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About Orlando

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Forum Sheep

Forum Sheep (2/6)



  1. Im only worth 100,000c come on now I am too much of challenge for that price.
  2. 3/10 As it was fun, it was ruined from the spawning and the event jobs complaining
  3. 9/10 was fun good rp and I like the all the things that were going on
  4. Name: Rancor ARC HVO 1stLT Orlando Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:70644957 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: 559:02:14 From 1-10 rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars? 8 out 10 How good are your Communication and Leadership skills? 9 out of 10 Do you understand if you are inactive , you will be removed from the program: Yes I do Give us an Event idea that you would like to produce: The event is going to be a event server event, it will be a 2 part event a Recon and then Attack. First the Rancor and Special Operations to scout a CIS base. They would hopefully find info about a secret weapon by sneaking into the base and they will not be found no matter what. Because the CIS knew the clones were planning this attack so this use this as an ambush so the 2 battalions will be stuck inside the base and waiting for help from the attack. The attack battlions will be 212th and 501st. Then the CIS will use this secret weapon to use against the attack battlions. As they fight wave after wave trying to reach the base they will blow the doors as they they save the recon. And both battalions will try to deystroy the secret weapon and the CIS base. Also maybe find some secret info about an attack the CIS has been planning but stay tooned.
  5. Neutral, Try to keep all responses based on the app
  6. +1 you guys are really not thinking this through who would be a better choice. 1st. He already is a commander of a battalion 2nd. He was alpha arc which is close to null 3rd. Probably has the most leadership expirence than anyone else applying
  7. @Josh Schneider please go ahead and look at the screen shot again I was waived from the time of my denied application but I kind of understand your confusion
  8. I was "waived" This is a screenshot of me and chambers conversation saying that the timer was off my removal date and that was on the 30th and here's proof. Since there was a miscommunication with the old app he let me go off my old timer. https://gyazo.com/a5237bb3ab4b00f22677b3dae83f574b https://gyazo.com/fa332d95e5474b447ff0c869496c6845 @[SR]Logic[SA] @GlobalOffender
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