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Everything posted by Jayarr

  1. First off: It does require skill seeing as I was a knight V and guardian manager. Trials were hard because mastering rhino was fucking hard as hell and required a lot of learning with the dooku hilt, default hilt, and saber staffs. There are hitboxes to learn, critical point to learn etc. Second off: Open your eyes. Jedi aren't the only thing on the damn server. Clones would get justice from this going through because of the optimization that will be provided. It's major. Clones are what SWRP are built off and casting them to the side for other things is folly.
  2. I fucking love rhino, +1 as hell
  3. Coming from someone who was red guard for a year or so amd protected senators, y'all are fine as is in my opinion. Just hold more tryouts maybe and get some good active people is all there need be said.
  4. +1 As I stated before "Completely fair in my eyes. Would make battalions with good weapons actually be meaningful and gain more recruits aswell as toughen up these spoiled bois who haven't lived in the time without perma weapons."
  5. Completely fair in my eyes. Would make battalions with good weapons actually be meaningful and gain more recruits aswell as toughen up these spoiled bois who haven't lived in the time without perma weapons.
  6. The fact that I'm not allowed in staff
  7. Why are they so fucking neon purple dude
  8. This is my wallpaper as of now since I made it in SFM.
  9. Kinda looks dumb but I get you. +1
  10. Jayarr

    187th Models

    That would have been an okay idea if the models weren't paid for preemptively. Gotta hit that -1
  11. Jayarr

    187th Models

    You explained your idea, but how would said idea work? Make them all CTs? Make them all 21st nova core? Make them all commando droids? If CT's, then I doubt this will really work. Though I agree spending over 300+ on models is a little risky.
  12. Wallpaper engine, I change it a lot.
  13. One of the greater bly's I have witnessed in my time, aside from tristan. +1
  14. I lost a few brain cells from this.
  15. +1 I remember you as burnt cheeto commander under black mamba when I was senior commander and always fucked with him and 212th. Epic gamer moment.
  16. He did an hour long debrief once. An hour long
  17. What doc said. The fact of the matter is that y'all are on a fucking RP server and you complain about having to do RP. Honestly you all make no sense a majority of the time. If you don't want to do the RP go afk for a sec to grab some cheetos or whatever then come back and it will be over just like that. For now I remain neutral but I just wanted to point out how silly these -1's have been.
  18. Old 104th pal. I miss doin regimental shit with you and the boys. Take me back PepeHands
  19. +1 I've always loved 101st and CT, I used to be an XO for it on icefuse. It would only be bad because of the people leading it. I doubt any jobs need to be removed for this one.
  20. I make stuff in SFM or work on maps for gmod when i'm bored or stressed or need something to do, helps out a lot to just do something.
  21. +1 Now that's an actual idea to prevent job swapping. I like this one. Would be good to hear from shock.
  22. +1 Though I heard the sound is earrape loud so some lad needs to hop on that.
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