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Everything posted by Rohan

  1. +1. This man has been the Doom I have grown under to commander and I can't say it enough: He is the greatest. He might have his ups and downs but so does everyone else. He puts A LOT of work into small and big things. For instance the sub unit we have now called "Havoc Squad" where he took the time to do stuff for it before he was even doom (Refer back to accepted suggestions). He was also basically acting BCMD before his 1st term as REGL CMD in Doom's Unit controlling everything as the BCMD stepped down and XO went on LOA. He brought DU where it is today and people might view this battalion as mingy and whatsoever in-game but the internal structure is great the way it is right now with a stable high command who does their work, an amazing Executive Officer and making sure the bad apples (No, I do not mean Apple the person) are gone from the battalion before the make a bad decision. This is all to thank yo Dennis and his pick as XO: Trixx.
  2. Very sad to hear you had a bad experience as staff on the server. Thankyou for your time as staff on Synergy, ❤️
  3. Rohan

    delete me

    Denied, look like it's voided //Moved to denied
  4. Congratulations you were accepted to the Staff Team Welcome! Good Luck on your journey // Moved to accepted
  5. This makes me very sad @Scribbles
  6. Your LOA has been logged, please contact me by doing @Rohan or @Poe to notify your LOA is over.
  7. Your ROA has been logged, please contact me by doing @Rohan or @Poe to notify your ROA is over.
  8. Your ROA has been logged, please contact me by doing @Rohan or @Poe to notify your ROA is over. Your ROA has been set to 2 weeks due to not providing a date.
  9. Your LOA has been logged, please contact me by doing @Rohan or @Poe to notify your LOA is over. Date would be appreciated next time !
  10. Name: Rohan | Obama RP Rank: Captain Suggestion: Add these maps to the event server Implementation: Adding it to the event server workshop pack and map list. Lore: N/A Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1310812021&searchtext= - rp_bremergard_forest https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1572373847&searchtext= - gm_boreas https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1307357127&searchtext= - gm_balkans (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: (Any job modification requires all this information) Job: Slots: Pay: Description: Model: (Provide the model string if on server Ex. models/player/synergy/cblake/ls_squad/ls_trp/lstrp.mdl (Get this from the Q menu) Weapons: (If you want a modfication to a weapon/saber you must put the weapon string in the suggestion. Ex. tfa_e5 (Get this from the Q menu) Other: It could help with diversity. These maps are each unique with their state of weather, lighting etc making it open for new ideas.
  11. // Locked ; Moved to answered
  12. Congratulations you were accepted to the Staff Team Welcome! Good Luck on your journey // Moved to accepted
  13. Name: Rohan Who helped (If applicable): Kase, Carvis Event Name: 21st battalion of the week [1/11/2019] Summary of the story: CIS took venator, 21st & Rancor take it back with it's content and the engineer needed for the special equipment. What was the result of the event?: They completed their objectives: - Infiltrate - Kill all droids - Retrieved equipment & engineer - Found dead clone with harpoon pierced Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up NOTE: This event was made in 1h with planning, idea and everything due to the late notification.
  14. Also their use is easier and more fun, ngl
  15. bruh extreme -1, I mean ye sure it has sirens and whatever but it's like why just shock. Let everyone have fun. Just have them get trained specifically for it. Also, this can be done in the CMD meeting instead of forums. It's more like a rule that can be changed by our directors and RP leaders rather than putting up the suggestion.
  16. I mean why not but Jimbo has to agree to making it lol
  17. Your ROA has been logged, please contact me by doing @Rohan or @Poe to notify your LOA is over.
  18. Your LOA has been logged, please contact me by doing @Rohan or @Poe to notify your LOA is over.
  19. peepeepoopoo Hello I like cookies And pandas
  20. Name: Rohan Who helped (If applicable): Kurama Event Name: Capital Supremacy Summary of the story: On a relief mission on the venator the republic Field Marshal got attacked. The CIS boarded with their new B1 Rocket droids. What was the result of the event?: MHB -> Doors -> Eng room | Inspired by Capital supremacy boarding phase 1, 2 and 3 in battlefront 2 (2017) Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Pew pew
  21. Congratulations you were accepted to the Staff Team Welcome back ! Good luck on your journey Claw ! // Locked // Moved to accepted
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