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Head Admin
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Everything posted by Rohan

  1. -1, although @Kormshould look at it
  2. Rohan

    Harte's GM App

    // Locked ; moved to pending
  3. UwU headpats? +1 lol. You might wanna expand the application a bit tho
  4. Congratulations you were accepted to the Staff Team Welcome! Good Luck on your journey Spite! // Moved to accepted
  5. +1, but how many times u shooting Aayla?
  6. It does look dumb, those props are part of the valkyire pack and uhhhhhhh ^^^^
  7. Hey, Keldeo took the time for this... soooooo I mean
  8. Credits to Kellyn/Keldeo for this document. The props will be visible with all of these untill they add the actual packs to the server. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TWhDa4uXZ_wIWT6MtasQJd6jyZs8Xm2UmFBC1-cBYR8/edit?usp=sharing Thank Keldeo when u see him Mind that Valkyrie Venator props are missing in here
  9. +1, you made 187th one of the most active within like... 3 weeks?? Amazing work on that and I believe you can do this too definitly.
  10. I am too lazy to write but this about sums it up. I'll give you a 1/10 for the effort of making an event.
  11. This Report shows the total amount of deployments each battalion/Regiment have done this week. A number next to the battalion shows the amount of times they were deployed as an individual battalion, while a number next to the regiments name shows when the entire regiment was deployed. Below is the List as well as the number of full army deployments: Attack Regiment - 0 501st Legion - 2 212th Attack Battalion - 1 327th Star Corps - 0 187th Legion - 1 Recon Regiment - 0 41st Elite Corps -3 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps - 1 Rancor Battalion - 0 Specialised Regiment - 0 104th Mechanised Assault Battalion - 0 Doom's Unit - 1 21st Nova Corps - 4 Shock Troopers - 2 SOBDE - 1 Null-Class ARC Troopers - 0 Delta Squad - 0 Omega Squad - 1 Clone Force 99 - 0 Base Operations - 2 Jedi Order - 1 Full Server Deployments - 1
  12. Congratulations you were accepted to the Staff Team Welcome! Good Luck on your journey Gohn ! // Moved to accepted
  13. Hey, would anyone want to buy me the ZX Flamethrower in-game for credits? And if so, how much?
  14. Name: Rohan Who helped (If applicable): Timmy, Eagle, Undead Event Name: Code miners Summary of the story: A militia is mining for dangerous resources. The 11th Corps was trying to defeat them but with no success. The other battalions have been called upon the clean this mess by finding codes, unlocking the mining canisters and blowing it up. What was the result of the event?: Got orange down and destroyed it all. This battle has been won by the republic although a bigger threat might be coming soon Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up
  15. You can't reply because it's set to HA+ only to prevent any random person for replying to these threads. @Tabbycat
  16. -1, I think dreams stated it well enough...
  17. Report was voided //Locked //Moved to completed
  18. This seems quite hypocritical. -1
  19. o7, one of the only HAs who questions things instead of being the "Ye sure" type. ❤️
  20. Name: Rohan Staff Rank: Head Administrator SteamID: Unable to retrieve, use staff roster if possible. Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 7 days ; 2nd untill 9th of December Reason: My dad's a clown Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Ye Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position? Ye
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