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Everything posted by Rohan

  1. +1, also we already have the models on the server. I remember using it with the model override with lightsabers.
  2. +1, I wonder what changed that made you apply tho as you said you wouldn't at first
  3. Rohan

    Guaca Staff App

    Put some more in the app... @Guaca
  4. +1, one if the best GMs in the past
  5. You can insert this into your post if you want
  6. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fAulTje_2unaiekpWYiZe044SPj3OYnMPUDbGC6GVVY/edit?usp=drivesdk @Dreams-
  7. No he's not a COL in Doom's Unit, I can assure you that. -1.
  8. All these people with paragraphs here making my vote look bad. +1, mf cutie.
  9. -1, Regional and Dennis said it for me.
  10. o7, stay on TS tho. Someone needs to make fun of me lol
  11. Due to circumstances your resignation has been denied. Plz come back ;-;
  12. lmao, just give me that dumb already i am dumb
  13. Nice rank, also would love to +1 but the size is just too big. Sorry chief, - 1
  14. Oh, just give me the dumb reaction I deserve the dumb
  15. +1, pretty sure you fucked the date of joining or the date above it tho lol.
  16. He literally posted the pictures..
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