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Everything posted by Smeck

  1. Personally I myself have never had any issue with Dennis as a person, and frankly I think he's actually pretty enjoyable to be in a channel hanging out with. Though when you look at it objectively. He does have a bit of a bad track record with popularity and rather poor decisions made while he was in charge. Again, and I can't stress it enough, this wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't a consistent problem throughout his time on the server. If it wasn't so consistent I'd agree that most people only -1 because they feel like joining the hate bandwagon as most of them fail to have opinions of their own. However when you think of Dennis on the server I guarantee you the first thought isn't a pleasant one. If that effect shows in the server population after years and multiple commanding opportunities for change, I do not believe that you should be given this chance, as you have proved your mentality has barely improved for the better. All of this isn't to discredit you however, as no one can deny the fact that you've literally saved a couple battalions and implemented changes that would help them in the future. Though being a leader isn't just about showing results in a battalions longevity, it's also about the impact you leave on the minds of others, not just the people you're in charge of. The impact and impression you leave on others playing on the server frankly isn't great, and again, you've had many chances to fix that. Though I no longer play on the server I say all of this from being a firsthand witness to the multiple incidents of drama revolving around you, time and time again, no matter the position you hold. A needless headache after headache. At the end of the day, you show promising results, though at the cost of pointless drama and stress, it's honestly not worth it In my opinion. After all, we're all here for fun no? For that kind of outcome to consistently happen, it's well within reason to give you a -1. If I sounded a bit harsh in this Dennis, know that I for real didn't mean it that way and that I like hanging around with you in TS or whatnot, you're a cool lad. Good luck to you and the rest of your application process and any future endeavors, be it in real life or in game. -1
  2. I was honestly about to type something quite similar until I read this. Omalic is a good guy and someone I personally drew inspiration from as a SL myself before I went semi inactive due to medical reasons. Though again, I haven't been on the server in months so take this with a grain of salt. Though for whatever it's worth he has my +1 and respect.
  3. Yeah man, +1 from me. He's a good guy for staff though, trust.
  4. Just a quick disclaimer, I was not involved at all with the 5th grader drama that involved Logic, but I instead witnessed the events unfold as a bystander. Ok my guy here we go. Ima be real, what you did back then was just not cool, in any sense of the word. It frankly left a sour taste of the server in my mouth and was one of main reasons as to why I decided to take a break from this community again. I'm not one for getting hung up on past events, especially on a Garry's mod server, and I also firmly believe people change with time. However, the drama you caused and the nuisance it was for everyone involved or witnessing it was literally enough to get myself and a hand full of other people to leave for a while. I've legitimately never seen such a clown fiesta in any other video game or community and that's saying something. This is ultimately why I'm giving you a -1. All you were was a pain in the ass and a gnarly stain on this servers history. Out of a childish fit of rage you made life hell for many people in this community, many people who were and still are genuinely great fellas. The reaction you got out of them was to be expected and in my eyes only natural, though not excusable. In my opinion you should not be allowed back due to the personality and priorities that you showed you had, as you behaved more like an ape with a keyboard and mic than a Human being with "Logic". With that out of the way. I wish you good luck with the appeal, and should you be allowed back, I genuinely hope that you really did change for the better.
  5. Is the "CcMonty" Title still a thing for going hella negative?
  6. Finals week just seems like a fever dream every semester.... I genuinely don't know how I passed those tests last week bc I was just autopilot daydreaming throughout them. Literally me.
  7. What zero Fortnite does to a mf.
  8. The Flamethrower is not only more expensive than that god forsaken shotgun, but it's also pretty balanced imo. A perfect example as to how an overpriced donator weapon should be. Plenty of people have paid for that Flamethrower and are free to use it in scenarios that the 17m isn't because of said balancing. If you make your gun retard abuse proof, your problems go away. Idk why this shotgun is still so strong, as it has been whined about for months. Just make people REALLY slow when they walk with it or lower the damage (because in my opinion the dmg is fucked from any angle you look at it). To me the gun needs a rework, that's all there is to it. "jUst DiSTanCe yoURselF frOm tHe ShOtGUn rEtaRd." That's not valid counter play to the shotgun, nor is it a Valid or respectable argument against people who want it nerfed/reworked. If I could distance myself without being killed in a millisecond I wouldn't be complaining, nor would anyone else on this thread. The same people telling others it can only be used up close therefore making it balanced and fair, are likely the same fucks that gave it such a bad rep by abusing it. If you really want to spend $85 to support a server you can buy credits which can be used on a multitude of other things (things that are arguably more worth your time) instead of an abysmal mistake of a shotgun. That argument to me also isn't valid and just seems lazy. But hey, who am I to tell you what to do with your money? Later dickheads.
  9. I specifically remember yelling at Nightmare for insulting my haircut in an R6 round while this was happening as I was in the 41st TS.
  10. Leadership, I essentially boiled it down to keeping track of a small group of kindergarteners.
  11. As someone who spewed bullshit on his UCSB app and got accepted I can safely tell you that you really don't need to worry so much. Just write about your experiences and value as a human being. The Synergy thing Heart mentioned is funny but it legit works, trust. It can be applied to other things in your app as well, not just the server obviously.
  12. Smeck


    This fucking guy.......
  13. It's actually so sad man.... Legit had me bummed the whole day. He was a great guy and didn't deserve the struggles he was forced to deal with. The world will be a bleaker place without him in it.
  14. Thanks for the quirky medal you gave me one time for going on a 52 player killstreak. Will cherish forever.
  15. Elijah, we've known each other for years and have been decent acquaintances since we first met. Because of this, know that this -1 isn't personal as I genuinely think you're a great lad and the order wouldn't be the same without you. With that being said I can't in good faith give you a +1 because I've seen the way you have run some of your branches. A recent example being the Sentinels. If I'm not mistaken at one point you had 3 or 4 reports on you and were as inactive as it got. The multiple reports and "apparent" neglection of the suffering Sentinel branch a couple of months ago are ultimately the reasoning for my -1. Because if the way you run your branches are any indication as to how you will do as Yoda, I do not think you are the right candidate at this time. Now with that out of the way I sincerely wish you good luck with your application, and should you get the position, I believe you have it in you to prove me wrong.
  16. He'll be back give it a couple months lmao. See you when I see you fart head.
  17. Smeck


    If you guys don't fuck w Cookie Crisps we can't be homies anymore.
  18. +1 Actually such a cool lad. He runs his squad just fine imo and I believe a second term would be swag. Literally never had a bad interaction with this guy. Whip it up bossman.
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