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Everything posted by Rohan

  1. +1, seems like a cool dude B)
  2. Lmao, someone just accept this smh +1
  3. Lmao so many suggestions Qal, all of them make sense tho +1
  4. Congratulations, you have been accepted for an interview.Please contact a Game Master Officer+ by the date of 2/15/2020 or be denied.Good luck Pythin ! @ Jagger @ Foxey @ Craigary @Trixx//Locked//Moved --> Pending
  5. Name: Rohan Who helped (If applicable): Enzyme, Slak, Kronez, NootNoot, Omami Event Name: 3 Commanders Summary of the story: Kamino has a redacted package that has to be delivered to a Republic facility. Venator Slate, being in the area, is chosen. The ship embarks on a journey to an asteroid field where they encounter the bad guys who want this package. They attack and the 3 commanders in the ship turn out to be commandos. What was the result of the event?: Republic victory, republic got data, leader taken down Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both Additional note: I tried the new ship I make for 21st. Although it was just one design, I hope they enjoyed it. They boarded with 501st :)))))
  6. Congratulations, you have been accepted for an interview.Please contact a Game Master Officer+ by the date of 2/15/2020 or be denied.Good luck Pythin ! @ Jagger @ Foxey @ Craigary @Trixx//Locked//Moved --> Pending
  7. Congratulations, you have been accepted for an interview.Please contact a Game Master Officer+ by the date of 2/9/2020 or be denied.Good luck Elijah ! @ Jagger @ Foxey @ Craigary @Trixx//Locked//Moved --> Pending
  8. Sorry, this is gonna be a -1 from me chief. Mainly due to that no one is getting buffs anymore.
  9. Sure +1, I like shooting people that look like civies :)
  10. Congratulations, you have been accepted for an interview. Please contact a Game Master Officer+ by the date of 2/9/2020 or be denied. Good luck Gene ! @ Jagger @ Foxey @ Craigary //Locked //Moved --> Pending
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