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Posts posted by Jad

  1. To be honest here, I don't really see the problem with one shot weapons.

    • Bounty Hunters are really the only faction I see potentially being harmed by one shot weapons. BUT I also feel by them having access to use these weapons  it balances out.
    • CIS faction can spawn in droids to assist or can bring large numbers.
    • Simulations can outright ban the usage of certain weapons.
    • GM's are trained to adapt and change things as situations happen. If that means more droids or more HP on event jobs then so be it.

    I'd much rather see a forum suggestion page that is more towards critiquing the current state of the weapons and looking for community feedback to see how to change it for the better of the server.

    • Agree 6
  2. Cool suggestion, but I'm not sure how viable it would be to have the effect happen from every shot. The disintegration effect upon death can cause severe performance issues for players in the vicinity. R.I.P Lightsaber Rifle for the same reason. As of the current moment, I feel the rifle is sitting in a nice balance of occasionally giving you the effect. Regardless I'm still interested to see the amount of feedback this thread receives.

    • Agree 1
  3. Yes, don't worry the store was the first step. We're going to be preforming balances across the board.

    Edit: Also do keep in mind regardless of the changes we do. Someone somewhere will be upset of an increase or decrease. A rework is needed to set us up for future endeavors. Balance now add more content later, etc.

    • Agree 4
    • Informative 4
  4. Let me start off by saying, Piff I genuinely appreciate the effort and time you put into making this suggestion.

    But, this suggestion as a whole confuses me.  It seems people aren't quite understanding what message you're trying to convey. So with that in mind I'd recommend you void the suggestion for now before it becomes a debate and or meme. That way you can re-post the suggestion at a future date to ensure you have everything written correctly and to make it easier for people to follow along.

    • Agree 3
  5. So, I believe I've read everything so far in this thread. I see mixed opinions here so it's looking like a rough 50/50 of people liking it or hating it. Instead of pointing fingers to the players who use the weapon or the mentality to use the weapon lets instead push our effort over towards addressing the problem. I love to see threads like this because it can give us a chance to really reflect on what we would rather see from something that upsets people. Hopefully this doesn't completely derail this threads purpose but I'd like to see some suggestions into fixing an issue instead of complaints.

    On 11/30/2020 at 1:34 PM, Merrill said:

    The server would be better off if the DC-17m had more of the flamethrower vibe going for it: Wacky, fun, and debatably useful. Perhaps downgrading damage but jacking up fire-rate, making it akin to the AA-12. Or, increase magazine size, jack up the spread massively, and have it be the "vomiting bullets" gun. Anything could go, except for what we have right now.


    Like this^
    Honestly anything is up for debate on how we can change or modify the weapon.
    Here's an example: During one of Joahs events, we modified the Smart Launcher to have a 1000 round magazine and Z6 fire-rate to use it as a turbo cannon.

    Damage, fire-rate, spread, reload speed, magazine capacity, player movement speed, recoil, overall DPS. I'm sure I'm missing a few things, but you get the point. There's a ton we can do to anything to make it more appropriate in players eyes, all that requires is a general consensus and a suggestion posted.

    • Agree 1
  6. Because of the confusion as to what this suggestion is asking for, I recommend you void your suggestion. Then get into contact with Management and re post the suggestion where it is more clear for people to read. If you feel Oxen would receive a better turnaround in +1's feel free to have him post it as well. I'm suggesting this purely so you can get your points across more clear without having multiple people attempt to explain the process of implementation.

    • Agree 5
    • Funny 1
    • Winner 4
  7. Just from looking at Task Manager it appears your RAM is bottle necking your comp. How much do you have? If you have less than 8GB of RAM you need a serious upgrade. I recommend closing Chrome whenever you're trying to play something as it has been known to cause massive memory leaks. Also please send a picture of your Task Manager sorted by Memory usage when possible.

  8. [WAIVED]

    Steam Name: Jadinks



    RP Name: CT-5108/8843 "Corr"



    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:29443535



    Regiment you are applying for: Specialized




    • 91st Recon Colonel / Discipline Officer
    • Sith Dark Honor Guard Lord of Discipline
    • CT-5108/8843 "Corr"



    Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

    I've been around the role-play scene of Garry's Mod for a little over seven years now. During my time of joining communities and participating with various groups of people I have adapted a supportive role and mindset. In my personal opinion, the role of Regimental Commander would be best suited and used as a supportive role to assist and help refine already in place structure in battalions. When it comes to experience, on paper I don't have nearly as much experience compared to others. I will however be able to promise dedication to prove my worth and experience I have earned over the years.



    Do you understand the lore of your regiment?: Yes.



    The 104th Battalion is led by Jedi General Plo Koon. His second in command is CC-3636 who went by the nickname of "Wolffe". 104th was involved in multiple campaigns, Rising Malevolence, rescue on Vanqor, Citadel Rescue, and the Return to Felucia to name the most commonly known. During the Malevolence campaign, 104th and Plo Koon managed to track down a Subjugator class heavy cruiser(The Malevolence) which had reports of a new super weapon. General Plo Koon ordered an assault on the Subjugator when Comms were discovered to be jammed, The subjugator initiated from a further range and destroyed the "Triumphant" and two other cruisers leaving the 104th severely maimed in terms of numbers. This assault wiped out the entire battalion except for Commander Wolffe, Sergeant Sinker, Boost and Plo koon.  Towards the end of the Malevolence campaign the 104th began to bore dark blue markings on their armor in respect of fallen comrades. Their armor changed again before the First Battle of Felucia to a more greyish-black.

    Doom's Unit

    Doom's Unit is led by Jedi Generals Tiplar and Tiplee. Second in command being Commander Doom. They specialize in using Z-6 rotary blaster cannons, blast shields, and Electromagnetic Pulse grenades. The main campaign they took part in was the Battle of Ringo Vinda. During the battle of Ringo Vinda, Doom's Unit and 501st utilized their blaster shields within the space station. A malfunction happened with 501st Tup's inhibitor chip which forced him to kill General Tiplar.


    21st Nova Corps/Special Ops

    The Galactic Marines, also known as the 21st Nova Corps is led by Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi. Mundi's Second in command is CC-1138 who has the nickname "Bacara". They are well known for their unique phase II armor and relentless tactics on the battlefield. The Galactic Marines participated in Outer Rim Sieges with Mundi and Bacara leading the unit in an assault on the Separatist planet of Mygeeto. 

    [LEGENDS] At the Battle of New Bornalex, the Galactic Marines made use of prototype spacetrooper powersuits. Although the weapon systems on their new suits failed, the Marines continued to fight on. They engaged B2 super battle droids in hand-to-hand combat, using the enhanced strength granted to them by their powersuits.Source


    Special Ops, is commanded by Commander “Blackout” and, Commander CC-1993 “Jet”. Special Ops was used for unique missions as they were trained in swift deployment, tactics, and stealth. 

    [LEGENDS] One of the more notable assignments was on Geonosis under General Mundi. Because of their specialized training and equipment they were a large asset to detecting not so easily spotted or heard targets and traps, this allowed them to sense Geonosian wing vibrations. The information gathered allowed them to be as prepared as possible for large Geonosian force ahead. Unfortunately many troopers lives were lost purely due to the overwhelming numbers and tactics employed by the Geonosians. Eventually they made it to the rendezvous located at Obi-Wan Kenobi.Source


    Shock/Coruscant Guard

    The Coruscant Guard commanding officers are, Commander CC-1010 "Fox", Commander CC-4477 “Thire”, Commander CC-5869 “Stone” and Commander “Thorn”. The Coruscant Guard is a division of elite shock troopers organized to serve as peacekeepers and protect the capital planet of Coruscant. Their jobs varied wildly, prison guards, street patrols with civilian police officers, senate guards, hostage rescue units, diplomatic escorts all while fulfilling normal military functions. The Coruscant Guard being trained to deal with many situations has directly involved them in various scenarios and altercations. One of the more notable altercations being;  when Commander Stone, and a squad of shock troopers accompanied Senator Kharrus to deliver a spice ransom to a band of pirates that had captured Count Dooku. They were then ambushed by rogue pirates who wanted the spice for themselves. This ambush resulted in Kharrus and the shuttle pilots to be killed. Leaving Stone, three shock troopers, and Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks left to deal with the situation.




    I work from home as a consultant and independent contractor. My play time varies widely depending on what I'm working on. My daily minimum of hours on the server is consistently 3 hours. However, I am on Discord and in Teamspeak for much longer and available nearly 24/7 provided I am not sleeping.



    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

    • Med Lead in 91st
    • Sharpshooter Lead in 91st
    • Eng Lead in 91st
    • Lightning Squad member
    • Promoted to Lord in the Sith order.
    • Acquiring the lore job of CT-5108/8843 "Corr"



    Do you have a microphone?: Yes.



    Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

    • Battalion retention to stabilize with at least 10+ different members on daily.
    • Intel teams and documentation to be refined and streamlined for future members.
    • Transparent in role-play standards and disciplinary actions.



    How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

    Communication is my number one goal. Having the battalions actively discuss concerns, problems, and potential solutions as a whole. For problems to be addressed, it needs to be a team effort that everyone including myself should participate in. With that said, transparency is also largely going to help improve relations not only within the regiment but outside the regiment as well. I wish to work alongside each battalion and assist with already on going changes and future changes.



    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes.



    Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes.


    Note: I have not included my experience on other servers as to show just what I've done on Synergy alone. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask on this app, or message me directly.

    • Winner 2
  9. I've been around for Grum's whole term. Sadly he didn't get to move forward with a few of his plans. But the effort put into the 41st was really impressive. Watching all the changes and the behind the scenes work for each battalion gives me high hopes for his next term. I think this would be a great opportunity for Grum to prove that he can keep his word, and continue working on the Recon battalions. Best of luck Grum!

  10. 1 hour ago, Buzz said:

    Erm, sorry to break your solution but the Enable Ironsights DoF isn't the issue, I just ran across it and it isn't even checked, even though mine was way worse than yours. Easy fix is just closing GMOD completely and reopening it.

    If it happens to me again I'll get video.

    That's nuts, alright I edited the post. I was so sure that it was the fix all solution, and that it was TFA being wonky with DoF. I'll keep testing if I can recreate it with other methods.

  11. After doing some testing I have found what causes the issue. "Enable Ironsights DoF" in the performance menu under "TFA SWEP Base Settings". When this is enabled I can recreate the bug perfectly, disabling it fixes the problem for some people.

    • Winner 1
  12. I'm assuming this is very rare and only happening to a select few. If anyone has seen bug in game please post here, I'm going to compile a list of names.

    Edit: No longer need people to post if they can create the issue.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Joah said:

    Is this happening on the main server and how the hell is it happening. ?

    It seems to be case by case from what i'm finding. It happens on Main and Event. If it's something with workshop; I did a fresh install when the addon pack was updated.

  14. 4 minutes ago, JaBaku said:

    Ok so it wasn’t my end I thought I broke my screen and I was on the way to buy a new one 🥴

    I thought it was something with my GPU at first. Then I managed to recreate the problem.

    Edit: I also noticed that it's not my whole screen. It doesn't cause any issues with UI.

  15. Bug Type (Server:): Graphical (CWRP)

    Severity level (1-3): 3

    Evidence (if you can):  SEIZURE WARNING https://imgur.com/a/KUOQ49q

    Description of the bug: Screen Rapidly flashes white. The frequency of flashing appears to change with frame rate.

    How can we recreate it: 
    Step One: Enter third person.

    Step Two: Zoom in with any weapon (I tested with DC-17's, DC-15A, and a DC-15s).

    Step Three: Exit third person.

    Solution for some: After doing some testing I have found what causes the issue. Q Menu > Options > TFA SWEP Base Settings > Performance > Enable Iron sights DoF. When this is enabled I can recreate the bug perfectly, disabling it fixes the problem.

    Screenshot 1: No flashing                        170074a41c.jpg
    Screenshot 2: With Flashing                   1d58785de8.jpg
    Screenshot 3: Flashing from video       1cae65e57d.jpg

    People who have encountered a similar but not the same bug:




    People who have recreated the Bug:







    Edit: I didn't try much to try and get it to stop. Disconnecting resolves the issue until you do the three steps again on accident.

    Edit 2: Screenshots for those uncomfortable with opening the video.

    Edit 3: Solution for some was found.




    • Agree 1
    • Winner 2
    • Friendly 2
  16. 8/10 - It gave each trooper a chance to participate one way or another. I saw lots of people getting involved who weren't originally involved. Events that can suck people into RP without them trying too hard are perfect for new recruits. It also allows more veterans of the server to sculpt situations as needed. All around great job.

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