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Everything posted by Comics

  1. -1, It's sad we won't get your enormous Twitch followings unfortunate.
  2. As active as you may be after what Omalic said (one of the best marshals we've had) I don't think you have the know how of current HC or time to focus on Marshal. Gadget also had some valid points, Up tha UK!! -1
  3. It's a director+ thing, I'm pretty sure
  4. Never bad mouth senate commandos, the server will never be the same without those useless blue traitors
  5. -1, barely a regimental commander. Far from suited for marshal. All of its been said. Sorry
  6. Bruh, we all kinda want this type stuff to pass but it's not going to. The standardisation update happened, might aswell void it -1
  7. Holos rep crashed like the economy will after covid & @Ping That's a different moose This moose is newer Old moose was SO BCMD, SC Captain and smth else
  8. You deserve to get laughed at for calling an admin instead of using /cc -1
  9. -1, you're dedicated but are you capable at holding such a position I'm sceptical. Firstly, your activity is questionable. This is especially apparent with your lack of in game presence (from my personnel experience). You have said you want to make all these changes but you've been in a high position for a long while and yet seem to not have made strides towards any of these goals. You're quite set in stone on a lot of things and seem unwilling to change . Naval has been heading in a bad direction since bountineer and I do not trust that you understand this and are willing to make the changes necessary. The recent changes set a bad precedent for what you might do (i.e. new ranks which seem to change every week and are now in a very very limited state.) Right now there is no reason to join naval, it's not fun, it's not rewarding and you have really done nothing to improve this. Roleplay doesn't matter it's just about getting points and getting promos. Naval has lost it's role and you don't seem to want to change that. You've also focused on experience which isn't really what we need, we need ideas and plans. You clearly love and care for naval, that's apparent but you aren't built to be Yularen. I think the best thing for naval is to allow a strong and willing leader to take the helm. Sorry. Best of luck, Comics.
  10. +1, no one more capable. been keeping up to date with him and he's genuinely more competent then anyone else in naval. He has everything down there is no question that he's prepared to take back naval HUHRAHH
  11. +1, about damn time. Don't do anything stupid cause we all know how that ends and get a pfp xx
  12. Dunno why any of you are gonna try and make civil discourse, it's a meme thread don't even try. People are here for the memes and rep Leave the long rambling to commander applications
  13. Rename the thread to rep farm
  14. He's gone rouge, trust me mate you don't wanna do this.
  15. I guess rip all sub units with lore characters as most of them are dead. This seems kinda pointless as we already have a mixed time. This would basically just be taking from a bunch of battalions just to provide a helmet for Torrent company and slightly useless new Bad Batch. If we wanna go forward lets fucking go full on and send us to post-66. Just before full imperial.
  16. Comics


    -1, literally demoted from LTC to CSM and removed from Havoc Squad. You are genuinely a joke. You are not capable of holding any position above CC. You are the embodiment of what the server rules are aimed to eliminate
  17. Comics


    Spaghetti brings up a good point tho, if GMs won't do the work by force I guess you can just bribe them to do it -1
  18. This fucking guy Billiam and Koval were better seniors
  19. Comics


    My favourite international law that also exists in the galactic republic But apart from that +1, I don't see it creating any issues
  20. +1, Pretty much the only person who is capable of holding this position rn. I trust this man with my social security number
  21. +1, naval needs a dad rn Stop applying for stuff lol
  22. Glad to be part of that journey, main man. I'll try to stop fucking up, just for you. o7 to SMB Jagger
  23. Due to the inability for the other candidate to run I'll change to a +1 capable leader, active member and what the battalion needs for atleast this time. As long as you treat 501st HC well youre a great choice
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