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Everything posted by Jad

  1. We already have something in the works, it should be apart of our UI overhaul plans if everything goes smoothly. We've been looking at upgrading the entire F4 menu experience for a good while now
  2. Needs more space, I don't want my name touching Forseens.
  3. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  4. Fixed. It's related to your subscriber package. I just reassigned your rank, you should be good now
  5. Hello! If you'd like further information on your store support ticket I would recommend responding to the ticket itself as we will not disclose information related to anything in store support on the public side of forums. I know this isn't the answer you're looking for but, it's the best I can give you here.
  6. -100 Rep for not following Server Suggestion rules. But, I'll leave the suggestion up and just lock it for now.
  7. Tonight on restart we are hoping to have skillpoints fixed. It has been more of a pain in the ass than we intended it to be. This will include a rollback to Saturdays backup to save skill points that were lost from people putting points into the weird demo trees.
  8. The abbreviations were put into place as placeholders so we could see what battalions actually needed. We already intended to go back through and touch up each unit to what fits their needs.
  9. I've been hearing some conflicting opinions regarding the Sabers appearing on characters' waist. Currently we're not sure if keeping them around is the best move as they do take a toll on server performance as well. Regarding performance; The Sabers basically count as entities on every Jedi if that makes sense. The results of this poll aren't a final answer as to if we're keeping them or not, it's more so we can get a feel for the communities opinion of them.
  10. This suggestion has been VOIDED. If the same suggestion is submitted again within 60 DAYS of this post it will be automatically denied. // LOCKED // MOVED TO [CW] SERVER SUGGESTIONS - DENIED
  11. We're still testing around with the new droids. There's most likely going to be some changes soon so I'd hold off on making suggestions that revolve around that.
  12. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  13. Not a bug, that's how player damage resistance and damage variables work. The C menu is a general guide not a end all be all for stats.
  14. This suggestion has been IMPLEMENTED. (Suggestions that have been implemented into the server)
  16. This suggestion has been moved to PREPARATION PHASE. (Suggestions that have been tested and are ready to be pushed for the next Server Update)
  17. This suggestion has been moved to PREPARATION PHASE. (Suggestions that have been tested and are ready to be pushed for the next Server Update)
  18. This suggestion has been moved to PREPARATION PHASE. (Suggestions that have been tested and are ready to be pushed for the next Server Update)
  19. This suggestion has been moved to PREPARATION PHASE. (Suggestions that have been tested and are ready to be pushed for the next Server Update)
  20. This suggestion has been moved to PREPARATION PHASE. (Suggestions that have been tested and are ready to be pushed for the next Server Update)
  21. This suggestion has been moved to DEVELOPMENT PHASE. (Suggestions that are being coded, set-up & tested on the development server to see if they fit the server and are without major conflicts)
  22. This suggestion has been moved to DEVELOPMENT PHASE. (Suggestions that are being coded, set-up & tested on the development server to see if they fit the server and are without major conflicts)
  23. This suggestion has been moved to DEVELOPMENT PHASE. (Suggestions that are being coded, set-up & tested on the development server to see if they fit the server and are without major conflicts)
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