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Pythins Trooper Sugguestion


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Suggestion:Adding in Sith Troopers

Implementation:The Reason for adding sith troopers would to be a change in how the system works. as a hopeful you could either go down the path of Acolyte like it is now, or you could do the trooper path like in the Old republic days., and if we want to build the stih empire, then we need the troopers,and I think it would be a great addition.



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If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following

Add or Change:

Job:Sith Trooper 


Weapons:tfa_relby, tfa_mercenarypistol

Other:They get the Jet pack

I want to see how the sugguestion goes before adding in more jobs. I would like the sith trooper to be more of a tank for the Sith, and a symbol of there power

Former: Liaison


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Nope, not until we decided what fucking direction we are going in. Are we even trying to follow lore or not? The Sith we have on the server wouldn't even exist at this point in history. If we want to keep the same Sith system and add in Sith troopers then we need to re-work the whole server to basically fit SWTOR. Our server doesnt fit into any lore or timeline at the moment. 


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Nah -1 not SWTORRP


i am literally captain tukk

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Lowkey SWTORRP would be a million times better then CWRP. If that is really the direction it is going I am 100% okay with that.


I would return to CWRP just to be a sith trooper lol. +1

Edited by Baelfire

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

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Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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Just now, Baelfire said:

Lowkey SWTORRP would be a million times better then CWRP. If that is really the direction it is going I am 100% okay with that.

Sure but lets not beat around the bush and have this mutated mishmash of eras and timelines that we've got going on right now. IF the community wants to see SWTORRP then go for it. If not re work the Sith so that they fit with our current timeline.


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3 minutes ago, Andrews53 said:

I already asked why this hasn’t happened kinda of, reason is, new MRP since it’s basically what it would be.


Sith Troopers vas Clones

Sith vs Jedi. 

Russia vs US. 

And yet the Sith update launched right as MRP was getting up.... kinda shot ourselves in the foot didnt we. 

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I don’t think you guys understand that it would add balance, and given the circumstances. The Sith or not sides with the CIS, so adding them in would not work. I suggest  the sith troopers because then there could be a trooper class to add in. It’s up to you guys. I understand. I just don’t get where you guys say the isn’t SWTOR. It isn’t, but if you add sith you have to make it work. Joah told us he would make the lore for why the sith are here. So, we don’t exactly need to follow the current lore. 

Former: Liaison


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This has to be a meme... please tell this is a meme

But if its serious ---> Are we transitioning into Old Republic (SWTOR) RP now? Thought this was Clone Wars.... strange. Already the Sith and how they work "RuInS mY ImMeRiOn" as the Clone Wars takes place after Darth Bane and the introduction of the Rule of Two for the Sith, which i believe happened around 1000 BBY - 990 BBY . (Just FYI my lore and overall knowledge is rusty and shouldn't be taken seriously, I recommend you do your own research). But i see why its run that way, for the overall enjoyment of playing as a Sith on the server and adding variety to the server.

TLDR: Adding a "Sith Trooper" would be just tightening the noose around my neck tbh -Crab Rave- 

Big old -1 from me chief ❤️

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18 minutes ago, Anders0n said:

This has to be a meme... please tell this is a meme

But if its serious ---> Are we transitioning into Old Republic (SWTOR) RP now? Thought this was Clone Wars.... strange. Already the Sith and how they work "RuInS mY ImMeRiOn" as the Clone Wars takes place after Darth Bane and the introduction of the Rule of Two for the Sith, which i believe happened around 1000 BBY - 990 BBY . (Just FYI my lore and overall knowledge is rusty and shouldn't be taken seriously, I recommend you do your own research). But i see why its run that way, for the overall enjoyment of playing as a Sith on the server and adding variety to the server.

TLDR: Adding a "Sith Trooper" would be just tightening the noose around my neck tbh -Crab Rave- 

Big old -1 from me chief ❤️

What this guy said. I’m alright with Sith because we need it as we are in dire needs. -1

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4 hours ago, Orlando said:

Pythin this a good idea but then this would  affect so many aspects of the server especially the Gm program and this is going to have to be a 

How? We are legit giving the sith a Trooper class. This would be beneficial  to clones in giving them a non- lightsaber wielding opponent, and no this won’t be SWTOR. It already became that when we added the sith in. I mean if you guys are gonna use that then use it a bit wisely. I mean kinda dumb how you guys would not want something based on the fact that it’s not in the time period. There is so much to expand on, and that is what this suggestion is. Just think of how cool it could be. 

Also it would legit have no effect on the GM program, and would be as a big effect as the sith. 🤷‍♂️

Edited by Pythin

Former: Liaison


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-1 This is a CWRP server. Most of people are here to play CWRP. If we are about to drop updates that turns it into Sith VS Jedi I think they should just open up another server for it. Also by adder sith trooper you would need to drop a lot of battalions because that will kill a lot more of battalion that we have RN and would creat a scenario that you cant pick it up you would need to remove half of the battalion for it to work and still have decent battalions. For this reason I -1 this.

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21 minutes ago, Pythin said:

How? We are legit giving the sith a Trooper class. This would be beneficial  to clones in giving them a non- lightsaber wielding opponent, and no this won’t be SWTOR. It already became that when we added the sith in. I mean if you guys are gonna use that then use it a bit wisely. I mean kinda dumb how you guys would not want something based on the fact that it’s not in the time period. There is so much to expand on, and that is what this suggestion is. Just think of how cool it could be. 

Also it would legit have no effect on the GM program, and would be as a big effect as the sith. 🤷‍♂️

Pythin this suggestion changed the whole server into a Sith VS Jedi server but in Clone wars timeline, this is purely custom and just is totally weird. Also if you look at any Sith vs Jedi troopers is just dead because whats the point of having guns if you fight mostly people that deflect bullets and can kill with you range also with their force power.

Edit: MRP died because its the format server and it got killed by the community because of the toxicity, minging, and a lot of problems, why would you try to change CWRP to MRP but stars wars version. It would just rebecome as toxic. The chances that it doesnt become like MRP are really low.

Edited by Bazoo
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You stole my idea Pythin, dont even @ me  >:(

I would like this if it was maybe 10 slots, and they just had one weapon (no special classes or ranks)

maybe just a Sith Trooper Captain (1 slot) and Sith Troopers (10 slots) 

+1, Sith just need some support fire, hard to hit Clones on the mountains with sabers


also -1 for the Jetpack, that's stupid.

Edited by Sock Monkey
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even better have designated roles such as a Marksmen, GPMG, and a Riflemen. Or something along those lines( they'd also only have one weapon)

Edited by Godking Useless

Current: Rancor Medic Previous: 327th Commander ARCL Useful, DU ARC Commander Jerome, CT PVT 1348 Useless

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-1 I'm not down for this, unless we straight up became and MMORPG called Star Wars: The Old Republic on Origin.com

People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

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Last thing I am gonna say. You guys are missing the Big Picture. The Troopers would be the ones that fight the clones, and would be a good match. I hate it when kids say “I dOnT WanT A MMO” honestly the dumbest thing I have heard. You don’t understand that if CIS were added. It would complicate the GM and The SeRvEr entirely more. I personally think that if the Trooper were added. It would bring more RP situations to the server, and would be a balance in the sith. Just think about your answers the next time you make a  decision.  The Server went away from serious when adding in the sith. What’s the big deal then giving them a Trooper Class?

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Former: Liaison


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On 1/6/2019 at 10:45 PM, Pythin said:

Last thing I am gonna say. You guys are missing the Big Picture. The Troopers would be the ones that fight the clones, and would be a good match. I hate it when kids say “I dOnT WanT A MMO” honestly the dumbest thing I have heard. You don’t understand that if CIS were added. It would complicate the GM and The SeRvEr entirely more. I personally think that if the Trooper were added. It would bring more RP situations to the server, and would be a balance in the sith. Just think about your answers the next time you make a  decision.  The Server went away from serious when adding in the sith. What’s the big deal then giving them a Trooper Class?

The Sith were added to RP with Jedi, not fight clones. Adding in troopers would negate the one thing they were implemented for.




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16 minutes ago, Mitchel said:

The Sith were added to RP with Jedi, not fight clones. Adding in troopers would negate the one thing they were implemented for.


Then why do clones always intervene?

they were implanted as a 3rd faction. 

Former: Liaison


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9 minutes ago, Pythin said:

Then why do clones always intervene?

they were implanted as a 3rd faction. 

Just saying the Sith, in some cases, go through the tunnel next to Bravo Outpost which leads to the Clones who are stationed there. Giving both parties no choice but to interact with each other. I can't speak for everyone when I say this but, Clone don't always intervene. I know this from personal experience. I think it was a couple of days ago when a group of like 6 or 7 Sith came to Alpha Outpost when Rancor was Stationed there and the Jedi had to come and help us out. So I think its a little unfair to say that "Clone always intervene" because sometimes that just isn't the case.  

Also I would just like to add to my earlier post as well. And before I say this I just want people to know that I personally don't know why the Sith were added and all that good stuff. But it feels like the Sith weren't added to JUST interact with the Jedi. But to bring new and refreshing RP into the server for everyone. You could argue that Sith Troopers would do the same, and to be honest you wouldn't be wrong, but it would split up battalions and possibly kill ones that are struggling to get good numbers from day to day consistently. For my other points on the Subject you can refer to my previous point, I won't repeat them here.  

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I don't want to sound like a dick or anything and please don't take this the wrong way but no, this is a terrible idea. Balance my ass, the fact we have sith in general is kind of whack imo but the core of this server is CLONE WARS RP  not SWTOR. Just for the love of God no. I love this server and I get that it needs to be unique but this is not the way. Throwing away timelines and basic lore is going way too far and takes away from the RP aspect of this clone wars server. When I joined this server I got a clone wars atmosphere, now it's MRP but with a star wars skin. Adding something just for the sake of adding it destroys credibility and causes more issues. What happens when Sith troopers are deemed to powerful? Well looks like we need Havoc troopers now. What happens when it's a huge fuckfest of Jedi and sith fucking around at their respective temples? The rest of us are stuck with our thumbs up our asses hoping some droids will attack or something. Furthermore, YOU joined this server for the sake of being a clone trooper or Jedi and if you want sith troopers then there are plenty of SWTOR servers out there.

Again, don't take this the wrong way, I'm offering my opinion and do not intend to come across as a dick. This is a huge mistake however.


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1 hour ago, Blueberry Juice said:

I don't want to sound like a dick or anything and please don't take this the wrong way but no, this is a terrible idea. Balance my ass, the fact we have sith in general is kind of whack imo but the core of this server is CLONE WARS RP  not SWTOR. Just for the love of God no. I love this server and I get that it needs to be unique but this is not the way. Throwing away timelines and basic lore is going way too far and takes away from the RP aspect of this clone wars server. When I joined this server I got a clone wars atmosphere, now it's MRP but with a star wars skin. Adding something just for the sake of adding it destroys credibility and causes more issues. What happens when Sith troopers are deemed to powerful? Well looks like we need Havoc troopers now. What happens when it's a huge fuckfest of Jedi and sith fucking around at their respective temples? The rest of us are stuck with our thumbs up our asses hoping some droids will attack or something. Furthermore, YOU joined this server for the sake of being a clone trooper or Jedi and if you want sith troopers then there are plenty of SWTOR servers out there.

Again, don't take this the wrong way, I'm offering my opinion and do not intend to come across as a dick. This is a huge mistake however.


Bruh adding the sith troopers would benefit the clones. Like I don’t know what point your trying to get across. Whatever it is doesn’t make too much sense. This has nothing to do with the lore aspect. The server is trying to  make  something new, and you guys are keeping it from growing into something different. We don’t want to be like other servers my guy. The sith troopers yes would be a little SWTOR ish but so? Legit adding troopers to sith can give you guys more things to shoot at, and have more RP situations, and the only issue is that “doesn’t follow Rp” bruh stop using the same thing everyone else has

Former: Liaison


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