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Everything posted by Rohan

  1. HAHAHAHAH. That was not my people atleast ! Probably some guard.... one the guards who died a horrible death
  2. Name: Rohan Who helped (If applicable): Ecetera, Flashy, Gohn, Net, Pot, Quin, Nissan Event Name: 327th Infiltration Summary of the story: 327th disguised Commando Droids infiltrated . Their objectives were simple - Kill the chancellor to take down trooper morale - Blow HMC to take down base defenses - Have the CIS attack and take over the base What was the result of the event?: - Chancellor killed - HMC blown - CIS attacked but failed Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: 20 RP | 80 Shoot em up Story: - (The storyline of the event) Execution: - (Flow/Timing) Game Mechanics - (Spawning/map utilization/Ej’s) Overall: [Rating] - [Reason] Story: [Rating] - [Reason] Execution: [Rating] - [Reason] Game Mechanics: [Rating] - [Reason]
  3. @Trixx u looking like a snack on here
  4. Name: Rohan Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: 3rd Battle Of Ryloth Summary of the story: CIS took Ryloth base again, Attack and Omega came in to blow it up What was the result of the event?: Absolute dogshit. Crashes happend left and right. Even with the tick rate stable (16.3) and the same happend at the lowest Tick Rate (5.1) Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up Story: - (The storyline of the event) Execution: - (Flow/Timing) Game Mechanics - (Spawning/map utilization/Ej’s) Overall: [Rating] - [Reason] Story: [Rating] - [Reason] Execution: [Rating] - [Reason] Game Mechanics: [Rating] - [Reason]
  5. -1, swedes are getting too much power +2
  6. Overall: [2/4] - [Execution could've been better] Story: [3/4] - [The story was pretty good, however it made no sense lore-wise. The Yuuzhan Vong are from the imperial era. I nthe GM training we all got was clearly said to use lore to your advantage and make sure you looked through it, which to me seemed like it wasn't done] Execution/Game Mechanics : [1/4] - [It looked put together in like 30 minutes. This was mainly for the main server. There was a small FoB, some random placed paltforms, rocks which were colored and 2 prop bunkers. I believe for next time if you're gonna pull this big of an event to build way in advance. You guys had ~1-2 days to build this and it looked kinda wacky. Then the obvious: The crashing. Now we all know the serverbox is one of the weakest on this server but with that being known you could've prepared this in a way. First all battalions got sent to the ES where it lagged horribly, then the same thing on MS. You could've started with a D1 event on main, sent half of the server to ES and have the other half evac to the old Charlie spot where the FOB was. In this situation you could brief them and have them do the defense sequence you had. And then switch everything up eventually (switching ES and MS etc). Another thing I found very weird was the adverts "Do not push, hold positions". You could've use the big ass wall mechanics. With that I mean is block the map off all the way to the skybox with a wall with the reflective material so nothing is shown, because it made no sense for people to hold w/o a good reason in RP. AS you probably noticed that 501st went through the tunnels. An easy of blocking that was with rubble]
  7. Name: RohanWho Helped: Net, Bruise, Nub, Flashy, GohnSummary Of encounter: We fucked up the base when they discovered our true nature: Commando droids. Our original mission was massacaring the CG, then Palpatine
  8. ngl TCC model could've been our new ARC model B)
  9. Imma actually jump on this. Sugga interacts with us actively when he needs to and when he can. Now and then he plays a different game which is perfectly normal. Hell, he has prepared an Operation for us for 2 weeks which we did last night for ~2.5h. He's taken his time to improve the battalion itself and it's members in many ways. I am reading through these comments saying "He ain't interacting with the 501st". Maybe if you were in the battalion you would be able to see that he does as opposed to being an outsider of the battalion and not knowing when and what we do. Now I have been in the 501st, since I transferred, for exactly 30 days and although to me also being european I have seen him a lot. Working with us, his executive command and interacting with RP characters in events.
  10. Name: Rohan Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Order of Decus - The Riddler Summary of the story: There were rocks u destroyed with riddles ; kinda late making the AAR so can't put all of the story What was the result of the event?: Republic won, they got the riddles correct. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both of them.
  11. Trixx said he waited to resign untill you were ready in his eyes. I believe that's enough of a reason to +1
  12. Lol you can't even apply yet... 30 day cooldown my boi. Should've gone to a director first
  13. Ngl I heard you say that you were not gonna go for it again but I mean like +1 anyways. Good rex as far as I've seen.
  14. This is what happens when someone says "No" to Gohn who wants to play ARK @Gohn
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