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Everything posted by Whataburger

  1. Whataburger


    the cables... Please... bro also got the chik-fil a sauce LOL
  2. Whataburger


    had sum panera bread mac n cheese tasted like shit
  3. my brother in christ, this is a rep farming post and you this dumb shit? in relation to the post, I think we should have a separate reputation FOR the chatbox, Maybe something that would make people use the chatbox :eye_rolling:
  4. -1 My rep would be in shambles...
  5. everyone is so mean 2 me
  6. I want to address the elephant in the room right now. Will @Comics be getting back his position as attack regimental or will @Finn be fighting for his position? This kind of drama could lead to the downfall of @Conrad. Also:
  7. @ToasterBath for being my day 1 OG @Pythin for being patient with me @Katy your so awesome @Stockings i miss 41st XO stockings but your awesome @Sixta carrying 501st rn
  8. +1 Very experimental with the merits, I like it. Good luck
  9. another contestant rises to the stand. +1, I believe that you are competent enough to get to the interview phase and from there on out, Good luck.
  10. 3/3/3 kinda mid tbh, cool for entertainment tho
  11. you're thinkin way to big lil man. Jad and jayarr have been working for the past 2-3 months trying to repair PR with the server so the state of the community is "The most toxic you've ever seen it" and you go ahead and post some dumbass shit on posts like these. Real time big-dickin' the community XD
  12. Who helped (If applicable):WHATABURGER TEC Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): COMMANDO DROID BASE BOOM Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  13. whataburger is a stupid oldhead who doesn't like the server and is hogging a lore character Plus his name is dumb too, idiot name
  14. deployment = 5/5/5 No but fr this was a solid.... 3/2/5
  15. +1 Pretty new and im pretty sure you did some voice acting? Huge for the GM team
  16. +1 Would be nice for events, but i don't expect this to be implomented in the next update just because if its LFS related it may be lagy or mess sumn up edit: just read the steam page, seems that the droids are manhacks. i really don't know if development wise its as easy as "CRTL+C CTRL+V"
  17. i wanna make a sexual joke but someone will reply "Your 15!" Good progress tho
  18. 5/5/5 One of the greates main server events ive played in a while
  19. 4/4/5 Decent shoot em up, @Rohan Carried
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