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[Serious] Addressing a Problem I see on Synergy.


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I say this now. This is no Jab at Synergy and I am aware people agree with me on this topic. Below you will find a list of  the problems I see and how they can be addressed.

1. Roleplay

Premise: The Roleplay on the server is severely lacking. Recently after returning to the community I have noticed a significant decrease in the overall roleplay of the server. We are a "Serious Roleplay" community so when did we all get the idea that we wont Serious Roleplay and turn it Semi-Serious. The Game Makers/Masters have been trying now to get more fun roleplay scenarios for example the Sith Raid we had. However, the player base sill fails to put consistent and mutual effort into the roleplay. When this happens it tends to lead to conflicts with immersion, failrp, drama and more. We need to get the players ready to engage into more roleplay instead of treating this like DarkRP but starwars based.



1) Promote more roleplay. (Server-wide, battalion-specified, creativity, etc)
2) If people are screwing up, remind them of the what "Roleplay" is. Give them some tips and tricks on how to get better, tell what to do and what not to do. Basic shit.
3) Make the roleplay more interesting. (Back Ops, Battalion only Missions, In-depth roleplay, Long Events that have a roleplay base to the fight. For Example the GM changes name to Republic Communications or Advisor, your troops defend a point you then have them push  up to another position and get medics to set up medical tents etc, like they would IRL. Have the troops defend that area for a while then have them set up a new temp FOB.)

Players: You have many, many options to roleplay than you may think. Patrol Duty, Training Drills, PT, Passive Roleplay, Equipment/Ship maintenance, Lore Trivia, Server Wide Classes(Not the Jobs). These are some bad examples but it just helps prove that the options are only limited by your own creativity.

2. Immersion/FailRP/Metagaming

Premise: Event Jobs speaking in OOC, using poor speech (Count Dooku: Im here to fuck you bois up), Fail RPing, Lack of immersion and actual roleplay within events. In addition the players metagaming hardcore, asking for permission to go on a base patrol when Sith call all Sith to the temple or when GM call for event jobs. Or when Commando droid are trying to regroup at MHB on secure comms and a trooper runs straight there and opens fire immediately.


1) Immersion: Act more strict with event jobs. Encourage them to engage more with roleplay and less just shooting up, to pay attention to a situation. Go In-depth with the character their playing, follow their speech patterns, make sure their actions make sense. If an event job is minging, blacklist them or find another person. Try to set the event jobs up for good roleplay scenarios, its the GM's/GH's responsibility to make the event fun for the vent jobs as well. Make a good story for both sides to experience.

2) FailRP: Not much we can do about this, just make sure your on top of it.

3) Metagaming: Warn players and event jobs for metagaming. Give a short explanation and why it is bad. For example " It ruins the story and immersion of the event, or delays something or even causes it to stop abruptly." If you see someone consistently metagaming, call them out on it. If they continue to metagame kick them out of the server/ban for 10-30 minutes when they metagame.

I just want to say, I do not mean any harm to the community at all. And this is not a jab at the playerbase itself or the staff or GM's/GH's here. Its simply just me trying to get people to realise that the server for the Clone Troopers is going downhill asap. Someone I know said it quite well and Ill put the list below about the levels of Roleplay on the server for each area.

Sith: Pretty Decent

Jedi: Neutral(In the Middle)
Clones: Pretty Bland.

That is the most accurate thing I have seen in a long time. Especially for the clones I cannot personally speak for the Sith or Jedi as I am not either.


Yours Truly Dreams.

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  • CT Private Reggin
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I agree on a lot of things here, but Founders usually end up getting bashed or directors whenever people are punished/pushed to do more roleplay related things. Nowadays we get lynched for even mentioning punishment / serious :^)


Especially the meta gaming bullshit >:l 


PS. Nice banner.
PSS. You'll never get 99

PSSS. Fuck your 4mil

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  • Retired Founder
1 minute ago, Feds said:

The quality of events are one step behind all the other servers.

(Not sure why we can't give GM for the public a try if we've already hit rock bottom.)

Feds, it's because regular players aren't responsible and would end up crashing the server every fucking day, I'm not gonna explain this again to you.

And I disagree that we're behind all servers, I think all events everywhere are becoming bland. Should see Superior / Icefuse complaints.

Staff only.

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Hi, Im aware this is now Staff Only I am assuming by the reply you left Joah. But I would just like to mention, That I also do not think the Events here are behind other communities, I just think ours here lack a base roleplay incentive to fully immerse players in, and creativity. If we just had that little extra creativity and that little more immersion we would have some amazing events.

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  • CT Private Reggin
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From experience, I feel like it kinda draws from all sides of the server. There are some groups that can make RP not fun for others and it spreads around, for example, if someone does not like dealing with sith and openly displays it. That can negatively affect newer players by saying "Hey they are doing this, this means I can do it to!'
The Sith do add some RP potential but I feel like both Sith and Jedi do not fully realize the potential they have. The most fun I've had as Jedi are random conversations with sith, just talking about opposing ideologies, while others can sometimes make the experience not fun to be around. Jedi are not exempted from this either, at times Jedi can act more like sith than the actual sith themselves. Some in character slip ups are expected, as Jedi have been known to sometimes succumb to their emotions. But when it's constantly happening, it gets you out of the experience.
Clones are hard to deal with, most people are taught to shoot sith on sight because they are used to being instantly attacked, and now being forced to withhold that aggression can make players more aggressive than they need to, and make RPing as a sith with clones less fun. With Sith being pretty much helpless against the clones it allows them to act differently than clones would act if they were actually in that situation. Clones also dissrespecting their officers consistently is also an issue I see a large amount of the time, hearing a clones yell at their CO "Hey fucktard, you coming or what" really can take a person out of the experience.
Events are a tricky subject, do you go for dumb fun or serious RP at the expense of the player base? Some people are into more serious stuff than dumb fun things, and vice versa. I've always been a quality over quantity type person, and at the moment I can barely recall any GMs that I've seen consistently make excellent events besides perhaps Scribbles. I had a similar conversation with someone else, but they said that it seems as if GMs just don't have fun making events. I believe this is partially caused by the people participating, you can work hard on an awesome event, only to have it ruined by a dumb event job or someone doing something they shouldn't be doing.

I agree with everything you've said, I've pushed for more RP in the Jedi to the best of my ability, and hopefully it can continue to grow. As a clone I try my best to act as my character, and for sith. They just need time to get their structure set before everything settles down with them.

At the moment though, it is the responsibility of those in charge of their respective branches to take charge and punish those who break rules.

I'm tired as hell, sorry if this post has terrible grammar.

(Also, this is not to bash ANYONE. This is a game for you to have fun first and foremost, if you have fun Roleplaying a certain way, then attempt to do it to the best of your ability. Much love <3)

EDIT: The events are still great here, just saying that as of late I have seen less motivation in GMs to do what they normally do. (Could just be me being an idiot.

Edited by Mitchel
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11 minutes ago, Feds said:

The quality of events are one step behind all the other servers.

Out of curiousity I've been trying out other servers and Synergy is miles above them.

An easy example is Icefuse - they are still doing /me escape or even doing /me does the thing over advert in order to announce roleplay, unlike how we have here pushed for more of a verbal communication in regards to roleplay (where either the GM has the Event Jobs speak about things they are doing so it's more immersive or using a Narrator). Whilst playing on Icefuse for 2 days I saw a total of 2 events, 1 for each, and they were literally the same just swapped event jobs.

For a long time now we've encouraged Game Masters to do new things and always ask for advice so things don't go terribly wrong. A great example was an event Dragon hosted where Order 37 was executed; Very questionable premissed and a lot of things had to go right for it to work but he made sure to have the proper authorization and help to see it through.

To add to what Reed said, Community/Player involvement is important as well. Event Jobs roleplaying is only half of it, if players refuse to return roleplay or simply nod & shake their heads nothing much will happen. To bring back the Icefuse thing, their playerbase barely Roleplays at a minimal level. They more-so behave like they're cosplaying Troopers in an arena where there's objectives, etc. I was promoted 3 times during a debrief for literaly just Roleplaying and staying in character (through my actions and communication).

Edited by Zyner
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12 minutes ago, Zyner said:

Out of curiousity I've been trying out other servers and Synergy is miles above them.

An easy example is Icefuse - they are still doing /me escape or even doing /me does the thing over advert in order to announce roleplay, unlike how we have here pushed for more of a verbal communication in regards to roleplay (where either the GM has the Event Jobs speak about things they are doing so it's more immersive or using a Narrator). Whilst playing on Icefuse for 2 days I saw a total of 2 events, 1 for each, and they were literally the same just swapped event jobs.

For a long time now we've encouraged Game Masters to do new things and always ask for advice so things don't go terribly wrong. A great example was an event Dragon hosted where Order 37 was executed; Very questionable premissed and a lot of things had to go right for it to work but he made sure to have the proper authorization and help to see it through.

To add to what Reed said, Community/Player involvement is important as well. Event Jobs roleplaying is only half of it, if players refuse to return roleplay or simply nod & shake their heads nothing much will happen. To bring back the Icefuse thing, their playerbase barely Roleplays at a minimal level. They more-so behave like they're cosplaying Troopers in an arena where there's objectives, etc. I was promoted 3 times during a debrief for literaly just Roleplaying and staying in character (through my actions and communication).

Over half of our events have been called out for being shootem ups and the GM team was purged for doing this... Also what's wrong with adverting whats going on instead of not understanding whats going on during an event? I'm talking about quality of events and the quality of our events are not as good as what I've seen. Icefuse is a poor example.

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1 minute ago, Feds said:

Over half of our events have been called out for being shootem ups and the GM team was purged for doing this... Also what's wrong with adverting whats going on instead of not understanding whats going on during an event? I'm talking about quality of events and the quality of our events are not as good as what I've seen. Icefuse is a poor example.

There is no perfect formula and majority of the server wants shoot 'em ups (just not mindless ones, they'll be happy as long as there's a purpose). I can only assume that the purge was performed after addressing the issue and attempting to help each individual GM that was later removed due to their actions. The biggest problem I faced in GM is that Creativity is not something you are born with. You learn it as you go on, train and experience it. We would like more creative events but people need to help each other to push their visions forward and evolve, you can't simply GM train a person and hope for the best; Then repeat the process after every purge. There's always a negative - Make an event out of an episode/movie and people will love it but also complain it was cheap cause it's just copy/paste of current SW material. Do something entirely new and some will praise and enjoy it while others complain that they did what they usually do and it didn't work (failure to adapt). There's many examples but the biggest takeaway is that the only way events will get better is if people help each other, there's been very few "Prodigies" where single people were able to make great events effortlessly but we can't count on them all the time.

Advertising what's going on rather than trying to roleplay it through breaks immersion. You can still not understand what's going on if you don't keep up to what's happening or literally don't understand it; The reason why understanding is important through is so people aren't complaining over things that are happening 10 minutes later because there was no communication. Ex. Event jobs are in the base, people complain how they managed to sneak it all of the sudden - this splits the playerbase 50/50 where half takes the "excuse" given during the GM PTS in DB as what happened whilst the other half argues that the "excuse" wasn't roleplayed out and Event Jobs were simply teleported in.

Quality for events is hard, unpredictable things can happen and people need to adept. Some make bad choices during this and it turns the event worse, others make it event the player's by going with their decisions (which can also make the event go bad or good). This is not a job. People do not dedicate more time than they want to do events. They give in what they can and if it's not up to your standards then feel free to go to the GM section in the forums and write up all your ideas of events, you can even be there with the GM and guide them when they play it out. Part of what made the events back in the day so great was the people that were in it both in the Event Job side and roleplayers, literally having Ginyu as either one would take your event on a rollercoaster; That's just an example of one person, imagine having the entire circlejerk of friends). Not every event will be great but everyone has every chance to help improve it, they just have to actually do it.

Also, how is Icefuse a bad example? They've been a community for far longer than Synergy and have not only a larger playerbase but a Staff system as well which should further bulletproof their efforts. The fact that its failing in aspects we're either surpassing or at least doing better is a bit baffling still but they are still a "competing" server.

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I do just want to say, That its not all about the Game Masters here. It may be noted that some problems can be fixed via them but thats only part of the problem here lads. Battalions during downtime/in between events dont hold much of a seriousRP front when they should. We need to remember that both servers, the main and event are SeriousRP and just because there is no event does not mean Synergy becomes Semi-Serious. We are a SeriousRP by labal. We should be acting like it through all hours of the day.


Ontop of that, I understand this is a open discussion but I do not want to have any un-needed arguments on something that can better help the community by feedback. From now on, Please state a point, This can be multiple replies if you have different points, Like I myself have done but no retaliation to one another. Lets keep this just to Statements on the community/rp not anything more. We do not need this thread locked with such little feedback from the community given.


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


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Oh boy, when I come home tomorrow on my computer I’m gonna type up a bunch for this, because I agree with you. But In short for the game masters and meta gaming part, IN MY OPINION many game masters are worried about satisfying the needs of the players currently. When they try to bring in a new thing they are very reluctant at times due to metagaming, and as a game master myself I had to face that and many of the meta gamers are very one sided. Many people can be very fucking brutal to the GM for one small thing. But, one thing that will really help them a lot is by giving them event ideas in that part of the gm section of the forums. Some of the best events come from there! (Will type out more shit about this when I’m on a keyboard yeet)


edit: when I mean “satisfying the needs” I mean like getting an event going on for the playerbase because lately event numbers have been low and that means more GMs are taking initiative

Edited by [SR] randwack [VA]
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Some people just don't understand or don't care that this is a roleplay server. There are people that play the CWRP game mode and treat it as a game like Battlefront 2 where you're using a Clone skin, but you're basically playing Call of Duty. 


I'll just list some things that have helped me continue to enjoy rp-ing in various roles, and avoid the groove of playing CWRP like Call of Duty.


Try something new. Try maining a character other than the one you currently do. It'll take purchasing VIP, which if you don't have the funds IRL, save up them credits. Even myself, as an HA and a Regimental Commander, a month-ish ago got extremely bored on CWRP which caused my transfer to MRP. When Sith were released, I found a new interest in the server by joining and getting involved, and I now have a ton of fun on CWRP. 


Build a story for you character as time passes, and stick to it. Examples: On my Sith, I accept any challenge sent my way, unless I am currently on assignment. If a clone has a meaningful conversation with me instead of just firing because I'm a sith, I respect their entire battalion and try to RP with them more. If they act condescending or aggresive during conversation, I'll likely refuse to speak to them or I will attack them with less provocation. It makes the RP everchanging and doesn't get dull. I spent some time respecting SO and refusing to kill them because of a long conversation I had in RP with one of their sergeants, but then I was tracked by a group of SO during an encounter, so now that mutual respect between myself and them came to an end.


The drive of advancement in your battalion/jedi/sith. If you've reached "the top of the food chain", try going back down to the bottom. Working your way through the ranks is always enjoyable, at least to me. If you don't have some sort of goal you're attempting to accomplish on the server, you will get burnt out and end up leaving. I speak from experience from myself, and watching others. If you don't want to start back down at Private, try joining your battalion's subunit, branch out and work with other battalions, join a new specialization (MED/ENG/etc). For Jedi, try involving yourself in one of the branches more heavily. Google the lore of your branch, and try to act as an actual guardian/sentinel/etc would. For sith, well just about everyone is low in rank. But again, search for lore about the branch you joined/plan to join at the rank of apprentice, and roleplay as they would act. Complete daily tasks to make yourself more known in the order, roleplay with the higher ranks asking for assignments/missions. As an overall suggestion for all branches, just attempt to immerse yourself in what the Clone Wars was all about. The timeline/lore for the server isn't exact to what the Clone Wars really was, but it's close.


It's things like I mentioned above that keep roleplay on the server interesting and fresh for me. The server and the roleplay is only as fun/interesting as you make it. It goes back to the old saying of "You'll only get out what you put in".


Just some advice that's helped me.

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I don't think the Server necessarily is lacking Roleplay, But some of the Events i gotta say are just straight out of no where, Now i know im not a Gamemaster but I feel As if the Gamemasters are running out of ideas for events because recently its all been "Mando Attacking Alpha than Base" or "CIS Attacking Bravo Than Temple" Little to no Roleplay, Its fine for some scenarios but when they keep happening back to back it really just gets boring, I think the Encounters where those cults come to perform rituals on our planet is actually fun, There is something to do all the time, We have to make decision and we have to keep pressing the roleplay. 

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2 minutes ago, Josh Schneider said:

I don't think the Server necessarily is lacking Roleplay.

I do not wish to cause an argument so hear me out from my current perspective. 

When I first joined this server in early 2017 and throughout my time till my retirement and what we would see was battalions always doing a form of PT, Always interacting and being quite serious, Null would be alt walking around and give of this elite presence. Troopers would not act out of line. Battalions did what their battalions was specialized in and trained in it all the time. Never had to report a trooper from anywhere or give an AOS

My time returned:

I see people just mucking around in the courtyard
I dont see battalions doing stuff around the base like patroling it
I dont see any passive roleplay apart from medical around the base that much

When there is any roleplay interaction from battalion to battalion its short, incredibly short

Currently have filed 6 trooper reports to a variaty of BCMD's one of those reports did go to Shock. Sorry for the call out.

Had to file an AOS on a trooper and he tried turning into a racism thing. 
I no longer feel a sense of being "Elite" from anyone that much anymore due to what i see on and off the field.

Events are majority of the time encounters, or shoot em ups. There is no cool roleplay feel to them that much anymore.


I am not arguing and your points are valid. This is for community feed back after all so we can use this to hopefully influence the community back on track.

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  • CT Private Reggin
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2 minutes ago, OldMateDreams said:

I do not wish to cause an argument so hear me out from my current perspective. 

When I first joined this server in early 2017 and throughout my time till my retirement and what we would see was battalions always doing a form of PT, Always interacting and being quite serious, Null would be alt walking around and give of this elite presence. Troopers would not act out of line. Battalions did what their battalions was specialized in and trained in it all the time. Never had to report a trooper from anywhere or give an AOS

My time returned:

I see people just mucking around in the courtyard
I dont see battalions doing stuff around the base like patroling it
I dont see any passive roleplay apart from medical around the base that much

When there is any roleplay interaction from battalion to battalion its short, incredibly short

Currently have filed 6 trooper reports to a variaty of BCMD's one of those reports did go to Shock. Sorry for the call out.

Had to file an AOS on a trooper and he tried turning into a racism thing. 
I no longer feel a sense of being "Elite" from anyone that much anymore due to what i see on and off the field.

Events are majority of the time encounters, or shoot em ups. There is no cool roleplay feel to them that much anymore.


I am not arguing and your points are valid. This is for community feed back after all so we can use this to hopefully influence the community back on track.

The stuff with Null & SOBDE or whatever you stated your gonna have to take that with them i dont really see a problem in them "Running" Around the base instead of walking, keep in mind its still only a game. 

But yeah having to report 6 Troopers to BCMD's that is unacceptable, Now i weren't here to experience 2017 but i will agree there isn't that much Roleplay on the server, At least not as much as i saw when i first joined the server, I feel like people are just standing around waiting for Events most of the time. But i really dont have any idea to what Roleplay you can do on the Server in its current state.

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6 minutes ago, Josh Schneider said:

The stuff with Null & SOBDE or whatever you stated your gonna have to take that with them i dont really see a problem in them "Running" Around the base instead of walking, keep in mind its still only a game. 

Sorry, Worded it wrong. Not like full on having to walk everywhere but its an example to show what it was like back in the day type thing. Like you would see people talk to ALT Walk approach over sprinting when going by large crowds or lets say walking into court yard. That type of thing. 

Once again, was just to kinda show what it was like for us back then to now type thing used it as an example, doesnt mean its what the server needs.


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


  • VET Admin
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  • 212th Commander Reed
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i can adress the GM part here, we're currently low on GM's and we already have set up higher quotas for everybody we are rewarding good GM's and from my point of view is the reason passive RP events aren't that common are some clones, jedi or sith will come and do a simple /me checks for contraband and if they fail they'll try again somewhere else or they succeed and arrest/kill the eventjobs so it gets stale for the rest of the server and the action/fun is only for a small part and also when i call for eventjobs i don't get that many to get a good passive RP going because of the lack of eventjobs, if the EJ's are good and the GM knows it then the GM may become a EJ himself but currently GM's like to go in admin mode and stay cloaked to make sure no EJ's break any rules (for myself is the reason that i'm missing the swtor prop pack in like that they are all errors and that pack has the best passive RP props) for what the battalions do during offtime is their own buisness but when they want something done like a NPC sim or veichles nobody takes them so i take them but when i'm doing a training or something like that i can't just leave. 

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7 hours ago, Sinister said:

I respect their entire battalion and try to RP with them more. If they act condescending or aggresive during conversation, I'll likely refuse to speak to them or I will attack them with less provocation. It makes the RP everchanging and doesn't get dull.

i see this but the problem are the sith that see a fight or a lone jedi/battalion and start to be all aggresive or some even immediatly engage in combat and this is just personal hate the sorccerer lightning spam, REEEEEEEEEEEEE. and i love thos sith that engage in RP maybe im a bit biased since i'm vokara che (jedi sage) but most people that i speak see sith as just a excuse to RDM and turn this server into MRP, i think that sith needs to write down a few rules and need to be checked i believe that the dark guard that they want to add is a good way to do that and iknow that sith is still in early development and that once all the sith lords and council members are appionted everything will be alright. i also see the rules for sith to PTL as something that needs improvement like just a few rules like you need to have a valid reason or you need a lord to guide them so they don't go against the rules but that is maybe better for when sith lords are appointed. and for the jedi i think that they also need to be more checked but when the jeditemple will have the same system as the sith temple has now that may come at a later date

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9 hours ago, Banker said:

i can adress the GM part here, we're currently low on GM's and we already have set up higher quotas for everybody we are rewarding good GM's and from my point of view is the reason passive RP events aren't that common are some clones, jedi or sith will come and do a simple /me checks for contraband and if they fail they'll try again somewhere else or they succeed and arrest/kill the eventjobs so it gets stale for the rest of the server and the action/fun is only for a small part and also when i call for eventjobs i don't get that many to get a good passive RP going because of the lack of eventjobs, if the EJ's are good and the GM knows it then the GM may become a EJ himself but currently GM's like to go in admin mode and stay cloaked to make sure no EJ's break any rules (for myself is the reason that i'm missing the swtor prop pack in like that they are all errors and that pack has the best passive RP props) for what the battalions do during offtime is their own buisness but when they want something done like a NPC sim or veichles nobody takes them so i take them but when i'm doing a training or something like that i can't just leave. 

I think your overthinking it a little. To create good roleplay, its not all about the PassiveRP within an event right. Heres an example of what I mean:

Mission Briefing: You brief the mission on base side before swapping over to the event server. Essentially you tell the troops at the end of mission brief to do the following: When you deploy and arrive planet side you are to secure the FOB (Spawn) when you have 6+ troops or how many your battalion has on that day if its below that, they can start to push and secure a frontline as GM's should already be on the event server waiting to go. BUT YOU ALSO GIVE THEM A WARNING. IF FOR SOME REASON YOU GO TO ANOTHER PLANET THAT WAS STATED FOR EXAMPLE THE PLANET WE ARE MEANT TO GO IS HOTH. IF WE END UP ON KASHYYYK AND CRASH LAND THEY ARE TO SECURE THE LAAT AND CREATE AN FOB UNTIL EVERYONE OR MAJORITY HAVE LOADED IN.


The plot twist here and situation update : We are supposed to be on hoth but took heavy fire and had to crash land on Kashyyyk. We have no communications set up on this planet, and needs to be a priority. Ontop of that ammunition supplies are extremely low(No purchasing Ammo until SOBDE find, secure and bring back the ammo supplies they find on planet) Send out SOBDE to find the ammo. Send the main force to siege a comms tower on the planet. We at this point dont know if its under enemy control. When we arrive at the Control tower we have TECH's and ENG's establish a successful comms link with the Republic. Have the MED's to establish a medical tent like they would IRL and start securing the tower as a FOB.

When Communications is established: From This point on as the GM you work as a Republic Comms link with the troopers being their eyes and ears in the sky. You comms in with them all "This is Republic Comms, Do you read". From there you tell them that your picking up a lot of hostiles on the radar and start sending out certain battalions to complete there own requirements. As in Send Front Line Attack Battalions to establish the front lines. Have the Defense based battalions, Establish defenses for the FOB. Send out Spec Ops whilst SOBDE is out bringing the ammo to scout the area ahead without taking contact, fullfilling the Spec Ops part of the battalion/company.

You need 3-4 people for the event to be ran well. This above is not the full idea but I dont want to flood this post with essay's for comments. This turns into a Shoot em up type event by having that initial confrontation and us having to establish and secure a FOB we set up for a period of time before moving forwards. It will get to the point where the hostiles begin trying to push us and we need more hands on deck to help push them back. Then you can have things like Hostage scenario etc added in because a wookie has told 41st their chieftan was captured, which gives 104th a meaning and more RP.

But this is just an example of how the actual event is based around roleplay you feel. We cant buy ammo cause we crash landed. We are establishing comms to talk to the republic/GM to get a better idea. You feel know what I mean

Edited by OldMateDreams


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


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Quite sad that the High Up Staff and Commanders havent bothered to look into this. Joah has stated that himself as a owner cannot make serious pushes as it backlashes on him from a owner perspective. I would like to see some more Head Admins or BCMD's commenting some feedback as productive or useless as it may be as most people have agreed with most of the things stated above in the original post.

The reason I want Head Admins in terms of staff is because they are the ones that will now have to dirty their image to resolve the problems because the Founders dont want to fully rip off their name. 

Sorry if this sounded rude but it was also made staff only by joah so it is something he wanted staff involvement in.

Edited by OldMateDreams


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


  • VET Admin
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This straight seems like you copied and pasted Jaggers old Post LOL

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22 minutes ago, woeny23 said:

This straight seems like you copied and pasted Jaggers old Post LOL

Yep, Its where i got the influence to post this. I hunted for it for a while in order to find the correct way to put this. Now this post was created to better the community so I do not think it should matter where I got the ideas to post this. If you find it amusing, then refrain from posting on here unless you wish to supply feedback on the community. Thank you.


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


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When I first join the community in August, there was a lot of events and roleplay going on but apparently from what I see, it slowly died till MRP came out which I wanted a Change as since I was expecting more rp in MRP but there is some RP but not alot which is gonna be enforced in the future.

Clone life is just boring now days, the only fun stuff is Jedi and sith while clones just stay in base or do other things.


I feel like each battalion medical/engineer Officers should enforce Roleplay among the troopers to improve rp quality, this however require the cooperation of everyone in sync so that people can truly enjoy RP.

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On 1/14/2019 at 10:07 PM, OldMateDreams said:

We are a "Serious Roleplay" community so when did we all get the idea that we wont Serious Roleplay and turn it Semi-Serious.

Define "Serious Roleplay"

It's almost as if people are still struggling to define what "Serious Roleplay" is. This happened ever since the beginning of the server and it will never end.


Instead of trying to encourage or enforce "Serious Roleplay", how about giving everyone a paragraph (or two) long definition of what "Serious Roleplay" is first.

Seriously, when you try to encourage/enforce the seriousness without a proper definition, people will try to do their own "versions" of the "Serious Roleplay" which is prone to cause more problem and headaches...

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I played on some other Serious role play servers. And the one way i saw enforcement of that started with Shock and high command (and a little bit of staff). If you are caught breaking rp that is technically “fail rp” CG should give u warnings and then arrest you. Officers+ also have the command to AOS, you should be doing that. If you catch someone not being serious y’all need to say something.

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Sorry for the late reply on some things, but I am currently writing up an adaption to a Guide on Serious Roleplaying to match a little bit more to Synergy.


Its not completely done yet, but I think it defines what Serious Roleplay is quite well and gives everyone an idea to what the difference between Serious and OOC is.

  • Agree 1


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


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On 1/15/2019 at 11:13 PM, Banker said:

i can adress the GM part here, we're currently low on GM's and we already have set up higher quotas for everybody we are rewarding good GM's and from my point of view is the reason passive RP events aren't that common are some clones, jedi or sith will come and do a simple /me checks for contraband and if they fail they'll try again somewhere else or they succeed and arrest/kill the eventjobs so it gets stale for the rest of the server and the action/fun is only for a small part and also when i call for eventjobs i don't get that many to get a good passive RP going because of the lack of eventjobs, if the EJ's are good and the GM knows it then the GM may become a EJ himself but currently GM's like to go in admin mode and stay cloaked to make sure no EJ's break any rules (for myself is the reason that i'm missing the swtor prop pack in like that they are all errors and that pack has the best passive RP props) for what the battalions do during offtime is their own buisness but when they want something done like a NPC sim or veichles nobody takes them so i take them but when i'm doing a training or something like that i can't just leave. 

Bro you guys can keep setting higher quotas for gamemasters but it will turn from quality to quantity, just open up the damn GM team to non staff lmao

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7 hours ago, Twelves said:

Bro you guys can keep setting higher quotas for gamemasters but it will turn from quality to quantity, just open up the damn GM team to non staff lmao

You need to take into account some things when going to open a sector of management like that.

There are permissions that would need to be changed actually a lot of things that would have to be changed. Think about it, all our GM's have been staff or are staff making them trained in dealing and using commands, spawning dupes and know the basic requirements of the server and being apart of the Management team. If we open it to the public it becomes a challenge to keep them all in check, going through the application process would have to take 10 times longer to make sure there was no hiccups at all or else it would have more of a negative impact on the community than it would good.

Also having them as a staff requirement means we have seen how they react and work. If there is any signs of them minging or power playing to potentially hurt the server it is dealt with before they make GM. Making it a thing that is limited in people, but also better for the server in a whole, outside of roleplay in events.


Now, the staff team has recently worked out some kinks and getting some roleplay back into events, but I think a lot people think that they are under stress to bang out events every hour but be aware, it takes an extra 10 minutes of planning to make a solid roleplay line for the event to follow. Its the fact that they are trying to push them out faster than what they need and then try and make them as long as possible that causes things to go stale. All I can say is that we cannot fault the GM's for everything, and what we can is patience.


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


  • VET Admin
  • 187th Battalion Commander
  • 187th Executive Officer
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  • 212th Commander Reed
  • Republic Medic Senior Officer
  • 41st Green Company
  • 41st 2ndLt
  • Ion Team Ras
  • RANCOR 2ndLt
  • 91st Captain
  • Shock 2ndLt
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Sorry for the back to back posts but I have an update.







  • Added “NLR Rules”
    • If you are typing a message and get killed, you must press enter, or atleast do -- at the end.
      • I,E: “Bravo base is u--”
    • Cannot return to the area that you died at UNLESS a roleplay step is given.
      • I,E: Get kidnapped by Sith, die. A clone sees it and requests reinforcements, you may come back.


  • Added Metagame Rules
    • The “Job Title” underneath an event job’s name is not visible, nor is their real name unless they’re a known lore character to your faction (I.E: Sith don’t know who Dash-29 is, but they do know of Ki-Adi Mundi)
  • Teamspeak communications (ex. “I just died at bravo to a sith” You then go to Bravo without RP

    • Respawn -> Kick/Arrest -> Ban

  • If you see an event job say something in [Secure Comms] (-SC-*SC*, etc) and act upon that, you can be punished

    • Respawn -> Kick/Arrest -> Ban



  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


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  • 187th Battalion Commander
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  • 41st Green Company
  • 41st 2ndLt
  • Ion Team Ras
  • RANCOR 2ndLt
  • 91st Captain
  • Shock 2ndLt
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12 hours ago, OldMateDreams said:

You need to take into account some things when going to open a sector of management like that.

There are permissions that would need to be changed actually a lot of things that would have to be changed. Think about it, all our GM's have been staff or are staff making them trained in dealing and using commands, spawning dupes and know the basic requirements of the server and being apart of the Management team. If we open it to the public it becomes a challenge to keep them all in check, going through the application process would have to take 10 times longer to make sure there was no hiccups at all or else it would have more of a negative impact on the community than it would good.

Also having them as a staff requirement means we have seen how they react and work. If there is any signs of them minging or power playing to potentially hurt the server it is dealt with before they make GM. Making it a thing that is limited in people, but also better for the server in a whole, outside of roleplay in events.


Now, the staff team has recently worked out some kinks and getting some roleplay back into events, but I think a lot people think that they are under stress to bang out events every hour but be aware, it takes an extra 10 minutes of planning to make a solid roleplay line for the event to follow. Its the fact that they are trying to push them out faster than what they need and then try and make them as long as possible that causes things to go stale. All I can say is that we cannot fault the GM's for everything, and what we can is patience.

Look at the other servers my guy, Icefuse and Synergy are the only two servers that still do this system where you have to be staff to be eligible to be a Gamemaster, and big surprise both servers the events have been dying down in quality. There are dozens of people that are down to apply and be a GM but they won't even bother because they don't want to turn this server into a job lol

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9 hours ago, Twelves said:

Look at the other servers my guy, Icefuse and Synergy are the only two servers that still do this system where you have to be staff to be eligible to be a Gamemaster, and big surprise both servers the events have been dying down in quality. There are dozens of people that are down to apply and be a GM but they won't even bother because they don't want to turn this server into a job lol

If SO MANY people wanted to be game masters and had these amazing ideas that will bring the quality of events back to life, why has there been 0 posts about these ideas,  or 0 contact made to current GMs to make these ideas a reality?

If random people wanted to be GMs so badly they're not making it obvious or prevalent that we can trust them to make quality events.

And again, the encounter system is probably the closest we're going to get, because as we saw a few days ago, if a non-staff is left to run an event, we get the cabbage infection mingefest.

-- I'm tired of the same argument "Current GMs are trash, events are trash, synergy is dying" followed directly by "I could do better" by people who don't even want to try. They just want GM powers so they can possibly do better, but expect us to just hand over the rights and responsibilities of becoming a GM with ZERO past experience or any way to trust that they'll do good. It's always "You're old you're not changing with the times, XYZ server does it and look at them!" That's tough, we're not XYZ server. 


If you or ANYBODY wants to make this a reality, fucking prove it, because I just see a lot of people mindlessly bitching about how great of an event they can do but doesn't show that they can do it, just always "Gimmie it I'll show you"

  • Winner 5
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1 hour ago, Heart said:

If SO MANY people wanted to be game masters and had these amazing ideas that will bring the quality of events back to life, why has there been 0 posts about these ideas,  or 0 contact made to current GMs to make these ideas a reality?

If random people wanted to be GMs so badly they're not making it obvious or prevalent that we can trust them to make quality events.

And again, the encounter system is probably the closest we're going to get, because as we saw a few days ago, if a non-staff is left to run an event, we get the cabbage infection mingefest.

-- I'm tired of the same argument "Current GMs are trash, events are trash, synergy is dying" followed directly by "I could do better" by people who don't even want to try. They just want GM powers so they can possibly do better, but expect us to just hand over the rights and responsibilities of becoming a GM with ZERO past experience or any way to trust that they'll do good. It's always "You're old you're not changing with the times, XYZ server does it and look at them!" That's tough, we're not XYZ server. 


If you or ANYBODY wants to make this a reality, fucking prove it, because I just see a lot of people mindlessly bitching about how great of an event they can do but doesn't show that they can do it, just always "Gimmie it I'll show you"

*pounding on chest for honor*

Current: GM Pighen | Jedi CMD KU Knight Simms

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2 hours ago, Heart said:

If SO MANY people wanted to be game masters and had these amazing ideas that will bring the quality of events back to life, why has there been 0 posts about these ideas,  or 0 contact made to current GMs to make these ideas a reality?

If random people wanted to be GMs so badly they're not making it obvious or prevalent that we can trust them to make quality events.

And again, the encounter system is probably the closest we're going to get, because as we saw a few days ago, if a non-staff is left to run an event, we get the cabbage infection mingefest.

-- I'm tired of the same argument "Current GMs are trash, events are trash, synergy is dying" followed directly by "I could do better" by people who don't even want to try. They just want GM powers so they can possibly do better, but expect us to just hand over the rights and responsibilities of becoming a GM with ZERO past experience or any way to trust that they'll do good. It's always "You're old you're not changing with the times, XYZ server does it and look at them!" That's tough, we're not XYZ server. 


If you or ANYBODY wants to make this a reality, fucking prove it, because I just see a lot of people mindlessly bitching about how great of an event they can do but doesn't show that they can do it, just always "Gimmie it I'll show you"

This is going to sound rude, But firstly.

This topic was not made for people in power to roast other members of the community, it was made for people like you and clone high command to read the post and the feedback. The post was never made to target the Game Masters at all, and I am more upset that you target one mans idea rather than building off the mass feedback, even Joahs that has been made. I personally find that quite petty and unprofessional in your last ending statement. That type of language is the type of thing that if we did it would get a topic locked so I ask.

This is my post, made to better the community and bring community feedback together so it can influence the community to a better place. I have already stated now that I am assuming you are using some of this due to the rule changes made or its just pure coincidence that this post gets made and the feedback +1'd than the rules change, Im not sure. But what I do know that the language used at the end of the post is not going to help ANYONE. Refrain from doing it in the future or doing anything that if we did as normal community members would get a post locked for. 


You are correct in every aspect. As in a previous reply



Also having them as a staff requirement means we have seen how they react and work. If there is any signs of them minging or power playing to potentially hurt the server it is dealt with before they make GM. Making it a thing that is limited in people, but also better for the server in a whole, outside of roleplay in events.

I agree with all your statements made about trust, Know that. The only reason I replied was that the above post seemed made out of anger and spite, which leads to locked posts. Thats not to say its not a productive post, because it is.

Edited by OldMateDreams
  • Agree 1


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


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57 minutes ago, OldMateDreams said:

This is going to sound rude, But firstly.

This topic was not made for people in power to roast other members of the community, it was made for people like you and clone high command to read the post and the feedback. The post was never made to target the Game Masters at all, and I am more upset that you target one mans idea rather than building off the mass feedback, even Joahs that has been made. I personally find that quite petty and unprofessional in your last ending statement. That type of language is the type of thing that if we did it would get a topic locked so I ask.

This is my post, made to better the community and bring community feedback together so it can influence the community to a better place. I have already stated now that I am assuming you are using some of this due to the rule changes made or its just pure coincidence that this post gets made and the feedback +1'd than the rules change, Im not sure. But what I do know that the language used at the end of the post is not going to help ANYONE. Refrain from doing it in the future or doing anything that if we did as normal community members would get a post locked for. 


You are correct in every aspect. As in a previous reply


I agree with all your statements made about trust, Know that. The only reason I replied was that the above post seemed made out of anger and spite, which leads to locked posts. Thats not to say its not a productive post, because it is.


I only get angry when it's something that stupid and repetitive that has zero substance beneath it. 


Regarding the true topic of this post, I'm constantly pushing some sort of roleplay or "thing to do" that isn't events, and hoping to try and implement rules or ideas (like we have a few days ago) to help encourage others to do the same.


You don't need to be a gamemaster to have fun/to do "Something"

A higher rank means you can order people, so make some RP of it.


Yesterday, for example, I had 104th repair a tank that I "fished out of the lake" and once they were done I let them keep it. I know you need to be staff to spawn vehicles, but there are still possibilities outside of stuff like that, it's merely an example.

Another old example back on the venator is that I would be in medbay and something would break, thus lighting it on fire with a flamethrower I had. and RPing I broke it. EZ rp, no rank required.

Imagination is what we lack, not power.

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9 hours ago, Heart said:


I only get angry when it's something that stupid and repetitive that has zero substance beneath it. 


Regarding the true topic of this post, I'm constantly pushing some sort of roleplay or "thing to do" that isn't events, and hoping to try and implement rules or ideas (like we have a few days ago) to help encourage others to do the same.


You don't need to be a gamemaster to have fun/to do "Something"

A higher rank means you can order people, so make some RP of it.


Yesterday, for example, I had 104th repair a tank that I "fished out of the lake" and once they were done I let them keep it. I know you need to be staff to spawn vehicles, but there are still possibilities outside of stuff like that, it's merely an example.

Another old example back on the venator is that I would be in medbay and something would break, thus lighting it on fire with a flamethrower I had. and RPing I broke it. EZ rp, no rank required.

Imagination is what we lack, not power.

You my friend just got the bread. 

The majority of people are looking at this as a plea for Game masters to up their game but it is not. Clone High command, not only the BCMD's + but also Battalion High Command have the ability to do so much more. Another prime example is when you roleplayed as an oldman and dropped a lot of spices around the ship lmao. Depending on who we brought in depended on the roleplay that would go down for example SO are brutal, 501st wasnt so much.


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


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14 hours ago, OldMateDreams said:

You my friend just got the bread. 

The majority of people are looking at this as a plea for Game masters to up their game but it is not. Clone High command, not only the BCMD's + but also Battalion High Command have the ability to do so much more. Another prime example is when you roleplayed as an oldman and dropped a lot of spices around the ship lmao. Depending on who we brought in depended on the roleplay that would go down for example SO are brutal, 501st wasnt so much.

Lately there’s been some of this happening. On Sunday, some DU decided to build an ID checkpoint for patrols. Then, I made the RANCOR BASE CAMP as a checkpoint for patrols, and we got a lot of rp from it, because we got to protect some important VIPs with the custom sniper tower treehouse 

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12 hours ago, Arroyo said:

Why are people still postin on here it’s the end of January for the love of god 


here comes all the reactions lol

This is to be treated like an on going archive, when more problems arise people can post it here and we can continue to adapt from it.


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


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I agree with pretty much everything on here. I think they need to enforce more rp and punish minges or failrp more harshly 


Also sorry for quoting Joah twice I accidentally hit it and you cant undo it 

Edited by Peaceshield
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4 hours ago, Peaceshield said:

I agree with pretty much everything on here. I think they need to enforce more rp and punish minges or failrp more harshly 


Also sorry for quoting Joah twice I accidentally hit it and you cant undo it 

Your fine mate, But thank you for the feedback. Its taken quite seriously and the rules have changed regarding it.


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


  • VET Admin
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  • 212th Commander Reed
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  • 41st 2ndLt
  • Ion Team Ras
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  • 91st Captain
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