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Kurt's Blackout Reapp


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Steam Name:
[SR] MoIecuI3 [SA]

RP Name:
Spec Ops BCMD Blackout

Steam ID:


Battalion or Squad you are applying for:
Special Operations

How many terms you've held the position?
1 term

Why do you wish to maintain this position?

We have come a long way from when I first took the chair of BCMD, however there is still work that needs to be done. I wish to maintain the position of BCMD of SO, because I feel we are on the path of a good battalion. I have made tough choices in the past to maintain that SO isn't the battalion that everyone laughed at or disrespected. I feel that my troops respect me as both a friend and a leader to, one, have fun and be around, and two, be there when they need help, and three, to help promote more RP from either training's or passive encounters. 

 Current availability:
24/7 on Discord

Late evenings, Mornings and Early afternoon on week days and week ends

What have you achieved within your battalion/squad during your past term?

When I was giving the position of BCMD, I had 2 major tasks given to me, or SO would have been wiped completely.

1. Get numbers up

2. Maintain those numbers.

I feel through this term I have accomplished this and much more. I was able to sit down and listen to what needed to be done, and I completed it. However I know that's not where it stops. From being able to complete those 2 tasks we were given our new models and the ability to create our Shadow Company force. With SC, we have been able to do more unique training's and hopefully more unique mission such as tapping into enemy comms and possibly changing our armor to look like an enemy to get intel.  And Lastly I wanted to mention that we have included Jedi to join the battalion to help us on the battle field or help train the troops. 

What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion/squad?

I do plan to motivate my troops to do simple RP and training's without me around. As well as work with other battalions in doing joint training's. I want to try to learn how each battalion works, so we can be more effective.For example, SO uses our cloak to go behind enemy lines to provide intel to the 501st Attack Battalion on weak spots on the enemy forces.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?
100% understand

  • Winner 2

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout, Jet, COE x2

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  • Retired Founder
1 hour ago, Korm said:

I want to point out one thing. You're doing fine with the battalion but i only see you, derphix and like 2 others active. Probably my own fault.  +1 keep up the good work however 

It's because everybody else is cloacked. Kappa.

+1 though!

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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