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Everything posted by Polik

  1. If you can promise me that you will use your microphone then you will have my vote.
  2. Thats a yikes from me dawg, +1 tho
  3. Vango. Vango. Vango. I feel as though you are capable of holding this position, However First off, I have been in the 104th for a Little over 9 ish Months or so total and just recently(Around 4 months ago) I became active again. I have worked with you on documents. Your work ethic is great, you can work your heart out on a non-verbal side of things and it shows. This is the catch, You have been an active 104th Commander(Plo Koon) for what almost 2 months and I haven't heard you peep a fucking sound besides your soundboard. I am a LTC, someone who is pretty close with 104th High Command and yet, I haven't heard you speak a word. If you are to gain this postion how can anyone be confident in your ability to lead not only a single battalion but Two. Logistically it doesn't make sense. If I cannot have faith in your ability to communicate when communication is key. How can I expect you to run the Mechanized Regiment? (I want an answer to this before I vote)
  4. +1 just dont give them a perma weapon sniper
  5. Well I've been playing in the community for little over a year now and hardly know anything about Joah or really the rest of high staff. So I noticed inside Joahs Teamspeak channel in the Founders Section of TS it says " I spend most of my days sitting in this channel now developing for the server and focusing on my future goals as well." So what are your future goals for this community and for yourself, just curious. @Joah
  6. Thats the way this community is. Sucks but Legacys think they own the place. :/
  7. But in all seriousness the forums isn't the best place to talk about this kinda stuff and acting unprofessional about it isn't going to solve anything. Wither you believe it or not people who you talk shit about tend to dislike you and your ideologies. Would have just been better to message Joah and ask to speak to him or any server leadership for that matter. Plus you cannot blame them for attempting to branch out to other games and form sub-branches of the community. Its just bad bushiness not to. GMOD is dying as a whole and Synergy will go with it once it fully dies, so why not extend the life of the community as a whole and expand it to other games.
  8. Wow. Mans got a set of balls on him.
  9. Polik

    State of the Navy

    My main concerns with naval is the attitude issue. Naval are notorious for their superiority complex's. My second concern is that there isn't much role play in naval and theirs a lack of effort to RP besides the Higher ranking naval of course. The most roleplay I've seen from naval is MedRP and Bunk inspections. I've only seen those a handful of times, now thats pretty sad.
  10. First off RIP Cloud, and second off I'm pretty neutral on this, to be honest I havent seen you doing much RP, however I'm not in a attack REG so I dont see you much at all. However I feel like someone going for Marshal Commander is someone that I should have a notably good impression on, and I dont have one for you. That doesnt mean I have a negative one on you either.
  11. IF we let him come back, just make him start at level 0, make him a youngling/padawan and let him work up again. Someone with this much server time should know the consequences of his actions and should Stay banned to be honest, however if were gonna let him back, make him work for everything again and prove to the server that he really wants to stay. Of course take away his staff powers permanently.
  12. Endors temple is way better than anaxes, but Endors base is better than anaxes
  13. +1 Steel came down into our main channel one day and asked everyone in the TS what their opinions of him running for Wolf was. It was an OVERWHELMING +1 from everyone there. It really just seems to be meant for steel, hes an awesome dude and really represents what the 104th should be, hes exceptionally kind and to be honest I've known him a little over 3ish months now and he hasn't ever talked down on anybody in any other battalion or even our own men. Hes a really easy going, lovable dude and I think hes gonna do great if he gets the position. On top of all of this, I asked him to have a chat with me because even though he may be a great candidate for everyone I wanted to ask him what he wanted to do and how he wanted the direction of this battalion to go just to see what his thoughts were. He instantly came down the the channel I was in, which one of our NCO's, SSG Zodiac was in and we began discussing his plans and what he was going to do if he got the position of wolf. I think the mains points he made is that Everyone no matter what rank, should have a voice in the 104th. The fact that he was willing to and immediately came down and wanted to chat about it already had my +1, but when he took the extra time to go into extreme detail on what he wanted to do if he got wolf, that just really proved to me that he should be the next BCMD for the 104th.
  14. 4/4 Was awesome got to do some hostage related shit on a deployment which is kinda rare.
  15. 3/4 Was good, only complaint was I had a couple droids dropped on me from admin spawning them
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