Ops


Republic Commandos

Foxtrot EOD Black




Ensign - SCPO


PVT-SSG (Drill instructor)


Youngling - knight 2 (idk what the ranks are now)



(Branch Achievements)




Drill Instructor

ARC Commander

MEUX (104th read experience for full details)

Healer Manager


Do you have a microphone?:



Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

As I previously wanted my Specialized Regiment to be like I want them to be active, Mature, discipline as well as efficient in any battlefield and circumstance. I want to see them also try to improve themselves both as officers and NCOs so leadership within the battalions can also improve. I also want the Recon Regiment to work and do joint training them self with other Regiments on the server like Attack or Specialized so we can become one in certain events and work as brothers instead of being isolated. This would also in return hopefully fix relations that are bad between battalions outside of the Regiment, if there are any.


With that being said I would also like for the battalions under the Recon Regiment to be prepared if there's any internal or external issues and to be resolved maturely. By using logic and not your feelings. Those are mainly what I want to see and what I will try to make sure that some of those be accomplished before my term


How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

First thing I would do is create a meeting and talk to all the BCMDs within the battalion to get their generally feelings on how I should do and run things in an external perspective for their battalions that either being in PT (Discipline or battalion trainings) As well as what type of training would they like to see together to both improve their skills in combat. I want to primarily focus on all battalions so all battalions under the Recon Regiment could improve. If needed, let's say if a Battalion under the recon regiment is falling short I will work and focus more of my time to ensure its survival and its integrity before it struggles even further. I would also covers more with the lower ranked troopers within the battalion to feel and put in consideration of how they feel within their battalion and if there's any issues. After speaking them if any of their points are valid I will fix and make it my job to improve that aspect by communicating with the battalions officers and commanders of the complaints and issues. Hopefully if I communicate very often and alot within these battalions issues that become apparent could be resolved easily by focusing on these issues and working on it as a whole.  


Another priority that I have with becoming RECON Regimental Commander  is doing alot of training's within my regiment primarily for lower ranking troopers to keep them interested in staying. If they see Synergy Roleplay Server has alot of content and training's and events happen alot and he gets to work alot with his battalion this would encourage him to stay for longer and both benefit the battalion as well as the server in activity numbers.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?

Yes I do.


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:

Yes I do.


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You've done it before, you can do it again. There are two people that I want to replace me in the end, and you are one of them.

Edited by Jayarr
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+1 Good Luck

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Neither candidate is ideal. They each have the pros and cons. It just so happens that they are pretty much opposites in there skills



Good luck guys

Edited by Daytona211

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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You used to be SPEC Reg and to be honest, you were quite good at it. Though I may have disagreed with some of your methods and had a few debates ideologically, I still truly believe that you CARED for your battalions, and only had their best interests in mind. I see that you have gotten even better as you honed your leadership in RANCOR, and I can now, with confidence say that you are the best candidate in this race.

Good luck.

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