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Everything posted by hop1003

  1. DarkRP DarkRP where we all get a prop of a computer and then just type shit for like 7 hours a day
  2. the 41st have a heavy why cant the 91st have a heavy
  3. 1- he was to scary back when I was GM 1+ Your an amazing guy and you are going to do even better work than usually.
  4. RP Name: 41stEC ARC Captain Zero Senator Meena Tills Base Ops SFC Surgeon Smithers Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:218497808 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 15 Timezone: EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to be an Administration for two main reasons. Number one is that I want to support the community in other ways other than doing event jobs and donating. Becoming an admin is a great way to help in my book maybe even going into struggling admin branches. Helping the community is something every player should stride to do and I'm just doing my part. Number two is that becoming and admin opens now opportunities for fun and RP by doing things that you enjoy while also creating fun for others. For example I like to Micromanage a lot and doing a event with droids and ships would be a lot of fun for me. Or pretending to send artillery barrages at troopers seems ultra fun. Overall the entire thing of becoming staff seems helpful to the community while fun to me. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is Giancarlo (redacted) I am 15 years of age and I play videogames. I am an Olympic fencer(Not in season right now) and I am a BoY ScOuT. My favorite game is skyrim then halo 3 and I enjoy Pizza. I like memes a lot and I have a meme account on instagram. Do you have any previous staff experience? No How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) 41stEC ARC Captain Zero has played for 562:38:34. I barely afk Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one)N/A
  5. Name:Zero RP Rank: 41st Captain Senator Suggestion: Remove scenarios and add Encounters back Implementation: Remove scenarios as no ones doing them and there to complicated. Add one rule to encounters its a quick thing that has to be non admin lead for rp and fun. Lore: N/A
  6. 10/10 I yelled a defective trooper for almost killing everyone
  7. hop1003

    VIP Classes

    1- Keep we already limit what free to play players can do allowing them not to be Shadows or flame troopers considering those could be better additions to battalions for free or while limiting current free to play EOD squad omega
  8. hop1003


    The fact that The sense of control but risk and fear is something that is special with this one and theres is a lot of lore. Its also very palable with a basis of science in most of the research and contaiment. Its the sense of control and fear is the main aspect
  9. hop1003


    SCP is like a creepy pasta but we kinda control the creepy pasta creatures theres a wiki on it scpwiki
  10. hop1003


    IM so excited for the scp server. I needed to express it
  11. The fun comes from the insanity of the server and How cool it is not Sir salute You cant shoot like that no jumping stop (sorry if this doesnt make sense I am low on blood) 1+
  12. OH dang no tag but You did a lot of good thing I hope you do well -Zero
  13. 1- This is what kill servers restrictions everywhere kills the uniqueness and just make it heavily Favorited to shock
  14. 1+ just allow Major+ to call defcons so we don't need to rely on high command/bcmd
  15. Your AFKing just as much as him and your particpating in the so called inactive battalion kek with 16 idle hours. Tetra dealt with the other points go look at that for more info just wanted to say that
  16. The thing is Dying happens no matter what. And considering people who don't have full run and the size of some of these maps it really takes away from gameplay if your MIA for like 2-5 minutes.
  17. hop1003

    Droid Poppers

    1+ but the droid event jobs could have one of those sweps happen to it were it shakes around some kind of thing that stops it for a bit to be shot with out it being able to be shoot back
  18. So I want to address this considering in the recent deployments it has become a big thing. We need a better way then staff due to first on a event server their are like 5 game helpers at most. And its just easier to make them run back instead of reviving. And that makes events a lot less cool due to that running. I honestly don't have any Ideas. (I'm not advertising for defibs back)
  19. Im zero thanks for getting me into flying and your were a great REGL. BTW your name should be Flyer 07
  20. 9/10 Event jobs were to brazen with a ST PVTS having a ton of health But overall amazing event great job
  21. 1+ Great BCMD and has really changed the battalion and to fight the in activity call Has proven that one hour a day is good enough for a BCMD. He is not inactive
  22. After talking with a bunch of 41st members my 1- stands. They are willing to leave just to not deal with you. If your own battalion dislikes you there is no reason for you to become BCMD
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