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Everything posted by Rohan

  1. 5/5/5 I think if people actually engaged in RP, this could have been an AMAZING event rather than what it was. With this, I hope to see more events, maybe even a re-do of this one when people that want to roleplay are on the server rather than people who like to ruin events! Thanks for hosting it, Zeros.
  2. That would be very sad, but we're hoping as there is nothing about the sub-unit, currently.
  3. Name: Rohan RP Rank: BCMD Suggestion: Reforming 332nd & Torrent Company Implementation: This suggestion's implementation would be part of a rework for Torrent Company & 332nd. While it's mainly focused on the 332nd section, it brings a small change to TC. To avoid any confusion, I will write a TLDR here: - Removing Tup & Dogma's individual job and merging them into a general "TC Trooper" job with both models on it. They have nothing besides models that are different and we can utilise this change to add another slot (To max at 20) - Adding a 332nd Trooper job. As it stands, the 332nd is an absolutely useless piece of the battalion. They are re-skinned 501st without any sort of ''elite'' things added to them as most units have or something unique. With that, adding a jetpack to this job and nothing else, so a basic jet trooper, would be our method of getting that uniqueness. This may sound like a 2ndAC adaptation, but this would be hard locked to 8 members of 332nd in the battalion, including Jesse & Vaughn, and therefore 6 332nd troopers, at max. - Small, but might be cool change, is adding the 332nd group tag to Jesse, Vaughn, and this new job. - With this suggestion, we will NOT be using the skins on any other job for 332nd anymore and it'll be exclusively the new job. Lore: The Siege of Mandalore Workshop content if applicable: Requires Development If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following if not, leave it out. _______________________________________________________________________________ Add or Change: Add Job: 332nd Trooper Slots: 0 (Because MCS, but battalion rules will set limit to 6) Description: N/A Model: models/synergy_roleplay/501/trooper/trooper.mdl (and possibly, since unused models/synergy_roleplay/501/officer/officer.mdl). Possibly, models/synergy_roleplay/501/jet/jet.mdl or a change to a model with the addition of a jetpack bodygrouper. Weapons: rw_sw_dc15a_o, rw_sw_dc15s, sent_boosterpack _______________________________________________________________________________ Add or Change: Remove Job: TC Dogma, TC Tup Slots: N/A Description: N/A Model: N/A Weapons: N/A _______________________________________________________________________________ Add or Change: Change Job: 501st Jesse Slots: N/A Description: N/A Model: models/synergy_roleplay/501/jesse/jesse.mdl Weapons: Keep the same, but add jetpack (since it's apparently a bug ???) _______________________________________________________________________________ Add or Change: Add Job: TC Trooper Slots: N/A ? Description: N/A Model: models/synergy_roleplay/501/dogma/dogma.mdl, models/synergy_roleplay/501/tup/tup.mdl Weapons: Same as CT/501st Trooper Other: This is an attempt to make 332nd something that can be used and actually attract people as it's been struggling and will struggle until a decent change is made. This has been discussed previously with 501st MAJ+, and some other leadership that has access to those channel to somewhat refine it.
  4. didn't this just get denied???????
  5. Barely anyone uses it, works great tho if you got hacktools.
  6. When you're in the server hold Q, head over to the top right and hit utilities or setting and select weapon behaviour. In this, take off the check-box that says "Enable refugee arms" or something in the direction of that and redraw the weapon @Joe900000
  7. You can't vote Neutral, either +1 or -1
  8. I blame him fs, but come visit some time, you got the link anyways. My closed channel remarks will always be there on snap, dw! See you around dog and enjoy life to the fullest in college.
  9. Bro got me unbanned! Was a blast having you in basically everything I joined! Rancor, SOBDE, and even staff. You got my number and other socials so just stay in contact. Hope you enjoy life out there Pythin!
  10. This is sick, +1 (He threatened me)
  11. Steam Name SpongeBob SquarePants | Synr.gg RP Name 501st MAJ Jesse RP Rank Major Steam ID STEAM_0:1:155676106 | 76561198271617941 Battalion you are applying for 501st Legion Experience DU CMD REGL Gambit HA, GMM, TRO, Server ITM 327th JTO CPT Obama DU XO Locke TCC XO Kano SGM Trauma Null-12 SGT A’den 501st MAJ Jesse (Current) Guild Leader (Current) Head Admin | GMM (Current) Why should you become a Battalion Commander? Knowledge of the battalion I have been within the 501st a few times, majority of those times reaching higher ranks within it. With this I do have the knowledge of a lot of things that worked and didn’t work, as well as current and past cultures regarding the battalion’s way of operation. There is, in the plan section, a lot that I would bring back and some I would never bring back due to me having said knowledge of the battalion at those times. Unlike previous time where I applied, I have joined the battalion and worked my way from SGM to MAJ as of now learning the systems and integrated myself Dedication & Work Ethic When I set my mind to achieving something, I work constantly to achieve that goal. I don’t do things half-heartedly, I work my hardest to get everything done to a high standard and on time. I care greatly about the battalion, and I want to use my time to fix the current problems in the battalion and grow it into something great. I’ll do as much as I need to do to ensure the battalion succeeds, may that, if accepted, be this singular term or multiple terms in the future. Approachability I try to be as open as I can be in the sense of people being able to come to me with their problems, concerns, or anything else. I prefer handling it this way as this ties into being able to resolve issues within the battalion with healthy communicative ways. Management & Leadership As a leader, I believe in leading by example and showing my team the way through my actions. I keep up a high level of activity and expect the same from my battalion. Whether it's about sticking to certain standards during in-game fun or keeping a strong work ethic, I think leaders in higher spots should be role models for their battalion. I'm also good at dishing out tasks and keeping an eye on their progress, all while staying in touch with the people involved. This lets me pitch in and help the battalion evolve while keeping things in check. I'm pretty adaptable too, so I can handle different situations and learn from them quickly. This has come in super handy before and will be a big plus in a leadership role. Working with my officers is gonna be my main thing. I value their thoughts and insights to make decisions for the battalion. Everyone's viewpoint matters, and I'm happy to team up with others to make the battalion perform at its best. Availability Monday - Thursday; 12 PM EST - 10 PM EST Friday - Saturday; 6 AM EST - 10 PM EST Sunday; 6 AM EST - 10 PM EST Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay? | 501st MAJ Jesse has played for 5136:19:34. Do you have a microphone? Yes I do Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term? The following sections will go over what I want to do over the entire term, spread out, to prevent burnout and ensure it’s optimised to the point it can be used by future BCMDs and/or innovated upon the systems put in place during my term. Officer Corps Currently the officer corps is in a stable state as to where there are enough officers that even if a few were to go on LOA or go inactive we would still manage. There is no change that is needed for that specifically, but rather the distinction between the four ‘’levels’’ of officer ranks. Currently there is no real difference between WO-MAJ within the battalion. Pushing for the changes where there is a clear difference between WO, LT-CPT, MAJ, and CMD+ is necessary so people assigned the ranks understand what their actual job is within the battalion. In short here is what it would entail: - Warrant Officer position is to be treated as a 3 week long trial officer period in which they have an increased interaction with the NCOs & Enlisted, learn the ropes of becoming an officer and at the end of this ‘’term’’ be concluded by the current officers if they are moving up to LT or moved back down to SGM based on their performance within those 3 weeks. - Junior Officer (Lieutenant & Captain) rank group troopers will be overseeing management of the Enlisted+, and will be expected to carry out their duties as defined by their day to day operations (Disciplining, leading in events, working on management goals, etc). This rank is expected to lead/mentor in any event that comes on our way and can do so flawlessly. Anyone at this position is expected to show a high level of professionalism when communicating with other battalions, and are to be seen as the role models for the battalion. I consider this rank group to be on the front lines of much of the day to day operations. - Senior Officer (Major) rank group members will be overseeing the JOs and below. They will be expected to carry out duties that will be more defined as management of the battalion, and assist the JCOs with their inquiries. Anyone in this position, like with JOs, will be expected to show a high level of professionalism when communicating with other battalions, inner-battalion personnel and be a major role model for the battalion. This is a rank I consider to be actively aiding in game when needed, helping Battalion Command now and then, and hosting training revolved around improvement. - Command (Commander) is considered to be a senior management role of the battalion, this is where troopers are expected to handle the top-down management of the battalion (implementing structural battalion policies, evaluating and rewriting documentation, handling the direction of the battalion as a whole, etc). Troopers of the CMD rank group will be expected to show outstanding leadership, and are able to take a look at the overall macro management of the battalion. This is also where they will be transitioning into handling management matters, with delegating many of the daily operations to the NCOs, SNCOs, JCOs, and SCOs. If the BCMD is otherwise disposed, the members of the Command team are expected to be able to take over command of the battalion as a whole and are trusted personnel within the battalion. - Battalion Commander considered to be the head honcho, the Battalion Commander Rank/Role is critical to keeping the battalion on task. This rank is essential for setting battalion wide goals, setting standard, and being the face of the battalion as a whole. This rank is responsible for overseeing documentation development, writing documentation, watching over the conduct of everyone, ensuring continued battalion relations, and much more. This rank is one that should be held with honour, integrity, and respect. As I have stated before, leadership stems from the top, so strong leadership is important to fostering a sense of brotherhood amongst the ranks. Anything that is done at this rank (inactivity, minging, etc) will surely be seen and replicated by others of the battalion, so it is important to stand tall as the role model for change and progress. Regimental & Sub-Unit Structure With the current Regimental Structure we have there is the position of Regimental Lead, like usual, and currently also the position of Regimental Advisor. This so-called ‘’REGA’’ is essentially a fancy name for a REGO, in other battalions. I plan on completely removing this position and keeping it to just REGL. This would also apply to the current role of Jesse being placed as an immediate XO for the 332nd sub-unit. Rather than putting someone in a position just because they got a certain character, have them work up to it. With this it’d effectively move Jesse to a normal ARC trooper within 332nd itself with the possibility for them to apply for 332nd Officer. As for the current state of the sub-units, they are in a decent spot. With TC having the vacant slot of Appo it will be one of the first points to address within the term to get Torrent Company running smoothly from the start. As for 332nd, they are in a decent spot besides the retention and activity. As this is an easier sub-unit to get into, it also comes with the complication of retaining people that enter it. This is an issue that will be addressed with one of them being the requirements being SGT+, EOD, and Tech without the ability for a waive in this case. This is so the people who play and get into the sub-unit actually are serious and put in a little bit of effort into it rather than join, go inactive, and eventually get removed. Transfers Small point, but important to me. I will be removing any and all transfers above the rank of SGM for the sole purpose of not being a fan of integrating new officers into the battalion that already has a working officer corps. If people are adamant on helping a battalion out and they are serious about it, they can work their way up to the position of WO again and go from there while getting adjusted to both the battalion and its culture. This would have no exceptions no matter who it is. Documentation, infrastructure, and organisation This point is more so everything is organised in a way that it’s all in one place and accessible at any time for the necessary personnel. My first time in 501st CMD+ positions we had a google drive that hosted any and all officially made documents from the 501st Legion accessible by only CMD+. This would mean that any and all docs not within this ecosystem would be seen as scrapped and not in-use. With this think of folders such as Regimental-, Battalion-, and miscellaneous structures. With people needing access having the access needed. With this infrastructure change any and all Senior Officer+ would be responsible for the changes made to documentation as opposed to other people. All documents will be changed into a uniform format so it all follows the same system. As for organisation, some minor changes to clean up the discord and make it easier to navigate in the discord itself for both existing and new members. This would not change any systems in the discord currently installed for our intel purposes unless fully needed. I believe that all these changes, while not directly influencing how we play, will help a lot from a management standpoint and organise everything for the future BCMDs. NCO Corps As it currently stands there is not a system in place to see who needs to be promoted and who not, rather it is based on the officer’s discretion. While I want to keep that, I also am going to add performance based promotions. What does this mean? While it’s still officer’s discretion, the amount of work people are putting in, as both officers and mainly NCOs, will be factored in heavily. This is both in-game and anywhere else where it helps the battalion. A small, but needed change, is to implement EOD training within the SGT training if the trainee doesn't have it yet as we as the 501st host that training and it’s important for any and all 501st SGT+ to possess that. Battalion Jedi Currently our jedi program is basically dead, consisting of only two active jedi. It’s a big thing as we have 2 of the biggest jedi lore characters within the battalion and I want to take advantage of that. Currently we are lacking an Ahsoka, which is one of the things I wish to address ASAP so we can get someone into the position who has dedicated their time to the 501st. As I am not the biggest nerd on Jedi, I do not have a ton of plans for the battalion as of now other than integrating them into the day-to-day operations and establishing a successful jedi regiment for the 501st with leadership members who add value to said regiment. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position? Yes I do Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank? Yes I do
  12. Rohan

    Two Sons

    5/5/5 @Xaze told me to blow up the platform, I was just following orders!
  13. 5/5/5, thanks for hosting
  14. @Bane I wish the best for you and I hope you're alright! Don't be a stranger and pop in from time to time
  15. He's a Gamemaster, they're set to SA at the moment till permissions are fixed for the GM role.
  16. Name: Rohan RP Rank: Major Suggestion: Add timers to the !mutevoice and !mutechat commands Implementation: Add an extra 2 arguments when executing the command. !mutevoice <value> <time unit:seconds:minutes:hours> <player> Lore: Lore Workshop content if applicable: Requires development Other: This would be a command handy to utilise instead of keeping track of people that have gotten warned and muted prior.
  17. Your LOA has been APPROVED and LOGGED. Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @. If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete.
  18. Name: Rohan Staff Rank: Head Admin Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 21 days; 6/8 - 27/8 Reason: Private Do you understand that if you go on LOA/ROA while holding a leadership position, a named character position, or a position with limited slots you may lose your position?: Yes, I do Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your staff/leadership position?: Yes, I do
  19. Rohan

    Free stuff

    305 A part of the server I like is the people. It makes me want to get on and play. People from the server have made it enjoyable and I've talked to them for years now, both in the community and outside of it. One thing I would love to change about the community if it was possible was drama and toxicity and filter it out permanently and have people actually treat it like a game rather than a competition between themselves.
  20. Thanks for pointing that out, I have talked with Zeros regarding the event and it should be handled. Appreciate it staying professional and not turning into a big thing
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