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Everything posted by hop1003

  1. Was the server staff thing removed? I don't see it at the bottom
  2. Its not a remake though Its retard mode what they want to do with it
  3. Bruh The person who banned him thinks he should be unbanned thats answered and locked 1+
  4. Name: Zero SteamID: STEAM_0:0:218497808 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]:AFK Zero has played for 635:56:52. From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 9 How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I would say that I am pretty good leader. I have been a officer in two different battalions. And I have IRL leadership positions in youth groups. Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: Ziros Capture: 224th Intel commander Josh informs base that Ziro will be stopping in the village. Two freighters stop at village and if the clones attempt to capture the Ziro he attempts to escape with bounty hunters helping him. If he is captured the part two will be a cad bane hostage negotiations. If he is killed the hutt family is extreme angry and sends suicide bombers to attempt to just kill as many CTs. If he is not apprehended correctly then a massive battle will ensue as the hutt family will pull all the strings to get him out. Place Links Below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional): https://synergyroleplay.com/forums/topic/18492-sawbone-space-coon-city/ https://synergyroleplay.com/forums/topic/18547-zero-whos-who-part-1/ https://synergyroleplay.com/forums/topic/18555-zero-whos-who-part-2/ https://synergyroleplay.com/forums/topic/18573-spite-zero-unkindled-the-wall/
  5. Marvel the man the mith the legend 07
  6. hop1003


    egg and bacon sandwhich
  7. Objective of what do you mind telling me?
  8. Name:Zero Who helped (If applicable): Shadow:Clorox Helpers: Sleeper Hobo Kestrel Event Name:Who's Who Part 2 Summary of the story: The CIS have a hostage and lure the republic into granite. But it was a ploy when the hostage is Let go/Killed. The cis Come in and flank the republic with tanks. Attempting to get the listening post back What was the result of the event?: The hostage lived and the CIS were unable to get the listening post back Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up
  9. Name:Zero Who helped (If applicable): Shadow: Clorox EJs: Spite Anderson Event Name: Whos Who Part 1 Summary of the story: A droid fighter squadron attacked and damaged the comms array. Space Commander Josh sent down two engs to fix it. On the way down one of the engs was take by a droid. The droid attempts to get battle plans from CIC. Will the republic figure out the ploy and get the plans back? What was the result of the event?:The Droid was able to transmit the data but the evac was unsuccessful. But that data will return Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: passive until the end where it was shoot em up
  10. WOAH Can you guys please remember this is a online game not the fucking tax code. It gives player enjoyment guys calm your cheeks just have fun
  11. I'm still sorry for hitting you with my ARC-170 1+ I killed like all of 187th lol
  12. https://prnt.sc/qdtkth steam chart of players This isn't a phase its the game dying. Nothing we can do about that. The subject shouldnt MaKe ThE SeRvEr BeTtEr They're a ton of great servers with great additions and tons of paid developers but even their struggling. The problem is the game. It's a hard realization to make but since the 2016 boom Garry's Mod Has just been going downhill.
  13. I have really looked into it. If you look a steam stats besides a jump what alyse was announced. Garry's mod is losing players. All servers are suffering. Theres no fix loss of interest in a old game
  14. This is it for the zeroLAAT I guess You were a great GM and I hope to follow in your footsteps 07
  15. If you limit lets say the 91st and green company thing and limit greencompany to 6 people it will still have fat but will boost numbers overall
  16. hop1003

    SS Drones

    Snipers need a buff not the ld1 but snipers in general. Let them do 500 damage. but make the reload long boom 1+
  17. We don't need to remove batts we can combine them. 91st and Green company 41st and lighting squad. DU-212th 501st-187th. It seems like a compromise that everyone would like. The hardcores would just join the batt and go into that subunit while the lessers just join diffrent batts. If you really want to remove 212th as a batt add it under 9th assault corps or something? Compromise men please
  18. I don't want to seem like I disagree just to try to solve them Move away from Lore(So doing stuff that will create fun) (IDK how to solve this one) You know what this just sounds like the server is dying. I hope we find away out or we will be forced to use the SCP server as a noahs ark
  19. Again restating what I just said Ideas are not the problem the choice players make are. Sure the GM program may have some flaws but what do you expect them to do? Rework what? Rules on what? look at how much support this got Players are the problem
  20. The main problem with that is unpredictably. The questions isn't How to make this fun? Its how to make it foolproof? The GM rules may be limiting but the big problem is the reaction to events and treatment of events. No Is to common of a answer to EJs. But in lore this happened That doesnt make sense We have this All of those ruin the event Im not saying they cant make good foolproof events but if you treat it like this then they wont be common It takes work for this shit. It saddens me when I see GMs be like half way through with a event and just be like im done because of problems created by players. The fun events are either really well thought out events that can be ruined by simple things or Balls to the walls batshit insane stuff which is really fun IE there was a few deployments where is was just mayhem and that's fun. Its a big problem in the community with the players not the GMs. I don't know how to fix it with out extreme shit IE purge extreme punishments. But its to late now. Trying to change a major thing like Semi-Serious to Serious is hard with out extreme shit. It was to quick but with out enough effort and now were stuck in a limbo. My main belief is just to cut events everytime there is a people trying to break it. And let the community suffer. We are trying to avoid the inevitable. Players have to realize it better than a discord announcement-Zero
  21. This shit about not active senators pisses me off Im amidala and I get on a least an hour a day and try to do RP. The RP we gets is rare and uncommon. I am sorry I cant sit In brig every-event for event and the go to your debrief and say your great troopers so You dont think Im "inactive." Bruh Instead of complaining how bout you try
  22. 1+ Cool Guy had great events We all makes mistakes
  23. Remove tryout binds and allow fishing its not the end of the world for a new ct to be asked if they want to be a 41st/DU/rancor/21stETC. Just keep the fishing down and don't get close to harrasment
  24. 9.9/10 I didnt get my flamethrower but great passive rp with out forcing anyhting
  25. hop1003

    Juice Wrld

    He passed away this morning from a seizure thing in a airport RIP He predicted his death in one of his songs Juice Wrld: Only Legends die I don't wanna be a legend
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