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Posts posted by Jad

  1. It can be a bit pricier, but I'd definitely look into a dual wall mount with your setup. that way your desk isn't in the way or restricting. If you go with the wall mount you could easily go with two 21.5" monitors with 1920x1080 or 4k even.

    • Friendly 1
  2. If I remember correctly, this feature was originally removed with the 2nd WiltOS update when doing a performance check. Having weapons/sabers appear on your character added more moving parts to each player and could increase temporary entities lag. With the correct know-how and implementation it might be possible to bring it back with less of a performance hit. We'd also have to look into ensuring they wouldn't appear when /cloak or the cloaking device is used, which I'm not sure is possible but it might be.


    Edit: We're looking into potentially doing a pretty big WiltOS overhaul. When this happens we'll look into how possible it is to do this again if time allows it :pepe5head:

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  3. Honestly this topic is a really common one. I even offered to attempt removing the arresting role from CG multiple times to allow them to participate with other battalions on their level. But each time it seemed like something really kept them wanting to remain in their roles. I definitely think the battalion isn't for everyone, but it definitely has a place for those looking for a job in a sea of clones that's more authoritarian or police like. There's an enormous amount of potential in CG for some great roleplay interactions as well. Back when I was Spec Reg I spent a large amount of time with CG's Tracker unit (ARF is the best REG) and honestly it was insane the RP present. From running with Massiffs to complete investigator roleplay to figure out the big bad guys location. Currently I think the mix of both, arresting, and roleplay that is offered by them is great when performed correctly. But at times it can leave the battalion pushing further to one side and leaving the other side absent.

    TLDR; Depends on the BCMD and Officers as to if CG like their jobs or not.

    • Agree 6

    10 hours ago, Dono said:

    There would definitely be less toxicity / disgruntlement from the players towards the founders.

    I wish this was true but it very clearly isn't. Unfortunately something we've had to come to terms with as Founders is that if someone is looking for a reason to be upset they will more then likely find one or follow misinformation.

    Originally we were against giving our server specs as we weren't entirely sure how secure everything was. Giving away hardware details sounds like a small thing. But when hardware vulnerabilities happen the last thing we want is for the vulnerabilities to be used against us or our players to harm or ruin their experiences in any way. After enough time had passed we were positive in our security and systems in place to not have to worry anymore.



      Xaze ~ 

    10 hours ago, Dono said:

    Do we split the server box with other customers from the server host?

    This is a dedicated box, and we do not share resources with any other servers .


    10 hours ago, Dono said:

    what is the actual utilization of the box we get or how much do we actually have as our own to utilize?

    Please keep in mind Garry's Mod is single threaded game, meaning we can't fully utilize multi-core capabilities for lag prevent. We're really looking at single core speed when it comes to this really old game 


    • Informative 1
  5. All files that are required to play on our servers are auto pulled for download when connecting. If cleaning out your files before connecting didn't fix the issue I'd check your firewall or antivirus to make sure it's not blocking Garrys Mod from downloading content.

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  6. Please unsubscribe from all of our packs and then follow these instructions.

    Step 1: Navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/addons
    Step 2: Select ALL files within this folder and press "DELETE"
    Step 3: Navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/cache/workshop
    Step 4: Select ALL .gma files (leave the resources folder) and press "DELETE"
    Step 5: Navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/cache/lua
    Step 6: Select ALL files within this folder and press "DELETE"
    Step 7: Navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/download
    Step 8: You guessed it, select ALL files within and press "DELETE"
    Step 9: One last time, navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/downloadlist
    Step 10: Select ALL files within and press "DELETE"

    Try connecting to the server without resubscribing to the packs.

    Let me know if this helped!

  7. Hey guys! If possible i'd really prefer if this conversation came to a close here. I don't personally believe we're going to come to any conclusions here that would satisfy everyone. As always I will be available for any other questions either during the Q&A, the forums, or even Discord. If you have genuine or urgent concerns feel free to reach out!

    I would like to leave this conversation off on a good note though. I truly appreciate the people who continue to put in hard work to make Synergy a great community regardless of your position! Stay strong and keep those chins up, we'll get everything sorted out one way or another.



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  8. Sounds like you have some audio caching issues. I'd recommend cleaning out your files.

    Unsubscribe from our packs. Then follow this list.
    Step 1: Navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/addons
    Step 2: Select ALL files within this folder and press "DELETE"
    Step 3: Navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/cache/workshop
    Step 4: Select ALL .gma files (leave the resources folder) and press "DELETE"
    Step 5: Navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/cache/lua
    Step 6: Select ALL files within this folder and press "DELETE"
    Step 7: Navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/download
    Step 8: You guessed it, select ALL files within and press "DELETE"
    Step 9: One last time, navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/downloadlist
    Step 10: Select ALL files within and press "DELETE"

  9. 2 hours ago, Yekkow said:

    To sum this all up: Development, Founders, and Management have seemingly done an awful job at taking care of the thing that they are responsible for and, in turn, it has withered up and died. The reason I call them all out is due to the fact that they are meant to be a team responsible with maintaining the server and keeping it healthy. I understand that I am comparing the server to something like a plant (A flower in my mind) but it is what fits the best. To have a proper environment for people to Roleplay there must be a structure of people who take their roles of maintenance seriously and it is clear to me now that they do not.

    I'm terribly sorry to hear of your experiences in our community. But, there's something that really hit a nerve here for me. Please explain what we have done or not done in this case. I'm genuinely confused which is why I'm asking. Regarding transparency, the map hasn't been in development for a year in a half. I'm not quite sure where you heard that from but, @Jayarr officially joined our development team this year and has poured his heart and soul into getting everyone a map they can truly enjoy. If you showed up to the Q&A you would've heard why development has been slow as well. Just in case you didn't read the thread or listen to the recording I'll list those reasons as well. Development had to come to a full stop when we started to run into stability issues, our only source of action was to start a server clean. When this clean started it meant that we could no longer add content as it would increase the length of the clean and further decrease server stability. For further transparency; A server clean means a complete rebuild of the server, from going through all the add-ons to the very large amount of lua scripts. Everything has to be checked, deleted, re-made, and updated. The server clean is coming to a close which means development is full speed ahead on getting content out to make up for the time spent on the clean. Most of the files being reworked or "Shwacked" (Stole that one from Maxwells) is linked to other files in a never ending mess of spaghetti. Untangling this mess and putting it all back together has been a ridiculous consumption of time. Sure it could of been done quicker, if we all did this as full time jobs. Synergy is not something we can call a full time job even in the slightest, it is a passion project that we welcome everyone to participate in.

    Current Development members are Coordinator @Maxwells Devs @Jayarr@Daytona211 Dev Assistants @Xaze@Baron with myself and @Square
    I refuse for any of these members to be called failures as they are working their asses off trying to get the server its best possible content. From reworking the entirety of our databases to ensure proper transfers of items and stats to creating entire new systems to further player engagement.

    On the Management side of things we have our Coordinator @Woeny and our lone member @Sock Monkey. Sock nonstop checks everything Synergy related, from player interaction to how staff are performing. Woeny Is the general community overseer ensuring that all practices and standards Synergy related are being upheld and only stepping in when necessary. These two are insanely at-tentative to almost everything happening within Synergy. Both of them are constantly looking into ways to improve the community and are incredibly disheartened by posts such as these.


    3 hours ago, Yekkow said:

    The biggest issue I have found is that the people of the highest authority seemingly fail to see that the server is dying and has issues, or if they do see it, they try to ignore it because they think it would be easier to not deal with the problems. Why be in a position of power if you are not going to be responsible with said power? As you can see, the more we start to sit down and think about these things the more Red Flags arise.

    We don't believe the server is dying because we can see player interaction and direct player population. Since our time as founders, population has actually increased by a fair amount and we take great care to continue facilitating anything that would increase population even more. Your Red flags you're speaking of are great but please provide examples of these as I may be able to provide further insight. We've not once ignored anything that has affected our community in a negative fashion. We're fully aware of current population being decreased and it's because of lack of updates, and lack of new players is from a server browser issue. The server browser issue is being addressed during the clean and should be taken care of once done.

    TLDR; I feel you've come to conclusions based off second hand information, and that's incredibly unfortunate. You're welcome back anytime to eat your words.

    • Agree 2
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  10. 4 minutes ago, Whataburger said:

    Breaking bad - Netflix. Drama. Drugs. Thriller

    Obi-Wan - Disney+ . Starwars. Jedi 

    Money Heist - Netflix. Really good show about robbing a bank, its also in spanish but its dubbed.

    Then yea basically finish the marvel movies and your good

    I've seen Breaking Bad and loved it.
    I'm keeping up with Obi-Wan to prevent being spoiled by others
    Never heard of Money Heist but I'll add it to the list.

  11. I work mainly from home and have been out of the loop when it comes to good shows and movies! For example; Last week I watched End Game as I finally caught up on most Marvel movies. Just found out I missed two spider man movies and plan on watching them soon.
    Literally any genre I'll be making a list of priority to start watching.

    If you could also provide a brief description on the show that would be amazing.

  12. 12 minutes ago, Piff said:

    best way to keep server pop is by keeping people involved and updated with monthly or weekly things like a newsletter and giving people attention where it’s needed like a game basically where where roadmaps are set which you don’t need to put a deadline for when a update drops just let people know it’s in the working and giving attention to people in the community for something they did if it’s needed I mean I could take or leave this one but it exposes people to things that they didn’t know where going on.


  13. 9 minutes ago, Hanz said:

    But whats the plan if it doesn't work

    I have a couple ideas I can push forward which would definitely boost population as backup. Unfortunately announcing them early kind of defeats the excitement factor players would be looking for. I know how much it sucks to be told there's a plan but not given any information. Just bare with me, I feel the same way.


    Edit: The update also has a lot more content than just a new map.

    • Informative 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Hanz said:

    Whats the plan if the update doesn't fix the population? It will of course bring in lots of players for a few weeks for all the new things, but the Venator did that same thing, but we see where that took us.

    We've had the Server Browser issue for a good while now so I'm sure it will address the issue. Obviously population won't immediately explode, but give it time for us to normalize again and it should be fine. Also, server performance above 95-100 players has been horrendous. Most players would leave around this point as it is way too laggy. One of the largest points of the full server box clean is to also address this issue.

  15. 4 hours ago, Dono said:

    I think the founders just need to communicate more with the rest of the community directly.

    Discontent toward the people up top will always grow when the people below them receive little amounts of information on when things they are concerned about will be addressed. For the past year + I have been in this community, there has been a pretty strong underlining discontent with founders / management due to the repeated lack of communication for development and delays. The trello is great but honestly it doesn't really tell any of the players in this community what is actually going on with development and server suggestions in real time. I think a lot of hype and excitement could be built with more communication on what is being done behind the scenes to keep making the server better. If there was some discord channel or something on the main discord that just listed progress of development as it goes, people would be more engaged to keep playing on the server. Having a couple weeks without any information about development is fine, going months without any development updates is draining for the entire community. I would like to think that every person here understands that the founders and developers aren't going to be always free to do gmod stuff - I dont think anyone thinks they should either. Don't take this as we need updates every day on whats going on, that's not what any of us are asking for - just give out status updates on regularly. It would go a long way in boosting server morale. Releasing bits of information more often doesn't lessen the impact of an update coming out. You dont have to spill every secret thing your working on, just give people something to look forward to over time instead of leaving the community in the dark, time and time again.

    Honestly I agree to some extent, I have something in the works which I talked about in Square's update on development thread. I'll be announcing it soon once I have everything setup. I've wanted to do it for a while but was waiting for a couple puzzle pieces to fall in place first.

  16. 1 hour ago, Ccmonty said:

    for me personally i think founder interaction is good. blue barrel supreme is fun to pick up and watch it bounce


     i think people are mainly concerned about server pop because back in the day we would get 60-70+ people on everyday even in down time but honestly where we are at right now is about average for most star wars rp servers

    It's just a barrel. :peepoLove:

    Yeah I get the server pop being a concern, but thankfully we have a solution. Main thing hurting population right now is how long it takes our server to appear on the server browser. It can take upwards of 1-3 minutes before ours pops up and other servers are already there. Newer players will just join one of the ones already appearing before ever letting the rest load in. Next update should address this! (Thank God)

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