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Everything posted by Polik

  1. 4 all the way was fucking epic
  2. I will state, it is sad to see this amount of hate on the 104th, this is my home always has been and always will be. You guys may not realize the severity of the situation that was occurring during Sinclairs mid-late Term. Sinclair had no officer core, besides a few active officers and a couple NCO's some of the active officers I can name that were promoted because of there being a lack of an officer core, them showing the capability to be responsible enough to take these roles, and there being an immense work load on Sinclair's back. The following in no particular order Alec, Blueman, Lyn, Teaa, Rook, Kendama, Godpapa, Boom, Maggot, and myself. That was basically it, that was our ENTIRE Officer and NCO core, granted I may have left a couple people out. I can say without a doubt that Alec is responsible, mature, and fit for this Role. This battalion needs help and Alec can give it to us. May I remind you all that he is our XO, which is literally our BCMD since we dont have one currently and I can say he is doing absolutely fine. 90% of everyone's reasoning for -1ing this is simply because of mass promos. What else did you want 104th HC to do? Let 104th die? No, they took action when action was deemed necessary. Granted a couple of people not fit for leadership positions were weeded out and those worthy of them stayed, however one of these that were promoted Alec, showed and continues to show absolute excellence in what he does and I believe he is going to be our next BCMD, like it or not. STOP TRYING TO BLAME THE BATTALIONS PROBLEMS ON ALEC, HES APPLYING TO FIX THOSE PROBLEMS + Fucking 1
  3. +1 I have been beside Skylur ever since I was a padawan, he guided me in the right direction, showed and continued to show great leadership and was able to handle the responsibility's thrown at him. Currently being in the 104th, I'm sure many of you know 104th is rebuilding and laying a new foundation seeing as all our previous high command and even our CO's and NCO's were almost all inactive. Skylur has played a great role in rebuilding the 104th and I'm sure until its time for him to move on, he will continue to do so. I wish you the best.
  4. There is a current Glitch inside the Village where If you press a button on the upstairs outdoor part of the balcony inside the Bounty Bar, It opens the Balcony door to the Guild Leadership building. Video Proof: https://gyazo.com/92389bbf24d0173cc88c1a4b94a7f67c In Game Name: Fox Aristotle Of Clan Silves
  5. 3.6/4 Was really good, lacked in the negotiations part but was still really fun!
  6. +1 was chair floaty man, was fun to help
  7. +1, the average cumulus cloud is 1.1 million pounds
  8. 7/10 little drawn out but was still good.
  9. Hey guys its old man Agua/Zagreus/Wallus, I know half of you dont know me, matter fact probably all of you dont know me, however I need suggestions on a new pair of headphones. I will give you some basic stuff I use my headphones for so you can make a suggestion based off of that. I do a lot of video and audio editing. I game a pretty good amount, however DO NOT want a very bass heavy headphone. I do voice overs for my videos. Pretty much just need a pair of good headphones that wont break the bank but will offer good performance for my needs. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated! Have a great day/night. Edit: Try to make the headphones semi-specific like a model name not just a brand you nerds.
  10. can I plus one if im retired, but even if i Cant + fucking 1 Great man, doing great big swole
  11. Alright gamers you might or might not have seen it coming, however i am leaving the server. Just burnt out of the server so I give all my money away and am dipping, some personal notes below. Harsh- You were really my first good friend on the server and still are a great friend now. through my time as a padawan and eventally knight initiate it took my 6 fucking trys to get shadow. I still got it though. You were a great mentor and leader and shaped my into the person i am today. You deserver what you have and are one of the hardest working guys I know. Keep leading. #HitSquad. Skylur- I know you already left but still I can say many of the same things I had to say about harsh as for you. You were a great mentor and as a Shadow Lead got me into the managment position which i fucked up and got kicked out of, but I tried. FM- A great guy, always willing to teach, and lead, I was there when you got WO and watched you climb the ranks so fucking fast, your work ethic is great. Ben- Awsome guy, always wanted to help out in any possible, great friend. Xain- You were a respectable Dickhead, exactly what a leader should be. Great job keep up the good work. Miller- Didnt know you for too long, however the things I saw you doing in Rancor were amazing, your a great leader, cya big swole. Anyways, goodbye guys its been a great run and it has been a pleasure playing with all of you.
  12. Hope your grandmother gets well soon, Will miss you old aayla.
  13. Neutral I love the map, however with the amount of perma props that have to be added and the way the base was configured was not the best. Adding onto the perma prop thing, it causes a lot of lag/ fps drop.
  14. 9/10 Was actually reall great event with all the best elements that an event should have, 9/10 only because the sniper did alot of damage.
  15. 6/10 Was good but lacked alot of background story and there wasnt much passive RP, good for your first event though.
  16. Polik


    Seems cool as it would add a certain aspect of realism to the server, however it would be a whole clusterfuck of shit for the devs to add keycards to certain jobs and all that Neutral
  17. Sucks that your leaving, because as a padawan and even till the days leading up to you resigning, you in my opinion was the best role player on the server. You took role play to a hole nother level and made my experiences on the server great. Best wishes on your journey of life.
  18. 9/10 was very fun to roleplay
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