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Everything posted by Comics

  1. Comics

    Add Sith Back

    To add on -1 Sith was an RDM fest. Old members will happily tell you how genuinely trash the "rp" was. Just don't do it. We've endured enough
  2. I think with a little more hands in help with BH you could have it get into a more proper structure which encourage players to do shit on it. Rn it deosnt cause issues really so until it's genuinely a waste of space -1
  3. Comics

    Add Sith Back

    -1 I'm not gonna go into detail but there is good reason it was removed. Never again.
  4. Comics

    State of the Navy

    I think it's just a bit weird that people have all these complaints but they haven't decided to bring it up to the admirals. Or atleast I've never seen anyone go talk to the admirals about all this shit. I don't think the leader of something should have to ask about issues in their group for them to be told about them. But it's whatever I think naval just doesn't have enough power anymore and basically have no influence because no one respects them.
  5. Comics

    State of the Navy

    @Enzyme I miss the two Naval captain ranks
  6. It's all +1s for 3 whole pages and more. Is this large support?
  7. +1, might wanna change that model tho Also what marvel said: all high command should have uniforms
  8. Some legendary shit on there. That Joey video is just a mess of server legends. shout out to my boys fours & essit on the front lines
  9. HAHAHHA, yeah mate I'll pass -1 Might wanna fix that name, bud
  10. Comics

    Nap's Ban Appeal

    +1 free my man
  11. You boys need to stop making this a 104th hate thread, it really isn't achieving anything. You're stating issues with the 104th not Alec himself, which isn't proving anything. If there is no better alternative then you're getting Alec either way. He's XO which means he's BCMD when there is no BCMD. All of 104th HC wanted him to go for it which proves that you should give him a chance. So could you please review him as a person and not as a representation of the whole battalion. Also if you have issues don't just complain on the forums, he is there to deal with these issues, if you want to see these problems fixed then contact 104th HC.
  12. I think 104th has had some issues but I don't think there is anyone else viable for the position of Wolffe. If it really goes down the shitter I can already tell that report will be up in an instant but I have faith in this man. From perma'd to Wolffe gg my man. G fucking g. +1
  13. You're a great mate, I'll miss ya bud
  14. I think you meant to say, unbanned What did I say, god of getting unbanned
  15. +1, everyone has already said everything
  16. +1 Me and Pyle are best buds and He's told me great things about you. You clearly care a lot about the order and you're exactly what it needs right now. Just don't burn yourself out
  17. +1, I don't know you but the write up is pretty impressive and you seem very dedicated. Don't be a tard tho and make sure to keep SOBDE in line but you sound like you'll be good at that anyway.
  18. Personally I see the server pushing itself further from quality and community and more towards pleasing the masses and trying to be popular without considering actual affects. I'm prolly ill informed but it's how I feel from my last few months on here again
  19. It sounds like it'd need to be highly monitored and that usually makes things less fun. And it would require really good RPers, most people who are good at RP tend to be really good at PvP so it could be a little infuriating but I guess it's worth maybe a test run to see if it could help the server. Changed to a neutral wanting some forms of testing before it's fully implemented.
  20. -1 Personally, I don't see the point. Is this not just an elaborate event scheme. Can we not do this already without all the complicated roster and shit. Just get some good RPers to carry out a mission have the GM be one of the generals and then inform HC what they've done and that they'll do a follow up event. I think it's interesting but I don't really understand why it's needed. If you could inform me I would appreciate it.
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